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公司性质: 私营企业
所属行业: 银行
职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期 -
信贷风险主任(工作地点:湖北天门.. 上海 大专及以上 1-3 年 不限 1 面议 2017-02-12 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 1-3 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海-奉贤区 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
在这个职位上,您将需要:1.协助首席信贷官制定并完善信贷政策、规章制度、操作流程等;2.以审慎的方式及时审核业务部提交的信贷申请;3.跟踪、监控信贷业务进程,定期进行年中审查;4.监控各类信贷指标,确保信贷资产质量;5.确保对信贷操作相关人员的培训,提高相关人员的风险意识。 合格的任职者,您需要满足以下要求:1.本科以上学历, 5年以上金融服务行业工作经验,至少3年银行信贷业务或风险管理经验, 有外资银行工作经验者优先;2.熟悉信贷业务,掌握信贷风险控制知识,了解相关法律法规;3.谙熟本地市场和村镇银行业务需求者优先;4. 较强的分析能力;5.良好的沟通及影响他人的能力; -
支行行长(工作地点:湖北天门) 广州市 大专及以上 1-3 年 不限 1 面议 2017-02-12 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 1-3 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市-荔湾区 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
在这个职位上,您将需要:1.制定并完成支行业务发展计划及目标2.从现有客户得到的收益最大化,并不断争取新客户3.根据公司安排和指导,从事新的业务模式的试点和推广4.配合公司进行新产品的研发和推出,并及时进行有效地反馈5.确保支行运营高效、具备高水平的服务6.确保按照集团标准和政策操作,妥善遏制合规风险7.全力带领、指导和培养团队成员 合格的任职者,您需要满足以下要求:1.大专以上学历。2.8年以上金融行业工作经验,至少3年以上管理经验, 有客户管理工作经验者优先。3.至少2年银行信贷业务经验,掌握信用分析的实践能力,具备农业领域银行业务知识或工作经验者优先。4.了解当地金融市场,拥有广泛的客户资源及良好的客户关系。5.突出的自我表现激励能力,注重结果,能适应起步阶段且不断变化的业务环境。6.良好的沟通、社交及影响他人的能力。 -
汇丰中国营运、科技及服务部未来.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 5 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 5 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
汇丰中国运营、科技及服务部未来领袖计划以培养HOST未来领导者为目标,提供为期24个月全面的在职培训、课堂培训及跨职能、跨部门、跨城市及海外轮岗机会,创造充分发挥自我潜力、实现迅速成长的职场平台,为HOST培养和储备未来专业经理人,迎接数字时代银行业的机遇和挑战。HOST(营运、科技及服务部)包括:-Chief Operating Officer Office-Transformation-Operations-Information Technology-Corporate Real Estate-Procurement工作地点: 上海招收对象: 全日制在读学生(本科/研究生),且为2020年毕业应届生正式的招聘将于2019年9月开始,请关注“汇丰人才招聘”公众号 -
2019 HSBC China Student Progra.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
2019 China Student Programme汇丰银行中国学生计划我们看到了不可限量的未来。你呢?在全球范围内,经济增长带来新的繁荣;企业正在开拓新的航线;具有财富和影响力的新的中心不断涌现。在汇丰,我们的业务和客户正改变着世界,为此我们深受鼓舞。这就是我们一直致力寻找来自世界各地最优秀的人才的源动力。加入我们吧!让我们来帮助你实现你在事业上的抱负。汇丰中国学生计划提供给你非常实用的工作体验。你将有机会充分运用在学校所学知识,帮助你思考将来职业发展的起点和方向。持续时间:每周工作2-5个工作日,为期2-12个月实习领域:工商金融业务部;零售银行与财富管理部;零售银行及财富管理电子银行部;环球资金管理部;汇丰中国营运、服务及科技部;全球职能部门及其他实习地点:中国大陆各分行实习要求:中国籍在读本科/研究生(即大一,大二,大三,大四,研一,研二)点击此处提交你的在线申请HSBC China Student ProgrammeWe see a future with so much to offer.Do you?Around the world, growth is bringing new prosperity; businesses are pioneering new trade routes; and new centres of wealth and influence are emerging. At HSBC, we’re inspired by the ways the world is changing for our business and for our customers. That’s why we’re looking to connect with the best and the brightest people from across the globe. With so much to offer, we’re ideally placed to help you realise your ambitions.The China Student Programme provides a combination of practical on-the-job experience, project-based work and a good understanding of the business area in which you are placed. You will have the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge gained from university, and develop a good grounding to help you decide what area of the bank you would like to start a career. You will also have the opportunity to develop your professional network with colleagues across the bank.Duration:Up to 12 months of paid internship(starting date subject to selection completion)Areas:Commercial Banking;Retail Banking and Wealth Management;Retail Banking and Wealth Management -Digital;Global Liquidity and Cash Management;HSBC Operations,Services and Technology;Global Functions and OthersLocation:Mainland ChinaWho can apply?Full-time undergraduate/postgraduate students, and can provide a valid student ID. Be capable for2-5 working days of internship per week. Chinese nationality. Pleaseclick hereto submit online applicationAchieve your potential at HSBC. -
信用卡业务支持助理 佛山市 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1、在分支行营业网点提供信用卡相关业务的服务 2、在业务工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交信用卡进件等相关报告。 岗位要求: 1、本科或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业工作经验者优先考虑; 3、性格开朗,有较强的责任感和团队合作精神 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇 作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。 悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。 安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。 未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。 张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。 选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。 心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 (Mob.. 上海 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; 福利待遇 作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。 悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。 安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。 未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。 张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。 选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。 心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡业务拓展主任HSBC China (.. 东莞市 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-东莞市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/VLIN/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Manager Card Service.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 07 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 07 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Outsourcing management: -Oversee the outsourced services by Global Service Center, such as Dispute & Chargeback, Fraud Claim, and back office customer services to make sure the end to end business runs effective and the operational risks be in control. Risk & Control: -Utilize risk and control framework to manage Risks, Control Monitoring Plan, and incident. Training: -Execute Cards & Loans Business Services learning curves, and coordinating resources in facilitating trainings. Subject Matter Expect: -Participate bank wide projects, enable business growth, and achieve operational efficiency. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: It requires strong expertise in Card Scheme, 3rd party payment companies. It requires excellent communication skills to engage various stakeholders to reach Win-Win agreement. It requires good business awareness and excellent problem solving skills to make judgment in a constantly changing regulatory environment. It requires insights of the Market, the products and the end to end process, along with the up-to-date view in the digital driven world. Knowledge/Special Skills Requirements - Solid knowledge of cards products and services and procedures - Strong problem solving & Multi-Task management abilities - Experienced in process review and project management - Team player in all kinds of Co-operations - Independent perspective - Be able to work under considerable pressure - Outstanding interpersonal communications skills - Fluent in both written and spoken English/Mandarin You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/TZ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 (Mob.. 深圳市 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡业务支持助理 (MSF Branc.. 天津 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 天津 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、在分支行营业网点提供信用卡相关业务的服务2、在业务工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交信用卡进件等相关报告。 岗位要求:1、本科或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业工作经验者优先考虑;3、性格开朗,有较强的责任感和团队合作精神4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; -
Senior Vice President Credit C.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role is key to support Credit Control Service team cross functions on retail credit product lines including Mortgage, credit card, personal loan and Retail Business Banking. The hiring for backfill is necessary to cover: 1) China Credit Control Service governance, project management, people development 2) Operational standard and Risk control, quality assurance 3) Valuation management and collateral oversight Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: The role holder will ideally have knowledge and experience in the following areas: Demonstrated business knowledge Demonstrated ability to lead operations Practical experience of major business transformation with some project management experience or exposure To have held a leadership position, ideally within an operations environment Ideally to have back office experience Ability to manage and mitigate operational risk effectively Experience of managing within a complex matrix environment Experience working across cultures Understanding of RBWM Risk, its policies and governance mechanisms Broad knowledge of the external environment - regulatory, political, competitor and market You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCVLI/JJ/* -
Trade Middle Office Associate .. 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF) HSBC Global Trade and Receivables Finance is committed to helping companies of all sizes from every part of the world grow their business across borders. Offering a comprehensive range of forward-thinking supply chain and traditional trade solutions, the business has been repeatedly recognized by the industry’s most prominent publications and associations with numerous awards for its strength in combining innovation and service excellence with end-to-end customer solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: - Responsible to provide excellent customer service on trade operations to support the achievement of GTRF business targets. '- Adhere to HSBC policy, procedures and control requirements applicable to day-to-day working, exceptional and project activities, and raise any concerns about actual or potential issues promptly, in line with reporting and escalation procedures '- Support any key organizational strategic initiatives to help in operationalising the product development and business improvements '- Provide specialist services and customer focused solutions to develop long-term, profitable relationships '- Implement an effective financial crime controls in place, achieve 100% WOLF Alert Discounting in our daily operations Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Knowledge of Core Trade(and/or Guarantees, Supply Chain, Receivables Finance) University degree supporting Financial Services, Business Operation, Process service or equivalent experience in a related field Strong interpersonal skills, including verbal and written communication skills (in English and local language) Minimum 1-2 years of experience in trade operations, trade client services and/or related functions, Strong multi-tasking and problem solving skills Ability to work independently and also collaboratively with other team members CDCS (for traditional trade) certification is desirable. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCJHL/CJ Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Marketing Manager - Retail Ban.. 上海 本科及以上 8-9 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 8-9 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: ??CollaboratewithHMLbusinessteamonpolicyinterpretation,businessfocussettingandopportunityidentification.IdentifythelatestconsumerinsightsandindustrytrendsbasedonresearchfindingsDevelopmarketingstrategy,communicationspropositionsandcampaignstosupporttheHMLbusinessgrowthManageandoverseetheHMLmarketingcooperationpipelineandproceduretoensurealltheprocessarewellcontrolledandmeetstheinternalriskandcompliancerequirement.Drivetheefficiencyofmarketingcampaignstowellmanagethemarketingbudgetandtoenhancereturnoninvestment.Workcloselywithvendorsincludingadvertising,mediaandeventagenciesandensurethequalityofthework.Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?BachelorabovedegreeMorethan8yearsofworkingexperienceStrongplanning,analytical,communications,decision-making,lateralthinking,influencing,interpersonalandprojectmanagementskillsProfessionallevelMandarinandEnglishoralandwrittenskill.Strongabilitytocommunicateandcollaboratewithmultipleteamsinmultiplelocations.Provenabilitytobeaself-starterwithenergyanddriveinachallenginganddynamicenvironmentAbilitytothinkandworkinnovatively,andcapabletoinfluencethekeystakeholderstodelivertheresultCanworkindependently,bothatastrategicallyandtacticallevelExperienceofprojectmanagementdrivingforgreatervaluethroughthesmartapplicationofresourceYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Retail Banking Sales Rep Hangz.. 杭州市 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: - Contributes to the achievement of customer acquisition growth and Net New Money growth - To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets - Contribute to the improvement of customer experience and strengthened market competitiveness - Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring. -Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Experience on HML business Full knowledge of RBWM products, policies Enhanced sales skill You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail Banking Sales Rep Suzho.. 苏州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-苏州市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To handle all inferior HSBC Premier (HP) accounts and zero-balance HP accounts follow up work To answer all incoming HP phone calls if Premier Relationship Officer (PRO) is occupied and to be responsible for all messages HP customer leave in PRO's voice mail To make sure HP gift redemption mechanics works smoothly To back up PRO who is on leave or during lunchtime To proactively identify sales opportunities and services most beneficial to customers Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state) With 1-2 years' working experience, sales or customer service experience is preferred Good communication and selling skills Good understanding of Retail Banking and Wealth Management products and services Good spoken and written English Well organized With nice personality You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/ * Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Credit Card Product .. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Credit Card Product Manager Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BUSY)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1. Experienced on the developing, implementing, and maintaining credit card product with product features and value proposition aligning with specific customer segment and cobrand cards2. Closely working with RBWM sales, Risk, Digital and 2LOD teams for the multichannel end-to-end acquisition process design and implementation3. Closely working with Market on customer communication for product launch, rewards program, and ongoing acquisition and usage campaigns4. Monitor and manage product performance and portfolio performance5. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- University degree or above- 3-5 years unsecure lending product manager experience with solid track record in project and product development, marketing, and channel management - Familiar with industry and market trend, familiar with installment products development and management- Excellent communication, coordination, initiative driving, and cross function analytical skills You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/NH/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡业务拓展主任 HSBC China .. 上海 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海-崇明区 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /ELI/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
MSF Card Sales Rep 北京 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京-西城区 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /ELI/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Regulatory Compliance Business.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Risk Global Risk is a thriving and expert risk management function supporting HSBC globally with all aspects of risk management. The team actively manages a varied and dynamic range of risk types, including security, fraud, information security, operational, credit, pension, insurance, compliance, regulatory, market, reputation and geopolitical risks. All parts of the Global Risk team use their skills, insight and integrity to handle established threats and those they see emerging, acting to protect and enable HSBC to deliver sustainable growth. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Responsibilities for the area of RC Business include financial management and people management processes, adhering to bank policies. In addition, this area is responsible for audit and control processes, as well as MI and Reporting and Communications for the Compliance function. This Business Manager role will assist the Team head to support the RC Head China in coordinating departmental BCP/DBIRO/record/change management and other required tasks and delivering against these objectives in order to leverage Compliance teams and best practice across this Risk Function globally. The role will therefore assist to support the team head to facilitate the development and creation of standardized processes and practices across the country organization structure, and ensure the smooth administration of Compliance at country level to ensure the function operates efficiently and effectively. Typically the role holder will assist to interact and coordinate with Compliance colleagues fulfilling country business "COO" and "CAO" roles. This individual will also assist to contact the regional RC COO, CAO and Business Manager as well as other key stakeholders, and will therefore need to knowledge and confidence to fulfill this role. On a daily basis, this team member will be mainly responsible for supporting RC head and RC COO team head in providing oversight over RC BCP/DBIRO/Record/Change Management/ other management required tasks and also provide RC support to 23 sub RC team leaders (HBCN, RRB and INSH RC and country wide RC staff located in branches) where required. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: University graduate preferably with a degree in IT, Accounting, Management or Finance. Experience in a service company model. Strong relationship management with a focus on financial and budget requirements Track record in project management Knowledge in handling Management Data and Information Able to work with individuals at different levels and independently to co-ordinate submissions or initiatives for the team Effective written and spoken communication skills in English Previous background of working in a matrix organizational structure Evidence of delivery in a similar role within a global organization You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCAXS/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Sales Manager - Corporate Shen.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Global Liquidity and Cash Management (GLCM)HSBC is recognised as one of the top tier providers of Global Payments and Cash Management services in the Asia-Pacific region. As more corporate and institutional clients continue to consolidate their banking activities with the introduction of payments and cash management services, the potential growth of this business is substantial. Our customers view our regional client service proposition as a key element in deciding with whom to mandate their business.In this role, you will:? Develop GLCM (Global Liquidity & Cash Management) businesses by servicing cash management needs of Commercial Banking customers.? Win new GLCM business to achieve agreed revenue and product targets.? Penetrate further into existing clients, increasing HSBC's share of wallet.? Gain market share by proactively targeting and winning business from new clients.? Understand market needs, identify potential opportunities and proactively participate in marketing and the product development cycle. ? Ensure a smooth transition of cash management wins from sales to Implementation and the successful on-boarding of new business. ? Promote HSBC's GLCM capabilities internally and externally to improve awareness of the GLCM business? Maintain HSBC's internal control standards. ? Implement and observe Group Compliance Policy. ? Maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of its occurring.To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- Bachelor degree holder or above;- Minimum8 years' related RM or cash sales experiences with tracked performance;- Target driven. Business driven;- Solid knowledge and market intelligence on cash management business including clearing services, products and technology, etc. ;- Relationship Management experience at multiple levels plus a proven sales record;- Proven ability in identifying and meeting customer needs through matching a broad range of products and services;- Ability to understand a customers business and the fundamentals of running a business;- Good level of business acumen and commercial awareness, including economic, cultural, procedural and regulatory issues;- Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to interact and build relationships with internal and external stakeholders;- Good command of Microsoft Office Products including Excel, PPT and Word, etc.- Excellent communication/presentation skills in both English and Chinese.You’ll achieve morewhen you joinHSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/CJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Officer Credit Control Service.. 上海 本科及以上 3-4 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 3-4 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海-黄浦区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To support the unsecured retail products on boarding process, including verification and undewriting - 1) Verify the customer provided information on the application form; 2) Handles the manual underwriting process according the credit policy; 3) Summary the key findings during daily operation to spot out the risk items; 4) Support managers for team management. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1) > 3 years related working expereince in Retail Credit is required; 2) Minimum bacholer degree in related major; 3) Understand the local bank process of credit card or unsecured loan handling; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/VLIN/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Processer Account Service and .. 广州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市-越秀区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To perform accurate and efficient counter service duties and to offer a high standard of courteous service to customers. To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service. To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop customer services. Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior. Close liaison with colleagues from other lines of business, business segments, products and services. To SWAT support other OPS team if necessary. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) Good understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guidelines Strong sense of responsibility Good communication skills Good written and spoken English and Mandarin Be able to work under pressure You'll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
CCSS Academy Officer 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Contact Center Service and Sales Academy Officer Foshan HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BSZ5)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:1. To plan the onboarding training to new staff, on both basic knowledge and soft skill2. To deliver the quality training per business needs? Supports the banking team’s needs of on-boarding training? Identifies improvement opportunities in staff training? Produces MI of training progress to support management? Keeps training materials up to date and efficient? Ensures work is prioritised and processed accurately, organising workload to ensure timely and efficient completion.3. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Bachelor degree holder? Above 3 years working experience in Banking or Training.? Good communication and selling skills? Good understanding of Retail Banking & Wealth Management products / services? Good spoken & written English and Mandarin? Well organized and detail oriented? Nice personalityYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /BP/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Commercial Banking/G.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Mainly handle account opening, account service related processes, including but not limited to: 1. Perform banking operations services duties per agreed Service Level Agreement 2. Conduct well-controlling exercises to meet both internal & external policies and regulation 3. Deliver high quality of non-migration banking operations services 4. Keep good filing of all customer documents and internal records 5. Adhere to various requirements from internal control departments & external regulators & provide proactive support during inspections if required 6. Regulatory returns and internal reports preparation 7. Maintain good service quality to multiple business teams of smooth collaborations 8. Relief other positions if necessary Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above, 1-2 years working experience in banking operations is preferable 2. Good communication skills and fluent written and spoken English and Mandarin 3. Proactive attitude and able to work under pressure and have a ability to solve problem with efficiency 4. Meticulous to details. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force S.. 上海 本科及以上 5-7 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海-宝山区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Credit card is a strategic priority for HBCN and the role of city level Mobile Sales Force Sales Coach is a key management role that supports the achievement of the MSF objectives. The manager needs to work with the country sales coach, city managers, sales managers and Learning & Development team to implement city level training and coaching programs and develop relevant local programs to develop and continuously enhance the Mobile Sales Force (MSF) capability, performance productivity as well as observance of sales quality and Global Standard. The manager also needs to assist in developing MSF teams to be able to provide outstanding customer experience to our target customers. One of MSF Sales Coach's focuses is on supporting the development of on-boarding and continual development of new MSF team leaders and MSFs and improving the sales/service quality and productivity of MSFs. So by working closely with MSF City managers and team leaders, the manager will develop and execute coaching for local MSFs with primary focuses on client engagement skills and sales activities planning, execution and process optimisation including utilisation of sales tools and tablet. In addition, the manager needs to develop and execute plan to instill HSBC values and behaviour in MSF and foster a working environment with positive sales and service mindset. In some cases, the manager also needs to work with city sales coach to develop programs to up-skill sales managers. Additionally, the manager needs to be involved in reviewing the effectiveness of MSF compensation and incentive schemes to ensure the scheme’s relevancy in supporting achievement of overall MSF objectives. In addition, the Coach will be responsible in developing Recognition programs with City managers and team leaders to optimise team performance. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor Degree or above Strong leadership skills and influencing skill Above 6 years working experience in Banking, preferably in Credit Card. Strong coaching and influencing skills Sufficient knowledge and expertise in area of coaching responsiblilty including people development, channel development, sales process and client referral skills Previous experience and proven record as MSF Sales Manager, or Credit card Sales Coach within HSBC or equivalent in other leading financial institutions Sufficient knowledge of global anti money laundering standards Knowledge of relevant regulatory governance in local market Knowledge of local and Group compliance regulations (the latter to be attained if new to HSBC) Proven ability to multi-tasking in a fast paced work environment and prioritize work assignments You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHXI Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Manager Cards Proposition Mark.. 深圳市 本科及以上 5-7 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:TheroleoftheGlobalMarketingFunctionis"Todrivetop-linerevenuegrowthfortheGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,thebrand'sstrengthandcustomerinsightstoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployedandhelppositionthefirmtobecometheworld'sleadinginternationalbank."Thefunctionseeksto-Drivesustainablerevenuegrowthinourtargetmarkets-Identifymarketplaceopportunitiesandunlockcustomerinsightstogeneratecompetitiveadvantage-Fullyleveragethebrand'sstrengthandreputation,astheGroup'smostpreciousintangibleasset-Deliveraprofessional,effectiveandresponsiveMarketingfunctionatoptimalcost.AsManagerCardsPropositionMarketingthisrolewill:?SupportCreditCardmarketingstrategiestoensurethatkeybusinesspropositionsandinitiativesarepromotedandcommunicated(includingbothabovethelinecommunicationaswellasbelowtheline)tothetargetaudienceinthemosteffectiveandefficientmanner(includingbothdigital/onlineaswellasnon-digital/offline)?CollaboratewithSeniorManagerCardPropositionMarketingtodevelopmarketingprogrammesandinitiativesforspecificsegmentstosupportgrowthandprofitabilityoftheHBCNCreditCardbusiness.?ContributetoestablishHSBCastheleadingandpreferredcreditcardinChina?MaintainHSBCinternalcontrolstandards,implementandobserveGroupCompliancePolicyandmaintainawarenessofoperationalriskandminimizethelikelihoodofitoccurring.Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?Bachelorabovedegree?5-10yearsofbroadbasedbusinessexperience,ideallywithinalargebluechipFinancialServicesbrand?Strongplanning,analytical,communications,decision-making,lateralthinking,influencing,interpersonalandprojectmanagementskillsandabilitytocommunicateandcollaboratewithmultipleteamsinmultiplelocations?Abilitytoworkinateam-orientedenvironmentandeffectivelyinfluenceandcommunicateacrossvariousbusinesslinesatseniorlevelswithintheorganization.?ProfessionallevelmandarinandEnglishoralandwrittenskillthatsupportefficientcommunicationandcrossfunction/locationinfluence.?Provenabilitytoworkonmulti-functionprojectsdemonstratingexcellentrelationshipbuildingskills?Experienceofprojectmanagementdrivingforgreatervaluethroughthesmartapplicationofresource?Provenabilitytobeaself-starterwithenergyanddriveinachallenginganddynamicenvironment?Abilitytothinkinnovatively,shapingandcommunicatingnewconcepts?Workindependently,bothatastrategicalandtacticallevel?HighlevelofpersonalintegrityandvaluesinlinewithbusinesscorevaluesYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Marketing Manager-Reward Mall .. 上海 本科及以上 5-7 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?SupportcustomergrowthandupliftcustomerexperiencewiththeimplementationofaneffectiveandefficientcustomerrewardsprogramandtargetedcommunicationcampaigntodrivecustomerbehaviorchangeandcultivateloyaltyExplorethepartnershipandthecooperationwithexternalpartiestoenhancetheattractivenessofrewardschemes.Supportthedevelopmentofcustomercommunicationstrategybasedoncustomerinsight.CollaboratewithkeyinternalandexternalstakeholdersforcampaignplanningTomaintainHSBCinternalcontrolstandards,implementandobserveGroupCompliancePolicyandmaintainawarenessofoperationalriskandminimizethelikelihoodofitoccurring.Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:University(BA)or(BS)aboveFivetotenyearsworkingexperienceinestablishingandleadinglargescalerewardsmallthatdrivebusinessStrategicthinkingandprovensuccessfulnegotiationandpartnershipexperienceProfessionallevelofMandarinandEnglishoralandwrittencommunicationskill.StrongabilitytocommunicateandcollaboratewithmultipleteamsinmultiplelocationsBroadbasedbusinessexperience,ideallywithinalargebluechipFinancialServicesbrandProvenabilitytoworkonmulti-functionprojectsdemonstratingexcellentrelationshipbuildingskillsExperienceofprojectmanagementdrivingforgreatervaluethroughthesmartapplicationofresourceProvenabilitytobeaself-starterwithenergyanddriveinachallenginganddynamicenvironmentAbilitytothinkinnovatively,shapingandcommunicatingnewconceptsCanworkindependently,bothatastrategicallyandtacticallevelYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Senior Manager Usage and Offer.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Manager Usage and Offers Marketing HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CBI5)Marketing (MKT) HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role of the Global Marketing Function is "To drive top-line revenue growth for the Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, the brand's strength and customer insights to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed and help position the firm to become the world's leading international bank." The function seeks to: -Drive sustainable revenue growth in our target markets -Identify marketplace opportunities and unlock customer insights to generate competitive advantage -Fully leverage the brand's strength and reputation, as the Group's most precious intangible asset As the Senior Cards Manager C Usage and Offers Marketing the role holder is responsible for:? Develop Credit Card Usage and offers Marketing plans and local budgets to support local campaigns and activities? Oversee the local deployment, execution, activation and effectiveness of campaigns, platforms and assets developed and created by the Cards Usage Marketing team? Ensure that local Marketing activities deliver against the agreed KPIs set for acquisition, retention, cross sales and return on Marketing investment? Grow and retain the Cards customer base in China in line with identified core segments and growth targets? Contribute to and actively participate in strategic cards projects to grow the business in China? Be the voice of Marketing and the customer for the cards business? Develop and communicate a powerful and compelling vision that inspires and engages people with the HSBC Values and goals as the basis of an inclusive, high performance, customer-centred culture职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? The job holder will need to have 10 years of experience working in a marketing environment for Cards or Payments in China? Should have strong communication skills and ability to manage senior stakeholders? Should have experience and understanding of Cards or Payments businesses with keen understanding if the digital environment in China.? They will need to be familiar with the marketing process and will have worked within a marketing environment? The job holder should have experience in developing strong team culture and managing high performing individuals? They will be highly creative and challenging to the status quo. They will be enthusiastic, willing to champion the unpopular if right for business strategyand persuade and motivate individuals in other business areas to support marketing plans? Educated to Post graduate/MBA level? High level of personal integrity and values in line with business core values You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Business Development.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Business Development Manager Merchants Sales Team Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C9EO)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?- This role is support Business Development Manager to develop and maintain the key partnership for credit card business growing.- This role needs to independently complete desk research for partner pipeline development - Support to develop strong internal and external relationships with the key stakeholders including but not necessarily limited to card scheme, our HSBC Region & Global team, etc.- Work cross functionally with the mobile sales force, finance, marketing, credit risk and IT to ensure all co-branded card related projects are approved and then executed smoothly - Help track and evaluate the performance of co-branded card projects, and support in necessary internal and external reporting and presentation- Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?- Strong analytical skills in developing and pitching business cases & reviewing the performance of past campaigns- Proficent in English both orally and written to present to external clients or to HSBC Regional/Global teams- Good presentation skills, high standards of communication and interpersonal skills- Commercial experience, especially in the credit card industry will be a plus to this role You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/NH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Admin Support Associate 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Admin Support Associate HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CBIW)Commercial Banking(CMB)HSBCCommercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-marketenterprises, providing commercial customers with a full range of bankingservices including multi-currency business accounts, payments and cashmanagement, wealth management and insurance, and global trade and receivablesfinance, as well as a comprehensive range of financing solutions. Withdedicated Relationship Managers and Business Specialists providing localsupport and advice in over 60 countries and territories, HSBC helps customersmake the most of opportunities for their businesses..We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:?-To assist the preparation and follow up onall documentation relating to credit facilities.-Effectively liaise with Operation Dept. tofollow up on customer's daily transactions, ensure the transaction can becompleted in timely & accurately manner.-To support Relationship Manager (RM) indelivering high standard of professional service to ensure customersatisfaction. Establish good relationship with existing customers.-To maintain service enhancement byassisting RM in cultivating the Sales & Service culture, in ensuring theprofessional environment of the bank hall and handling difficult situations tocustomers' satisfaction.-To perform related system input andchecking, such as: CARM, Spreading, MRA , CV, Dealpoint and etc.-To assist in management reporting andupdating information in both regular & ad hoc basis.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:-????Bachelor degree or above, major inaccounting, finance or related discipline is preferred.-2 years banking related working experience,preferably in credit operation/ sales related position.- Goodcommunication and interpersonal skills.- Goodanalytical thinking, attention to details, well organized.- Ableto work under preasure and meet strictly deadline.- Goodcommand of spoken and written English and computer literacy e.g. MS Office. You’ll achieve morewhen you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued,respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace thatfosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunitiesto grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by theBank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with ourPrivacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/BG/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail Banking Sales Rep branc.. 青岛市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 山东-青岛市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking Sales Rep Qingdao branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CHFH)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:? The job holder needs to proactively acquire new HML application, and follow up new HML cases referred by RM/AO/CSO or other business functions so as to contribute to the overall HML business achievement? He/she is at higher experience level in developing HML business from developer and 2nd-hand property agency? He/she needs to prepare the HML application package with high documentation quality ensured and follow up approval and drawdown process? He/she also needs to ensure the satisfactory customer experience level in HML sales. Meanwhile, he/she can also refer target customers to branch for account opening? Contributes to the achievement of HML business target? Contribute to the improvement of customer experience and strengthened market competitiveness? Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?? Bachelor degree or above.(recognized by the state)? Sound knowledge of HML product, credit policy and business process? Strong selling skills in HML sales with support by outstanding past HML performance? Strong service mindset to achieve satisfactory service performance? Strong compliance mindset with no sales breach record? Decision making skill You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Associate Corporate Relationsh.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Associate Corporate Relationship Support Manager Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BXWC)Commercial Banking(CMB)HSBCCommercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-marketenterprises, providing commercial customers with a full range of bankingservices including multi-currency business accounts, payments and cashmanagement, wealth management and insurance, and global trade and receivablesfinance, as well as a comprehensive range of financing solutions. Withdedicated Relationship Managers and Business Specialists providing local supportand advice in over 60 countries and territories, HSBC helps customers make themost of opportunities for their businesses..We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:-To provide credit support to RelationshipManager teams via producing credit proposals/reviews with high quality and in atimely manner-To conduct sufficient credit analysis andbe alert to deteriorations of external conditions to safeguard the loanportfolio-To develop sound banking & industryknowledge and apply high standard credit principles to ensure robust market/industryrisk analysis for each proposal-To work proactively with relevant stakeholders to further enhance both credit quality and work efficiency,particularly for complex facilities, challenging credits and urgent deals-To maintain HSBC internal controlstandards, implement and observe all Group Policies and external regulations.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meetthe following requirements:-Bachelor degree or above, major inaccounting, finance or related discipline is preferred.-3 years banking related working experience,preferably in credit operation/ sales related position.-Good communication and interpersonalskills.-Good analytical thinking, attention todetails, well organized.-Able to work under preasure and meetstrictly deadline.-Good command of spoken and written Englishand computer literacy e.g. MS Office.You’llachieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued,respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace thatfosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunitiesto grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by theBank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with ourPrivacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/BG/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
GMO OFFICER- FX Cash & Money M.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
GMO OFFICER - FX Cash & Money Market Operations HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CCTX)Global MarketsOperations (GMO)WithHSBC’s international reach, Global Markets Operations manages and controlspost-trade activity for all Global Markets across 60 countries. With a drive towardsinfrastructure transformation, a heightened focus on risk and control, and theneed to deliver seamless client service, Global Markets Operations plays adynamic and ever-evolving role in harnessing the latest technology andspecialist expertise to move us closer to a globally consistent, competitiveand robust operating model...We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:-Process FX and MM in TREATS/HUB/TCM, etc.by :?Performingdue diligence for transactions including phone affirmation against our records,?Releasingconfirmation letter,?preparingfor settlements including assist Banking Ops to settle GM transactions,?Arrangingand posting accounting entries if any?Recordingtransactions in deal register?Takingfollow-up actions for exceptional cases in a timely manner?Makingsure all transactions to be fully in compliance with internal (GM FIM) &external (local regulations) requirements- Reconciletransactions booked in TREATS with trading systems including CFETS, Reuters,RET, Email etc.-Co-ordinate with Branch OPS / GlobalMarkets / RM in case of necessary to ensure correct and timely settlement oftransactions.-Conduct confirmation matching for vanillaproduct transactions e.g. FX and MMK traded by Global Markets as per GM FIMrequirements. For any unmatched and mismatched items, investigation needs to becarried out.-Follow up with defects in customer'sdealing documents of corporate FX transactions in a timely manner and registerunmatched/mismatched deals in "Deals with Documents Pending" andsubmit to Manager Global Markets Operations for review and sign-off.-Sort vouchers as per FIN requirements andcancel those within his limit before passing to supervisor.-Review Offline Reports for systemsincluding TREATS/HUB/GMG, etc.-Responsible for department filing system(both internal and external with GRM).-To maintain HSBC internal controlstandards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awarenessof operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring by:-Maintain and ensure due observance of HSBCInternal Control Standards, including the timely implementation ofrecommendations made by internal/external auditors and external regulators.-Foster a compliance culture and implement Group Compliance Policy by managingcompliance risk in liaison with the Head of Group Compliance, RegionalCompliance Officer, Area Compliance Officer or Local Compliance Officer,ensuring adequate compliance resources are in place and training isprovided, and optimising relations withregulators. Maintain awareness of operational risk including itsidentification, assessment, mitigation and control, loss identification andreporting in accordance with section 4 of the Group Operations FIM.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:-Banchler degree in financial, accounting (with 1-3 years experience in banking is preferred)-?Good communication and interpersonal skills-Good written English and willing to work in operationsYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued,respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace thatfosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunitiesto grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by theBank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with ourPrivacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/JC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Manager Credit Opera.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Manager Credit Operations Shanghai Operations HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CG25)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:?Support Credit Services Manager to manage the corporate loan team's daily operation?Ensure smooth, efficient and compliant corporate loan operations. Provide effective solutions to customers' operational needs and maintain overall control mechanism to ensure internal and external compliance.?Initiate / implement of team level projects / initiatives?Perform resource management within the team and handling the exceptional cases / dispute职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state), preferably in finance, economics, legal-Above 5 years solid working experience in credit services related area, preferably with solid working experience as a team leader in credit services area-Familiar with credit related processes including security checking, loan operation, etc, as well as credit related internal and external systems (i.e. HUB, PBOC CIS, SAFE UPRR, etc)-Self-motivated individual with problem solving skillsand able to work with good level of independency-Excellent interpersonal, communication, analytical and creative problem solving skills-Self-motivated and able to work under pressure-Proficient written and spoken communication skills in English You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Manager Partnerships 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Manager Partnerships HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CBMT)Marketing (MKT)HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role of the Global Marketing Function is "To drive top-line revenue growth for the Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, the brand's strength and customer insights to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed and help position the firm to become the world's leading international bank." The function seeks to:-Drive sustainable revenue growth in our target markets-Identify marketplace opportunities and unlock customer insights to generate competitive advantage-Fully leverage the brand's strength and reputation, as the Group's most precious intangible asset Digital is one of the growth priorities for Retail Banking and Wealth Management, an essential component of the Retail Banking and Wealth Management strategy. HSBC is investing massively in Retail Banking and Wealth Management to accelerate digital and streamlining activity globally and Hong Kong is among the six largest markets that we are investing in. This significant investment will drive the transformation of our operations and sales and distribution network, making it easier for our customers to do business with us, and for us to serve their needs more efficiently and effectively. Digital provides a huge range of potential interaction points with our customers and prospects C both on our own platforms, including email, push and SMS, but also more broadly on the internet using paid and 'earned' media to support 'always-on' Digital Acquisition. By seamlessly managing all these interaction points and using data to deliver the most relevant content and messaging to our customers and prospects at the right times, the impact to our customers and our business will be enormous. A major focus of this role will be on developing data driven customer insights to be applied in new digital techniques, whilst working closely with other cross functional teams to develop best practice e-commerce sales strategy. You will be responsible for managing biddable media (search & programamtic) activities throughout the funnel, but with a focus on driving the highest quality of traffic through to HSBC owned channels for conversion by our DaaC (Digital as a Channel) team. Supporting the management of agency partners, tracking KPIs, and post-campaign analysis and reporting. Additionally, you will work closely with numerous stakeholders and champion the customer focused objectives, while ultimately achieving annual new digital customer revenue targets. As HSBC is a complex matrix organization, a large portion of this role's responsibility will include working with colleagues across Customer Value Management (CVM), Marketing, Digital functions, Risk, Compliance and other departments in order to create compelling customer communication while ensuring alignment across local and global functions. As the Manager Partnerships HSBC China the role holder is responsible for:Develop affiliate and paid media partnership acquisition plans and budgets to support campaigns and activities Oversee the deployment, execution, activation and effectiveness of affiliates and paid media partnerships, platforms and assets developed and created by the Cards Marketing team Work with broader acquisition and marketing team to deliver against the agreed KPIs set for acquisition and return on Marketing investmentProvide direction to agencies, brand partners, and team members to deliver to business goals.Share affiliates and paid media partnerships practice across ChinaAssign budgets across social media activities to deliver Return on InvestmentBuild strong relationships with key agency and strategic partners to ensure they understand group and business strategy as well as the Marketing strategy and planDeliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial marketsHe or she should cultivate an environment that supports diversity and reflects the HSBC valuesIndividual will build a culture of continuous improvement in customer experience and functionality deploymentSupport the continuing development or transformation of the Digital Acquisition operating model to ensure the business operates increasingly effectively and efficiently and is able to deliver HSBC's strategic goals职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: The job holder will need to have 5-10 years of experience working in a paid media environment client side or agency in China with a focus on affiliates & partnerships Should have strong communication skills and ability to manage senior stakeholders Should have experience and understanding of Cards or Payments businesses with keen understanding if the digital environment in China. They will need to be familiar with the Digital Acquisition process and will have worked within a Digital Acquisition environment The job holder should have experience in developing strong team culture and managing high performing individuals They will be highly creative and challenging to the status quo. They will be enthusiastic, willing to champion the unpopular if right for business strategyand persuade and motivate individuals in other business areas to support Digital Acquisition plans Educated to Post graduate/MBA level High level of personal integrity and values in line with business core values You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Premier Proposition Man.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Premier Proposition Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BYKE)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: ?1. Define the Premier proposition (targeting Mass Affluent individuals), based on customer insights (from both external market research and internal analytics)2. Develop locally compelling proposition to grow the local customer base3. Work with product managers to develop product offerings (including but not limited to Investments, Insurance, Transactional Banking, Mortgages) as well as services (e.g. financial planning, wealth insights) to ensure that the differentiated product offerings are both relevant and compelling to Premier customers4. Define customer journeys and engagement frameworks, encompassing the entire customer life cycle (covering customer onboarding, relationship growth, advocate and retention) of Jade segment5. Work with Marketing to develop marketing programmes and initiatives to ensure that key business programs and initiatives are promoted and communicated 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?Knowledge and Experience-Bachelor above degree-More than five years of working experience-Strong planning, analytical, communications, decision-making, lateral thinking, influencing, interpersonal and project management skills.-Thorough understanding of customer segmentation and management techniques, as well as the businesses and products supported and the regulations impacting them-Proven track record of communicating effectively within the organization and with customer groups.-Ability to work in a team-oriented environment and effectively influence and communicate across various business lines at senior levels within the organization.-Knowledge of the organization and its products, processes and pertinent regulations affecting their delivery.-Strong knowledge of the customer service concept and its impact on customer relationships.Skills and Abilities-Culturally sensitive and understanding of local customer needs-Highly effective communicator with excellent interpersonal skills-High level of energy and enthusiasm-Able to operate effectively in a complex matrix driven environment-Able to influence, engage and lead in a positive, inspiring manner-Meet the requirement of leadership capability level for role including values level. You’ll achieve when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡及贷款高级业务拓展主任 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
信用卡及贷款高级业务拓展主任HSBCChina-(职位编号:0000BYJ9)RetailBankingandWealthManagement(RBWM)RetailBankingandWealthManagementleveragesHSBC’sglobalretailbankingexpertiseandwealthmanagementcapabilitiestodeliverabroadrangeofworld-classretailbankingsolutionstomillionsofcustomers.Drivingforgrowthinkeymarketsaroundtheworld,thebusinesscomprisesareassuchasretailbanking,wealthmanagement,insuranceandassetmanagement,withafocusoncustomer-centricpropositionsandinnovativeandefficientdistributionchannelsthatwilldifferentiateourcustomerexperienceanddelivermarketleadingretailbankingandwealthmanagementsolutions.Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:?1.致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道2.与客户建立长期稳定的关系,在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动3.传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象4.迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉5.定期准备和提交销售进展报告6.充分掌握产品和服务知识,确保提供高标准的客户服务7.与内部同事建立并保持良好的工作关系,以满足客户的各项需求8.协助团队负责人指导新员工,支持行政相关工作9.遵守标准操作程序,满足销售品质要求,确保所有销售活动以符合监管及汇丰内部政策要求。Tobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:1.大专或以上学历(国家认可)2.0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑3.性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战4.良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳5.具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力6.具有基本英语口语和书写能力,有大学英语四级或六级证书者优先考虑You’llachievemorewhenyoujoinHSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite./ELI/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force S.. 重庆 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 重庆 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Mobile Sales Force Support Manager Retail Banking and Wealth Management Chongqing HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BG3D)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:- Oversee and manage a team of Sales Support Assistant who do overall sales sales support tasks for all sales channels- Implement and monitor procedures which shall improve quality, productivity and efficient processes for asset products. - Provide excellent customer service to internal and external clients. All of these done without compromising compliance to set standards and regulations.- Maintains HSBC internal control standards, including the timely implementation of internal and external audit points together with any issues raised by external regulators- Manages operational risk, including its identification, assessment, mitigation & control, loss identification & reporting.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- Bachelor Degree or above- More than 5 years working experience of operation or sales support in Banking, it will be a plus with working experience in Credit Card Industry- Detail oriented and good customer service mindset- Good communication skill and cooperation skill with different business partners- Good English and Mandarin skills.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI / NH /*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Investment Product Experts 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Investment Product Experts HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BSM0)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:The role is setup to support the alternative product development to fulfill the high net worth client needsMonitor and evaluate the market trend, competitor activities, customer needs, internal requirements and compliance requirements for discussing new investment product ideasLaunch new product with challenging objectives and potential profit to the BankCooperate closely with product providers to deliver time-to-market alternative productsEvaluate the commercial feasibility, viable alternatives/ approaches and recommending new product developmentWork closely with stake holders ensure smooth implementation of the approved planIncrease the product profitability through conducting key income/cost analysis and monitoring the product performanceMonitor and analyze customer/branch's feedback to improve product penetration职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ? Bachelor degree or above, majoring in finance/ business related Over five years related working experience Good communication skills Fluent oral English and mandarin Understand the local and overseas alternative investment market and product Understand the needs from high net worth clients You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/HC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Loans, RBWM HBCN Cards Sales R.. 苏州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-苏州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Loans, RBWM HBCN Cards Sales Representative,Mobile Sales(suzhou) HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLHR)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可)2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /SXU/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force S.. 杭州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Mobile Sales Force Support Manager Retail Banking and Wealth Management Hangzhou HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLDY)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:- Oversee and manage a team of Sales Support Assistant who do overall sales sales support tasks for all sales channels- Implement and monitor procedures which shall improve quality, productivity and efficient processes for asset products. - Provide excellent customer service to internal and external clients. All of these done without compromising compliance to set standards and regulations.- Maintains HSBC internal control standards, including the timely implementation of internal and external audit points together with any issues raised by external regulators- Manages operational risk, including its identification, assessment, mitigation & control, loss identification & reporting.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- Bachelor Degree or above- More than 5 years working experience of operation or sales support in Banking, it will be a plus with working experience in Credit Card Industry- Detail oriented and good customer service mindset- Good communication skill and cooperation skill with different business partners- Good English and Mandarin skills.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/NH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Audit Manager,Audit Analytics 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Audit Manager,Audit Analytics HSBC China -(职位编号:0000APHU)Internal Audit (IAD)Group Internal Audit provides independent assurance to management and the Risk and Audit Committees that HSBC’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are designed appropriately and are operating effectively.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:The role of the Manager, Internal Audit Data Analytics in HSBC Global Internal Audit (GBL INA) is to support the individual audit teams in designing, delivering and utilizing innovative, automated analytical tools to improve the overall effectiveness of the execution of audit activities.The successful candidate will be a curious and critical thinker, passionate to design insightful analytics making optimum use of structured and unstructured data and communicating outputs in simple, elegant means.? The capture of risk drivers in individual HSBC Lines of Business, Functions and regions that allow GBL INA to monitor and make more timely and better informed decisions on when, where, and how to deploy audit resources and/or change the timing, frequency, and scope of audit work? Innovative tests of control utilizing digitized artifacts (data)? Continuous tests of control using advanced analytics? Evaluate and implement new tools that will enable Audit Analytics to meet the technology needs of GBL INA? Develop and follow sustainable processes to support the Audit Analytics operational requirements, including management of risk associated with performance of the analytic (e.g. cross-border data transfer)? Develop their knowledge of data sources, structures, meta-data, etc. existing in select Lines of Business or Functions and regions for possible use by the Audit teams? Design, build, and deliver data analytics solutions to meet the needs of Audit? Implement and follow an agile, iterative, adaptive approach during the development/delivery of audit technology solutions to meet the timely needs of Audit and add the most value? Comply with Global Internal Audit Instruction Manual requirements and Audit Analytics desk procedures? Drive discussion and collaborate with INA teams to identify areas where technology can add value and existing data can be used to improve audit tests and audit knowledge.? Utilize network to source data as needed, observing HSBC policy and relevant regulations (e.g. cross border, data transfer)? Lead the evaluation and implementation of new tools that will enable the Audit Analytics group to meet the technology needs of the Audit function? Build and leverage an internal support network (IT, Business Intelligence, Centre of Excellence, Business Users, etc.) to help in solving problems and eliminating hurdles in delivering audit technology solutions? Assist in the recruitment of data analytics personnel and contractors? Continually improve the operational processes in the Audit Analytics group? Deliver meaningful and timely results to the teams supported? Exercise effective project mgt over the projects assigned / led? Drive enhanced rigor in audit planning and walkthroughs职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Track record in data analytics, Big Data platforms, including data engineering, analysis and modeling? Solid experience with Business Intelligence / analytical tools and programming (e.g. SAS, SQL, Python, R, Tableau, Qlikview, Hadoop)? Experience of statistical techniques, data mining and machine learning algorithms such as regression techniques, neural networks, decision trees, clustering, pattern recognition, probability theory, stochastic systems, Bayesian inference, statistical techniques? Experience of Internal or External audit would be a plus? Bachelor of Masters degree in information systems, mathematics, statistics or other quantitative disciplines, big data / data science or related field and equivalent experience? Strong analytical, decision making, interpersonal, time & project management and problem solving skills? Enthusiastic, collaborative and customer oriented? Resourceful and results driven? Fluent in written and spoken English? Effective presentation and influencing skillsYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Officer Reporting Credit Servi.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Officer Reporting Credit Services Operations Shanghai HSBC China : 0000CEZXHSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:??? ??????1.To prepare various internal returns and regulatory reporting and ensure the accuracy and timelines of the reporting preparation, by establishing a completed procedure manual of the reporting. To assist on regulation implementation, regulatory inspection, and ad hoc survey, etc. 2.To review the regulatory reporting requirements and drive for automation solution, by studying the return nature of nationwide regulatory reporting and seeking for automation opportunities, which is to simplify reporting process and achieve FTE savings from branch teams. 3.To overall monitor the accurate preparation and timely submission of regulatory reporting for 19+ branches centralized in SHH to fulfill local regulators' request. Meanwhile to deliver training to Academy staff including to design training material, to assess new staff performance and to ensure the output of the training 4.To provide relevant and accurate Management Information to teams within HTS, department & branch teams to help tracking the performance. 5.To effectively interact with relevant counterparties involving in regulatory reporting, including branch coordinator, finance reporting, branch finance, Compliance etc to achieve a seamless and streamline cooperation. 6.To oversee and coordinate the administrative tasks for Credit Service, including Buy-smart, system users, document storage etc. To support other ad-hoc projects and assignments relevant to Risk and Reporting Team and seek ways for improvement in driving automation, simplification and streamlining etc.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:??????????????????????????????The jobholder is required to observe deadlines for submission of various returns and reports under high time pressure. Accuracy of returns and reports is also a challenge as data are collected from various sources and branches. In the Academy model, a robust training delivery is essential for the establishment and sustainability of the operation under Academy.Thorough knowledge in products and systems is required to perform the role proficiently. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC /HH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Legal Counsel, HSS, 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Legal Counsel, HSBC Securities Services, HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CL0T)Legal (LGA)Offering a diverse range of legal skills and jurisdictional experience across the full range of countries and territories in which our businesses operate, Group Legal plays an important role in the day-to-day and long-term planning activities of all of our businesses around the world. Responsible for providing comprehensive legal advice to senior management and all Group functions, the team advises on and takes an active involvement in all business and operational strategies and initiatives, from legislative and regulatory matters to the setting of policies, standards and procedures for guarding against and reporting on legal risk and reputational management issues. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: ?? To provide expert and professional legal advice, guidance and support to ensure that the legal and reputational risk of the relevant area are identified, reported and mitigated.? To ensure HSBC’s business and operational strategies and initiatives are facilitated in a timely manner.? Ensure legal management is fully briefed on major issues arising in relevant business area and major legislative changes in area of expertise? Liaise with panel law firms and other appropriate external parties.? To establish close mutually supportive working relationships with the Business and within the Legal Function.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Bachelor degree holder and 5-10 years' work experience on public and private securities investment fund, asset management, preferably custody area.? Qualified PRC lawyer with relevant post qualification experience in relevant area or relevant experience? Confident practitioner of law in China? Up-to-date knowledge of developments in own industry sector? Able to handle a diverse range of issues? Good command of written and oral English? Self-starter, independent with good organizational skills? Communication and inter-personal skills? Lateral thinking/problem solving? Stamina and ability to work under pressureYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS /JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡业务拓展主任 (Mobile Sa.. 上海 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; 福利待遇:作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。 悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。 安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。 未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。 张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。 选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。 心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡业务拓展主任HSBC China 中山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 岗位职责: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 岗位要求: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website./ELI/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡业务拓展代表 北京 大专及以上 不限 不限 2 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 2 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 ?岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; -
信用卡业务拓展主任(银行正编) 武汉市 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 湖北-武汉市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
Learning & Talent Development .. 上海 本科及以上 5-7 年 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Role Purpose: Understand business environment and people related challenges, bring thought leadership and advice to the business by driving fit-for-purpose Learning and Talent Development (L&TD) initiatives and interventions, in order to proactively support the business growth strategy. Principal responsibilities: Understand business strategy and people strategy, engage with business leaders and HRBP in providing strategic L&TD products aligned to business agenda Define and drive learning and talent development priorities and deliverables aligned to both Group learning & talent strategy and local business requirements, addressing people priorities and meeting development demand in the short and long term for the business Plan, facilitate and deploy learning and talent propositions for the business including succession planning, talent identification, talent development, capability improvement throughout employee lifecycle, building future skills etc. within set timeline and budget. Evaluate and adapt internal and external best practices to drive the development and quality of L&TD interventions for the business Provide strategic guidance, constructive challenge and technical consultancy on learning and talent development issues to the leadership team of the business, clearly articulating the value of L&TD interventions to the business and to ensure buy-in. Work with HRBP to facilitate key people discussions and decisions with the business through provision of L&TD guidelines, frameworks, tools, coaching and support. Collaborate with Country, Regional, Global L&TD teams to provide input and customized solutions as appropriate to meet business needs. Partner with vendors to ensure L&TD solutions and services are of high standard and fit for purpose. Comply with prevailing requirement and procedures; follow through L&TD initiatives with attention to detail, proactive identification and mitigation of delivery risks to achieve both effectiveness and efficiency. Support the bank wide programmes as an advocate To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? University degree holder Extensive experience in learning and talent management within a fast moving, complex and demanding corporate environments, with exposure to different markets, cultures and diverse regulatory frameworks Strong track record in translating business objectives and needs into world class learning and talent development interventions Demonstrate keen awareness of market trends and best practices, confidence in stretching beyond comfort zone, incorporate multiple perspectives and broader picture in evaluating and solving problems Effective communication, influencing and stakeholder management skills Proactive, drive to Lead and commit to seeing things through; Display good problem solving ability/analytical skills to tackle various issues and problems Innovative, able to develop new concepts and to deliver creative solutions Good knowledge of retail business and financial industry Fluency in English You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
China Student Programme 中国学.. 深圳市 本科及以上 不限 不限 130 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 130 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
热招正在进行中!在全球范围内,经济增长带来新的繁荣;企业正在开拓新的航线;具有财富和影响力的新的中心不断涌现。在汇丰,我们的业务和客 户正改变着世界,为此我们深受鼓舞。这就是我们一直致力寻找来自世界各地最优秀的人才的源动力。加入我们吧!让我们来帮助你实现你在事业上的抱负。汇丰中国学生计划提供给你非常实用的工作体验。你将有机会充分运用在学校所学知识,帮助你思考将来职业发展的起点和方向。实习时间:2019年1月1日起, 2-12个月带薪实习(每周2天以上)招收部门:Commercial Banking; Global Functions; HOST实习地点:中国大陆各分行招收对象:中国籍(含港澳台)在读本科生/研究生(即大一,大二,大三,大四,研一,研二)申请方式:即日起开始接受申请,请浏览该网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/student_p.htm -
China Student Programme 中国学.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 130 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 130 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
热招正在进行中!在全球范围内,经济增长带来新的繁荣;企业正在开拓新的航线;具有财富和影响力的新的中心不断涌现。在汇丰,我们的业务和客 户正改变着世界,为此我们深受鼓舞。这就是我们一直致力寻找来自世界各地最优秀的人才的源动力。加入我们吧!让我们来帮助你实现你在事业上的抱负。汇丰中国学生计划提供给你非常实用的工作体验。你将有机会充分运用在学校所学知识,帮助你思考将来职业发展的起点和方向。实习时间:2019年1月1日起, 2-12个月带薪实习(每周2天以上)招收部门:Commercial Banking; Global Functions; HOST实习地点:中国大陆各分行招收对象:中国籍(含港澳台)在读本科生/研究生(即大一,大二,大三,大四,研一,研二)申请方式:即日起开始接受申请,请浏览该网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/student_p.htm -
2020 Summer Internship Program.. 北京 本科及以上 不限 不限 60 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 60 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
暑期实习生项目将为各专业人才提供为期8周的系统培训和挂职实习。表现优秀的同学可直接免试进入2021年的银行家培训生项目,成功晋升为汇丰中国地区的管理培训生。实习时间:2020年7月和8月为期8周(提供带薪实习,一周须满5个工作日)招收部门:Commercial Banking, Global Banking, Global Markets, Retail Banking and Wealth Management, Retail Banking and Wealth Management-Digital,HSBC Securities Services, Global Liquidity and Cash Management, Commercial Banking, Global Banking-Global Trade & Receivable Finance实习地点:上海,北京,深圳,广州等(其他城市详见网站)招收对象:全日制在读学生(本科生/研究生),毕业时间在2020.9-2021.7之间,专业不限正式的招聘将于2019年9月开始,请关注“汇丰人才招聘”公众号,或浏览网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/ -
Global Graduate Programme 管理.. 广州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 60 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 60 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
汇丰中国管理培训生校园招聘以孕育和培养未来的领导者为目标,并拥有精英管理的文化。18-24个月的项目将提供综合全面的课堂培训、在职培训,以及在中国大陆的轮岗机会。宝贵的跨部门轮岗经验,将快速协助你成长为一名管理人员,为你创造辉煌的职业发展机会,并使你成为一名优秀的银行家。正式的招聘将于2019年9月开始,请关注“汇丰人才招聘”公众号,或请浏览该网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/岗位要求:- 能在2020年7月前毕业- 2019或2020届应届生- GPA 3.0/4.0 - 中国国籍(含港澳台) -
信用卡客户经理(正编) 北京 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
市场拓展代表-东莞厚街 东莞市 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-东莞市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. 工作职责: 1、主要负责高端和中端客户的开发,向潜在客户介绍汇丰的服务,发掘关于银行服务的需求并发展为汇丰客户; 2、负责销售渠道的开发以及维护; 3、负责前期客户关系的维护; 4、需要主动与合作渠道去接洽、持续跟踪活动得到的名单和转换直至成功开户并完成银行设定的工作目标; 5、作为市场开拓人员还需要确保有高标准的专业知识能较好的与潜在客户进行沟通。 招聘条件: 1、大专或以上学历 2、愿意与人沟通,有较强的表达沟通能力 3、有销售经验优先考虑 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售意识,以及较强的承压能力; 5、基本的英文阅读或沟通能力 You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡业务拓展主任(银行正编) 东莞市 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-东莞市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
Retail Banking & Wealth Manage.. 上海 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Define and oversee operation service level and service issues with HOST. Challenge status quo and pursue operation efficiency and customer satisfaction Oversee and validate HOST recharges and drive cost saving initiatives with HOST functions, and be responsible for indirect costs (which will link to HOST and also functions) Coordinate Capacity Demand Review Optimize operation efficiency related to branches, account opening/servicing, payments and credit. Work with Operations to protect the SLA and pursue continuous improvements Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: University degree holder Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills Excellent written and verbal communication skills Hands-on computer skills, proficiency in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint Excellent analysis and problem solving capabilities You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHXI/HX Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Premier Relationship Officer S.. 深圳市 不限 3-4 年 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 3-4 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role is a client facing role managing our highest value clients where professionalism, client focus and a broad understanding of the fundamentals of financial planning are critical to the success of the business. The role holder has a responsibility to acquire, develop and retain relationships with Premier clients, working with the broader branch and direct teams to ensure achievement of the business performance measures and plan (as defined by RBWM). This will be achieved by active management of a portfolio of Premier clients, acquiring new HSBC clients and upgrading existing clients through becoming the trusted advisor to them. It will also entail reviewing the portfolio regularly to ensure the solutions are still suitable to meet clients’ needs and embed client loyalty by meeting their needs either directly or through other internal business partners. In order to deliver the business objectives you will need to refer non-qualified business to appropriate parties following proposition protocol and attract business with new clients by understanding their financial needs and delivering high standards of service quality. The identification of opportunities for wealth reviews and delivering wealth solutions as an adviser are amongst the key activities to achieve your goals. In delivering the business objectives you must also maintain the levels of operational integrity required by HSBC Group, closely managing your individual and the collective performance of your wider team. Creating and maintaining an environment and relationships where you and the wider Branch team maximise performance in achieving the RBWM business objectives. The identification of opportunities for wealth reviews and delivering wealth solutions as an adviser are amongst the key activities to achieve your goals as complied with local regulatory requirement. You are accountable for the performance of your portfolio and need to ensure it is effectively run managing to the Target Operating Model (TOM) as defined by HSBC Group. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Minimum of three years proven and progressive financial services and/or retail sales experience or equivalent Relationship management experience with high net worth clients Strong technical skills in wealth management Strong communication, client focus and influencing skills Strong networking and portfolio management skills Sound knowledge of financial services products and services and the client relationship management system Understanding of business banking client segment and products and services Clear view on how to work with Compliance, Credit & Risk and Internal Control to ensure a balanced risk operating environment Able to communicate well in English and local languages You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/VL/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Premier Relationship Officer S.. 深圳市 不限 3-4 年 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 3-4 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role is a client facing role managing our highest value clients where professionalism, client focus and a broad understanding of the fundamentals of financial planning are critical to the success of the business. The role holder has a responsibility to acquire, develop and retain relationships with Premier clients, working with the broader branch and direct teams to ensure achievement of the business performance measures and plan (as defined by RBWM). This will be achieved by active management of a portfolio of Premier clients, acquiring new HSBC clients and upgrading existing clients through becoming the trusted advisor to them. It will also entail reviewing the portfolio regularly to ensure the solutions are still suitable to meet clients’ needs and embed client loyalty by meeting their needs either directly or through other internal business partners. In order to deliver the business objectives you will need to refer non-qualified business to appropriate parties following proposition protocol and attract business with new clients by understanding their financial needs and delivering high standards of service quality. The identification of opportunities for wealth reviews and delivering wealth solutions as an adviser are amongst the key activities to achieve your goals. In delivering the business objectives you must also maintain the levels of operational integrity required by HSBC Group, closely managing your individual and the collective performance of your wider team. Creating and maintaining an environment and relationships where you and the wider Branch team maximise performance in achieving the RBWM business objectives. The identification of opportunities for wealth reviews and delivering wealth solutions as an adviser are amongst the key activities to achieve your goals as complied with local regulatory requirement. You are accountable for the performance of your portfolio and need to ensure it is effectively run managing to the Target Operating Model (TOM) as defined by HSBC Group. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Minimum of three years proven and progressive financial services and/or retail sales experience or equivalent Relationship management experience with high net worth clients Strong technical skills in wealth management Strong communication, client focus and influencing skills Strong networking and portfolio management skills Sound knowledge of financial services products and services and the client relationship management system Understanding of business banking client segment and products and services Clear view on how to work with Compliance, Credit & Risk and Internal Control to ensure a balanced risk operating environment Able to communicate well in English and local languages You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/VL/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Premier Relationship Officer S.. 深圳市 不限 3-4 年 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 3-4 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role is a client facing role managing our highest value clients where professionalism, client focus and a broad understanding of the fundamentals of financial planning are critical to the success of the business. The role holder has a responsibility to acquire, develop and retain relationships with Premier clients, working with the broader branch and direct teams to ensure achievement of the business performance measures and plan (as defined by RBWM). This will be achieved by active management of a portfolio of Premier clients, acquiring new HSBC clients and upgrading existing clients through becoming the trusted advisor to them. It will also entail reviewing the portfolio regularly to ensure the solutions are still suitable to meet clients’ needs and embed client loyalty by meeting their needs either directly or through other internal business partners. In order to deliver the business objectives you will need to refer non-qualified business to appropriate parties following proposition protocol and attract business with new clients by understanding their financial needs and delivering high standards of service quality. The identification of opportunities for wealth reviews and delivering wealth solutions as an adviser are amongst the key activities to achieve your goals. In delivering the business objectives you must also maintain the levels of operational integrity required by HSBC Group, closely managing your individual and the collective performance of your wider team. Creating and maintaining an environment and relationships where you and the wider Branch team maximise performance in achieving the RBWM business objectives. The identification of opportunities for wealth reviews and delivering wealth solutions as an adviser are amongst the key activities to achieve your goals as complied with local regulatory requirement. You are accountable for the performance of your portfolio and need to ensure it is effectively run managing to the Target Operating Model (TOM) as defined by HSBC Group. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Minimum of three years proven and progressive financial services and/or retail sales experience or equivalent Relationship management experience with high net worth clients Strong technical skills in wealth management Strong communication, client focus and influencing skills Strong networking and portfolio management skills Sound knowledge of financial services products and services and the client relationship management system Understanding of business banking client segment and products and services Clear view on how to work with Compliance, Credit & Risk and Internal Control to ensure a balanced risk operating environment Able to communicate well in English and local languages You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/VL/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Represent.. 惠州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-惠州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Customer Development Representative Huizhou Sub-branch HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BIKY)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?To focus on customer acquisition and channel developmentTo hand over customer relationship properly to their relationship managers after closing salesTo conduct needs-based promotion activities through effective sales processes.To build up a professional image while deliver excellent service to customer.To promptly and effectively respond to customer enquiries, feedbacks and complaints.To prepare and submit sales progress reports on a regular basis.To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:University degree or above (recognized by the state)Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skillsWell-developed service and sales attitude with ability to work under pressurePresentable, outgoing and persuasiveGood spoken and written English is preferable.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /EH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Represent.. 中山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Customer Development Representative Zhongshan Sub-branch HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BI7E)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?To focus on customer acquisition and channel developmentTo hand over customer relationship properly to their relationship managers after closing salesTo conduct needs-based promotion activities through effective sales processes.To build up a professional image while deliver excellent service to customer.To promptly and effectively respond to customer enquiries, feedbacks and complaints.To prepare and submit sales progress reports on a regular basis.To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:University degree or above (recognized by the state)Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skillsWell-developed service and sales attitude with ability to work under pressurePresentable, outgoing and persuasiveGood spoken and written English is preferable.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /EH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force P.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Mobile Sales Force People Experience Manager Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BEEJ)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:- Support Mobile Sales Force (MSF) People Experience Manager on People communications, attrition management, motivational programmes and activity planning.- Assist MSF People Experience Manager to work with HR, city Manager and on People plan, progress tracking and initiatives- Assist to conduct key project and initiatives to Support and improve recruitment process and reduce attrition- Become the central point of contact in matters involving MSF recruitment progress, personnel changes, headcount changes progression/promotion, management organization structure and administration for MSF country.- Design and analyze reports essential in monitoring activity and performance of the MSF teams, as well as other ad-hoc analytical and strategic reports and studies.-Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?- Bachelor Degree or above- Above 3 years working experience in Banking, preferably in Credit Card- Strong data analyzing and writing skills both in English and Chinese.- Good command of English and Microsoft Office.- Sufficient knowledge of human resources or people management will be a plus- Proven ability to multi-tasking in a fast paced work environment and prioritize work assignmentsYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCVLI/NH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Represent.. 珠海市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-珠海市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Customer Development Representative Zhuhai Sub-branch HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BBH8)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?To focus on customer acquisition and channel developmentTo hand over customer relationship properly to their relationship managers after closing salesTo conduct needs-based promotion activities through effective sales processes.To build up a professional image while deliver excellent service to customer.To promptly and effectively respond to customer enquiries, feedbacks and complaints.To prepare and submit sales progress reports on a regular basis.To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:University degree or above (recognized by the state)Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skillsWell-developed service and sales attitude with ability to work under pressurePresentable, outgoing and persuasiveGood spoken and written English is preferable.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/EH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Trade Middle Office Associate .. 长沙市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 湖南-长沙市-芙蓉区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF) HSBC Global Trade and Receivables Finance is committed to helping companies of all sizes from every part of the world grow their business across borders. Offering a comprehensive range of forward-thinking supply chain and traditional trade solutions, the business has been repeatedly recognized by the industry’s most prominent publications and associations with numerous awards for its strength in combining innovation and service excellence with end-to-end customer solutions. We are currently seeking an ambitious individual to join this team. In this role, you will: The role is responsible for implement complex deals across Global Trade & Receivables Finance's solutions, provide excellent customer service on trade operations to support the achievement of Global Trade & Receivables Finance's business targets. Demonstrate ownership in the day-to-day operations and ensure that a high level of operational standards and customer service is provided. Ensure full implementation of global procedures/guidelines, Financial Crime Compliance / Sanction related issues that are relevant to daily operations. Ensure that daily operation meets or exceeds service level agreement. Adhere to global policy, procedures and control requirements applicable to day-to-day working, exceptional and project activities, and raise any concerns about actual or potential issues promptly, in line with reporting and escalation procedures. Apply GTRF policies, procedures, practices and standards to their allocated tasks, taking responsibility for their own actions, to ensure the achievement of high levels of quality, effective risk management and regulatory compliance. Support any key organizational strategic initiatives to help in operationalising the product development and business improvements. Develop and maintain strong working relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Ensure positive client experiences through support, trade advice and best practices in relation to Global Trade & Receivables Finance transactions. Implement the highest service level standards and to enhance market visibility and profile of GTRF both internally and externally. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements - Bachelor degree or above supporting Financial Services, Business Operation, Process service or equivalent experience in a related field. - Has trade knowledge with 1.5 years relevant working experience. - Ability to work independently and also collaboratively with other team members - Strong interpersonal skills, including verbal and written communication skills (in English and local language) - Strong multi-tasking and problem solving skills - CDCS holder is desirable You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHHU/CJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 (Mob.. 武汉市 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 湖北-武汉市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 (Mob.. 重庆 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 重庆 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 (Mob.. 杭州市 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 (Mob.. 广州市 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡业务支持助理 (MSF Branc.. 深圳市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、在分支行营业网点提供信用卡相关业务的服务2、在业务工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交信用卡进件等相关报告。 岗位要求:1、本科或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业工作经验者优先考虑;3、性格开朗,有较强的责任感和团队合作精神4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; -
信用卡业务支持助理 (MSF Branc.. 宁波市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-宁波市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、在分支行营业网点提供信用卡相关业务的服务2、在业务工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交信用卡进件等相关报告。 岗位要求:1、本科或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业工作经验者优先考虑;3、性格开朗,有较强的责任感和团队合作精神4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; -
信用卡业务支持助理 (MSF Branc.. 苏州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-苏州市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、在分支行营业网点提供信用卡相关业务的服务2、在业务工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交信用卡进件等相关报告。 岗位要求:1、本科或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业工作经验者优先考虑;3、性格开朗,有较强的责任感和团队合作精神4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; -
Personal Assistant Tangshan 唐山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 河北-唐山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Commercial Banking (CMB)HSBC Commercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-market enterprises, providing commercial customers with a full range of banking services including multi-currency business accounts, payments and cash management, wealth management and insurance, and global trade and receivables finance, as well as a comprehensive range of financing solutions. With dedicated Relationship Managers and Business Specialists providing local support and advice in over 60 countries and territories, HSBC helps customers make the most of opportunities for their businesses.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: To assist the Branch Manager in handling external relations, implementing network rollout plan, coordinating advertising and promotion activities, and other ad hoc projects of the branch. To discharge daily secretarial & administrative responsibilities assigned by the Branch Manager.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Sufficient general and commercial banking experience Good understanding of external regulation and internal procedure/guideline A strong service and customer-oriented mindsetdetailed oriented and high sense of responsibilityProficiency in English and Putonghua. Good with MS Office and PPT Strong organizational and analytical skillswith the ability to prioritize workload Ability to cope with pressure and tight deadlines Self-motivation and able to work with good level of independency.You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCJHLIssued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Trade Middle Office Associate .. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
GlobalTradeandReceivablesFinance(GTRF)HSBCGlobalTradeandReceivablesFinanceiscommittedtohelpingcompaniesofallsizesfromeverypartoftheworldgrowtheirbusinessacrossborders.Offeringacomprehensiverangeofforward-thinkingsupplychainandtraditionaltradesolutions,thebusinesshasbeenrepeatedlyrecognizedbytheindustry’smostprominentpublicationsandassociationswithnumerousawardsforitsstrengthincombininginnovationandserviceexcellencewithend-to-endcustomersolutions..Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:TradeMiddleOfficeAssociateGuaranteeOperationGTRFSHHToprocessapplicationsforissuance/amendmentsofguaranteesandisresponsibleforfirstcheckingofthecontentstoensurethatallclausesandconditionsincorporatedareacceptabletothebank,referringanddeviationorclearancetosuperior.Tohandleothermiscellaneoustasksincluding:collectionandtracingforissuancecommissionfromcustomers;preparationofvariousreturns;tokeepabreastofalllocalrulesandregulationscreditguidelinesetcandmakesurethattheoperationsarecompliedwithinternalandexternalrequirements.Tohandlecustomers’verbalandwritteninquiriesandensuretimelyrepliesaregiven.ToinputproductrecordstoHIE,HUBsystemandPBOCcreditInquirySystem,performperiodicmaintenanceandensurethatdatacapturedarecorrectandupdated.QualificationsTobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:Bachelordegreeorabove(recognizedbythestate);Strongsenseofresponsibilityandcanworkunderpressure;Goodcommunicationandinterpersonalskill,detail-oriented;GoodwrittenandspokenEnglish;GoodComputerSkill.You’llachievemorewhenyoujoinHSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCJHLIssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
MarketingMgr Retail Business B.. 上海 本科及以上 8-9 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 8-9 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?Workcloselywiththeglobalmarketingteamonlocaladaptionoftheglobalmarketinginitiatives.Identifythelatestconsumerinsightsandindustrytrendsbasedonresearchfindingstofacilitatethedevelopmentofmarketingstrategiesandcampaigns.Developmarketingstrategy,propositionsandcampaignstobuildawareness,upliftconsiderationanddrivecustomeracquisitionofHSBC'sretailbusinessbankingproposition.ManagetheRetailBusinessBankingWeChatserviceaccountwithclearcontentstrategyandactivationinitiativestodrivefollowerbaseandcustomerengagement.Manageandoverseecampaigndevelopmenttoensureeffectivecampaignmechanicswhichdeliversbusinesstargets.Drivetheefficiencyofmarketingcampaignstowellmanagethemarketingbudgetandtoenhancereturnoninvestment.Workcloselywithvendorsincludingadvertising,mediaandeventagenciesandensurethequalityofthework.Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?Bachelorabovedegree.Morethan8yearsofworkingexperience.Strongplanning,analytical,communications,decision-making,lateralthinking,influencing,interpersonalandprojectmanagementskills.ProfessionallevelMandarinandEnglishoralandwrittenskill.Strongabilitytocommunicateandcollaboratewithmultipleteamsinmultiplelocations.Provenabilitytobeaself-starterwithenergyanddriveinachallenginganddynamicenvironment.Abilitytothinkandworkinnovatively,andcapabletoinfluencethekeystakeholderstodelivertheresult.Canworkindependently,bothatastrategicallyandtacticallevel.Experienceofprojectmanagementdrivingforgreatervaluethroughthesmartapplicationofresource.ExperienceofdigitalmarketingandrunningWeChatpublicaccount.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Marketing Manager - Advance OS.. 上海 本科及以上 8-9 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 8-9 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:??Identifythelatestconsumerinsightsandindustrytrendsbasedonexternalresearchfindingsandinternaldataanalysis.Collaboratewithmultipleteamtoformulatethecustomerconversionjourneyfromonlinesavingaccount(OSA)toAdvanceaccountDevelopmarketingstrategyandcampaignstodrivetheAdvanceacquisitionconvertedfromOSAManageandoverseecampaigndevelopmenttoensureeffectivecampaignmechanicswhichdeliversbusinesstargets.Drivetheefficiencyofmarketingcampaignstowellmanagethemarketingbudgetandtoenhancereturnoninvestment.Workcloselywithvendorsincludingadvertising,mediaandeventagenciesandensurethequalityofthework.Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?BachelorabovedegreeMorethan8yearsofworkingexperienceStrongplanning,analytical,communications,decision-making,lateralthinking,influencing,interpersonalandprojectmanagementskillsProfessionallevelMandarinandEnglishoralandwrittenskill.Strongabilitytocommunicateandcollaboratewithmultipleteamsinmultiplelocations.Provenabilitytobeaself-starterwithenergyanddriveinachallenginganddynamicenvironmentAbilitytothinkandworkinnovatively,andcapabletoinfluencethekeystakeholderstodelivertheresultCanworkindependently,bothatastrategicallyandtacticallevelExperienceofprojectmanagementdrivingforgreatervaluethroughthesmartapplicationofresourceYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Assistant Retail business bank.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Act as Relationship Manager by offering value-added advice and guidance to customers and placing their needs at the forefront of our activity, setting world class standards Work in partnership with colleagues across the HSBC Group to improve connectivity, deliver exceptional standards and quality of service across all interactions Support achievement of the HSBC vision, Values, goals and culture in personal behaviour, actions and decision making Develop and recommend changes and improvements to operating models, procedures and practices based on subject matter expertise and understanding of HSBC and market best practice Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Strong knowledge/experience in small business banking areas Understand industry, business cycle, customers and products Strong Business Development, networking and portfolio management skills Personal network and local connection preferred Deliver RBB products and services to promote the bank’s profile, to maximized the return and add value to the bank Self-motivated and result oriented Good credit sense and risk management Ensure timely and accurate maintenance of customer information, including KYC requirements. Ensure strict compliance with internal and external guidelines and regulations Sound decision making and analytics skills Excellent communication, client focus and influencing skills You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/WZ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Greeter Dalian Pavilion Sub-br.. 大连市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 辽宁-大连市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionRetail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: -To greet customers at the first point of contact as soon as the customers approach the branch. To provide excellent service to customers through introducing appropriate bank. -To provide assistance in queue management and branch merchandizing display. Meanwhile, the job holder should maintain HSBC internal control standards as well as Group Compliance Policy and operational risk control to minimize the likelihood of it occurring. -To greet and welcome all walk-in customers as soon as the customers enter the branch in order To enhance the moment of truth to the customers and upgrade the Bank’s overall service profile. -To proactively identity sales opportunities, refer products and deliver services most beneficial to customers, and refer to relevant staff when appropriate -To handle customers’ requests and enquiries. To relate customers’ queries and complaints to relevant branch staff or other internal departments for proper handling. -To assist the queue management and maintain a high quality service and sales environment in the customer area of the branch. -To perform other branch operational duties such as account opening maintenance as assigned after banking hours. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: -Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) -With 1-2 years' working experience, sales or customer service experience is preferred -Good communication and selling skills -Good understanding of Retail Banking and Wealth Management products and services -Good spoken and written English -Well organized -With nice personality You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Finance Manager- Regulatory Re.. 上海 本科及以上 5-7 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Finance (FIN) Global Finance aims to provide HSBC with a professional, effective and responsive finance service that operates at optimal cost and employs a common and transparent global model. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. - Manage the whole process of regulatory report production, covering returns requested by PBOC (the People's Bank of China) and CBIRC (China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission). Prepare and review key regulatory returns for all branches/sub-branches/rural banks. - Implement new regulatory requirements with efficient and accurate manner. For requirements involving various bank products or departments, initiate data automation project or lead task allocation meeting with all department stakeholders to agree a workable procedure. - Prepare audit accounts and notes to accounts. - Communicate with regulators for reporting request adoption or clarification of requirements. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: University graduate, with minimum 6 years' working experience in finance/banking industry; Good at MS Office software; Demonstrated team coordination capability and team-work spirit; Highly responsible, sensitive to data, self-motivated and efficient; Willing to work under pressure. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller 柜员 深圳市 本科及以上 不限 不限 3 6-8 月薪 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 3 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 6-8 月薪 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 完成精确和有效的柜台业务并向客户提供高标准的专业服务; 通过提供一站式的柜台服务建立并与客户保持良好的关系; 独立介绍并推广产品给有需求的客户; 报告客户反馈和收集市场信息以寻求持续的客户关系; 熟悉本地规章、规则和内部指引,对任何可疑的洗钱活动保持警惕并上报给监管机构; 紧密联系其他业务条线、企业内部相关部门和同事。 岗位要求: 本科或以上学历(国家认可); 有强烈的工作责任感和优秀的学习能力; 良好的沟通和客户服务能力; 良好的英文听说读写能力; 细心、耐心,有亲和力。 -
零售银行柜员 广州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 2 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 2 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
escription Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To perform accurate and efficient counter transactions and to offer a high standard of courteous and professional service to customers To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop counter services To have a strong service sense and skills to back up related role for account document process; acquisition developing To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service To be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above Good understanding of banking rules and regulations Strong sense of responsibility Good communication and interpersonal skill Willing to develop to sales role Good written and spoken English, Mandarin is preferred Good computer skill You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail Banking Sales Rep Chong.. 重庆 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 重庆 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Proactively acquiring new HML cases from on-site sales activities and channels developed by HML team. Proactively following up HML referrals other business functions. Conduct the daily activity management to well plan and review the business achievements against target. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) Result-driven, self-motivated and able to work under pressure Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Good spoken and written English. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Processor Account Servicing & .. 福建 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 福建 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To perform accurate and efficient counter service duties and to offer a high standard of courteous service to customers. To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service. To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop customer services. Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior. Close liaison with colleagues from other lines of business, business segments, products and services. To SWAT support other OPS team if necessary. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) Good understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guidelines Strong sense of responsibility Good communication skills Good written and spoken English and Mandarin Be able to work under pressure You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/SX/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Employee Communications Office.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Communications (COMM) The Communications function designs and executes communications strategies which support the business objectives of HSBC, in line with its strategy and values, and enhances and protects its reputation amongst key stakeholders. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Implement employee communications programmes in support of strategy and business priorities for Global Businesses and Global Functions at the country level Support the implementation of global and local employee communications initiatives to reinforce HSBC's values and a speak-up culture Create compelling content and messages using story-telling to engage employees about our strategy, business priorities, values and culture Source and provide locally relevant stories to feed the local, regional and global channels Responsible for overall governance of the NOW China intranet and provide support to Global Businesses/Functions on the maintenance of their intranet webpages Handle all BRCM-related work for China Comms Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: A proven track record in managing and implementing employee communication plans translating into solid and practical delivery programmes A strong team player who can work collaboratively with peers and manage and deliver excellent performance from teams and individuals Strong interpersonal and project management skills Strong verbal and written communications skills in both Chinese and English Strong knowledge of communication trends and best practice Broad knowledge of financial services industry and global marketplace Ability to interact well with all levels of management You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Processor Account Servicing & .. 江苏 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To perform accurate and efficient counter service duties and to offer a high standard of courteous service to customers. To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service. To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop customer services. Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior. Close liaison with colleagues from other lines of business, business segments, products and services. To SWAT support other OPS team if necessary. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) Good understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guidelines Strong sense of responsibility Good communication skills Good written and spoken English and Mandarin Be able to work under pressure You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller Tmall Sub-branch 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Teller Guangzhou Tmall Sub-branch HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CHTL)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:完成精确和有效的柜台业务并向客户提供高标准的专业服务通过提供一站式的柜台服务建立并与客户保持良好的关系独立介绍并推广产品给有需求的客户报告客户反馈和收集市场信息以寻求持续的客户关系熟悉本地规章、规则和内部指引,对任何可疑的洗钱活动保持警惕并上报给监管机构紧密联系其他业务条线、企业内部相关部门和同事职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:本科或以上学历(国家认可)有强烈的工作责任感和优秀的学习能力良好的沟通和客户服务能力良好的英文听说读写能力细心、耐心,有亲和力You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HL/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Audit Manager 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Audit Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BLXT)Internal Audit (IAD)Group Internal Audit provides independent assurance to management and the Risk and Audit Committees that HSBC’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are designed appropriately and are operating effectively.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?? Contribute to the audit process by leading / joining audit project teams to independently conduct comprehensive reviews and assessment of systems and control procedures and ensure high audit standards are maintained with a proper balance between risk and rewardl Provide an independent appraisal of the risk and the adequacy of risk management of the auditee through audit processand escalate the significant issues relating to reputation, legal, credit, operational and compliance risks in the auditable entities when arisel Ensure the quality of the audit service and ad hoc assignments and to improve the efficiency of auditsl Contribute to ensure that the Service Delivery (Operation) Audit Team keeps up-to-date of the developments of the business function.l Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?? A high level of professional integrity and independence is expected.l University degree or above.l At least 5 years solid experience in banking industry or a professional accounting / auditing firm.l Internal Audit, Banking or Accounting Qualification is preferable.l Have a sound knowledge of operational risks, relevant financial laws, regulations and rules, in particular related to banking operation.l Strong interpersonal and communication skills.l Fluent in spoken and written English and Mandarin.l Willing to travel frequently within Mainland China or abroad for extended periods of time.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Credit Services Officer Securi.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Credit Services Officer Security Operations Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CBUS)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:-To perform daily operations with respect to security documents handling under Gold Design of Programme CARM, and follow-up outstanding security documents under CMU scope.-To perform daily operations and controls with respect to facilities limits maintenance in internal and external systems-To perform daily operations and controls with respect to facilities limits maintenance in internal and external systems-To maintain and ensure due observance of all levels of HSBC internal control standards and compliance policies, and maintain awareness of compliance / operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- Service mindset, good interpersonal skills and communication skills- Strong problem solving capability- Careful, diligent, insensitive to overtime work- Good command of English- Communication with Lob / customer experience is plus. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCHC/MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Business Development Manager B.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Business Development Manager Shenzhen Branch HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CEQB)Retail Banking andWealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking andWealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealthmanagement capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail bankingsolutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets aroundthe world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealthmanagement, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centricpropositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that willdifferentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail bankingand wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:-?To workin the forefront of the bank to acquire new business channels and deepenrelationships of channels so as to contribute the bank’s strategy of growingquality customers in terms of New-to-bank and Qualified accounts.-To assistSenior Customer Acquisition Manager to focus on supporting the on-boarding anddevelopment of new channels and/or improving the productivity of our corecontributing key channels.-To leadthe team to develop star acquisition channel especially in payroll business,International Education, advance and Jade etc related channels in order toboost both New To Bank and deposit intake-To assistSenior Customer Acquisition Manager in developing new channels as well asmaintain a few critical existing channels that will support RBWM new businesstactics (eg: Digital, Credit card).-To ensuresfair outcomes for customers are delivered in all situations.-Rolesuccess will be achieved by focusing on striving to develop new relationshipsoutside HSBC that will deliver sustainable growth and profitability. Deliverfair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderlyand transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:-??Proven ability in mobile sales / channeldeveloping and maintaining-Current product/market knowledge-Excellent customer service skills-Managerial experience-At least 3 years’ experience in supervisory role of salesfunction-Excellent interpersonal, leadership and motivation skills-Strong sales and organization ability and problem solvingskills-Result driven and able to work under pressure-Good spoken and written EnglishYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where allemployees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providinga workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible workingand opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be usedin accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/FM/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡业务拓展主任 HSBC China .. 广州市 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市-花都区 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /ELI/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
MSF Card Sales Rep 深圳市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市-福田区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /ELI/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Finance Manager - Gr.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Finance (FIN) Global Finance aims to provide HSBC with a professional, effective and responsive finance service that operates at optimal cost and employs a common and transparent global model. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. Prepare group reporting schedules including IFRS, HKMA, FRA with tight timeline on monthly basis; Understand the new reporting requirement and develop the relative working paper; Identify major data movements and provide profound analysis; Prepare reporting data to other institutions/departments: e.g. MI/ALCM/RISK, etc; Maintain internal control standards and keep awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring; Participate in system mapping for reporting purpose. Initiate system enhancement if any. Ad-hoc jobs. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: University graduate with above 3-5 year working experience in related field; Master in Microsoft Excel and other Microsoft office tools; Sufficient knowledgeable of accounting standards, including IFRS, etc; Understand various banking products; Familiar with accounting system. Excellent in spoken and written English. CPA/ACCA/CIMA accounting qualification is preferred You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信贷专员 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1. 严格按照公司的信用审批要求,对客户的材料进行审核,评估客户资信; 2. 通过电话核查等不同方式,对客户信息进行调查,确保信用审核工作的及时性、准确性、合理性; 3. 及时收集和向公司反馈在信用审批中的所出现的各类风险信息; 任职资格: 1. 金融、经济、财务、统计等相关专业,本科或以上学历; 2. 普通话标准且流利及电脑操作熟练; 3. 具备良好的团队合作精神、沟通技巧和逻辑分析判断能力,能承受较大的工作压力; 4. 熟悉国家金融政策、法规和监管制度、信贷流程,有良好的市场意识、服务意识和风险意识; 5. 有信用卡、消费贷等相关金融信贷产品审批工作经验 -
Maintenance Assistant Wuhan WN.. 武汉市 不限 不限 不限 07 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 07 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 湖北-武汉市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To verify and check outward remittance requests in accordance with Foreign Exchange regulations and requirements. To take appropriate actions to ensure the correctness and completeness of customer’s instruction for OPS staffs’ further processing. To chase and handle SNAG cases in a timely order and ensure the problems are solved promptly. To check and sort FCY Payment and Declaration Forms, reporting Form for Overseas Remittance Receipts. To ensure and prepare daily and monthly return for supervisor’s check and forward to CMP for consolidation and submission to SAFE on a timely basis. To back up tellers during short leave or lunch hours, if necessary To handle incoming and outgoing correspondences and send out facsimiles and distribute incoming ones in order. To file the department related documents in a systematic order and assist the counter Executive to update Business Recovery Plan and other paper works. To attend to the incoming telephone calls to customers’ satisfaction. To back up Teller role during the staff's absence (subject to obtaining of relevant accreditations, if there’s no conflict of interest between the two roles By implementing strict control measures to ensure customer's account pack and instructions are sent to branch operations team with complete & accurate supporting documents by daily checker on daily basis for timely processing in accordance with SLA. (For daily checker only) Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience Minimum of one year proven and progressive financial services and/or retail sales experience or equivalent Strong communication, client focus and influencing skills Sound knowledge of services and the client relationship management system Local regulatory & license requirements Clear view on how to work with Compliance, Credit & Risk and Internal Control to ensure a balanced risk operating environment Able to communicate well in English and local languages You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Manager Sanctions Sc.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 07 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 07 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionFinancial Crime Risk (FCR) Financial Crime Risk (FCR) is a Global Function that brings together all areas of financial crime risk management at HSBC and is dedicated to implementing the most effective global standards to combat financial crime. The function has been set up in a way that enables us to build on our achievements in managing financial crime risk effectively across the bank and continue to strengthen financial crime detection, anti-money laundering, sanctions and anti-bribery and corruption compliance. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Fulfilling and executing required Regional level alert investigation Following Global Standards on the decision making of false positives that have reached Level 3 Support the delivery of the Global strategy for the Financial Crime Compliance Sanctions function into the Region Ensure full adherence to Global Standards Policy within Region, including but not limited to related Sanctions Guidance and Operating Procedures Ensure development activities are a core priority and ensure reasonable time is taken for learning and developmental activities Develop positive and professional working relationships with all team members and colleagues at a Regional and Country level Maintain awareness of operational risk within direct reporting line to minimise the likelihood of it occurring including its identification, assessment, mitigation and control, loss identification and reporting Provides support in managing Sanctions risk for the region Supports businesses and functions to address any actual and potential Sanctions compliance issues. The role holder will also adhere to and be able to demonstrate adherence to internal controls. This will be achieved by adherence to all relevant procedures, keeping appropriate records and, where appropriate, by the timely implementation of internal and external audit points, including issues raised by external regulators. Provide effective support to Regional Investigations Lead's in the management of responses to adverse compliance metrics, including unsatisfactory Financial Crime Compliance reviews and Audit reports Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Risk professional with experience in one or more risk compliance roles, to include Sanctions experience Knowledge of Sanctions regulations and guidance Knowledge of SWIFT codes is preferred but not mandatory Experience within the financial services industry Lateral thinker with an ability to interpret and solve complex issues High level of English language skills Excellent communicator with strong inter-personal and influencing skills Ability to adapt to change and provide input where necessary You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCAXS/JJ Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Sales Manager - GBFI HSBC Chin.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 3-4 月薪 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 3-4 月薪 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Global Liquidity and Cash Management(GLCM)HSBC is recognised as one of the top tier providers of Global Liquidity and Cash Management services in the Asia-Pacific region. As more corporate and institutional clients continue to consolidate their banking activities with the introduction of payments and cash management services, the potential growth of this business is substantial. Our customers view our regional client service proposition as a key element in deciding with whom to mandate their business... We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?Manage FI B&S NBFI portfolio in East China in order to maintain existing, and generate new income, further penetrate market share in Liquidity and cash management business for HSBC. Sector planning and client monitoring/contact as part of the Global Banking client planning process. Drive deals and achieve income for the Group by originating leads, building and maintaining relationships with existing and new clients in order to identify and sell innovative cash and clearing management solutions to the Banking and Securities Sector of HSBC's Global Banking clients. Responsibility for pricing, reviewing and negotiating the full range of cash management services, together with effecting any cost reduction initiatives required by the HSBC Group. The jobholder is ultimately responsible for new sales revenue and the retention and growth of existing clients and income aligned to a portfolio within the Sector. Maintain close liaison with key stakeholders so as to collaborate and provide input to the strategic direction of the business, the functionality and launch of new products and services. Keep Management informed of progress / major obstacles towards progress on Sales targets. Manage costs within plan and keep losses to a minimum. Comply with HSBC's global standards, risk requirements and policy.To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Solid over 5 years work experience in FI business or Coporate/FI Cash Management speciliast, best covering Banks&Securities NBFI portfolio in East China or relevant FI background. Good Corporate Cash Management experience, payments and clearing product knowledge or FI RM experience is a good plus. Excellent performance track record, proven self starter and able to work independently with minimal guidance in meeting tight deadlines Team work spirit, be able to influence and motivate colleagues within the Sales Team. Self-motivated, driven, problem-solving and result oriented, willing to take challenges and learning new things. Excellent communication, negotiation and -stakeholder Management skills. Promoted and led best practice in risk and compliance management.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/CJIssued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
通宵班客户服务专员 佛山市 大专及以上 不限 不限 3 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 3 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、专心服务于汇丰卓越理财服务热线,提供全球性的卓越2、通过电话/电子邮件向汇丰的潜在/现有客户提供一贯准确和令人满意的客户服务,了解客户的财务需求并提供充足/合适的银行产品/解决方案。3、建立良好的客户关系,主动为汇丰中国分行预约潜在的客户,从呼入的客户里找到优质的销售推荐。4、妥善处理客户提出的问题并确保采取适当的措施解决这些问题,必要时需及时升级到高级职员/经理,并在经理的指导下与其它职能部门紧密合作。5、为金融市场的有序透明运作而努力,平等对待每一位客户。岗位要求:1、大专及以上学历2、能适应轮班安排3、能够在高压,快节奏的环境中工作4、英语与普通话良好5、出色的沟通技巧,始终保持礼貌与友好工作地点:南海千灯湖(广佛线千灯湖站) -
Assistant Credit Card Services.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海-闵行区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description(Indicative Grade: GCB8) Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. 1. 严格按照公司的信用审批要求,对客户的材料进行审核,评估客户资信,防范欺诈风险; 2. 通过电话的方式,对高风险客户信息进行调查,确保信用审核工作的及时性、准确性、合理性; 3. 及时收集和向公司反馈在信用审批中的所出现的欺诈风险信息;QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1. 金融、经济、财务、统计等相关专业,本科或以上学历; 2. 普通话标准且流利及电脑操作熟练; 3. 具备良好的团队合作精神、沟通技巧和逻辑分析判断能力,能承受较大的工作压力; 4. 熟悉国家金融政策、法规和监管制度、信贷流程,有良好的市场意识、服务意识和风险意识; 5. 有信用卡、消费贷等相关金融信贷产品审批工作经验者优先考虑。 You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/VLIN/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Officer Wealth Business Servic.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 07 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 07 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: - Support relevant group/regional/business initiatives/projects - Collaborate closely with trading/settlement team to ensure consistent service standard can be delivered - Provide valid suggestion in daily wealth management operations. - Initiate and coordinate the wealth management related project from the operations perspective - Work as the project member in terms of wealth management operations related project. - Monitoring the status of Global Service Centre’s performance, timely communicating with Global Service Centre for migration issue. Delivering necessary guidance to Global Service Centre if any system/process update. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: - Strong attention to detail and careful and sensitive when handling data - Strong problem solving capability; - Careful, diligent, insenstive to overtime work; - Good command of English - Certificate of fund qualification exam -Project management skill will be extra -Experience in payment operation will be a plus You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/TZ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
CCSS Team Manager-Credit Card .. 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Contact Center Service and Sales Team Manager-Credit Card Outbound Foshan HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BNG0)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:--To ensure the successful launch of credit card by participating CCSS related working stream and communicating with local/ASP counterparties to accomplish all required tasks.--To plan, organize, control and manage the credit card outbound team to meet the credit card business acquisition target.--To direct, coach OB team to advance their overall customer service and business acquisition skills.--To explore new business opportunities and enhance current customers relationship through conducting and monitoring cold call and cross-referral performance.--To support manager to coordinate with other departments and branches in daily banking operation and project--To identify and mitigate the risk from daily operation to protect both bank’s and customer’s benefit--Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1. 3 to 5 years working experience in project or credit card related business2. Solid knowledge on credit card service and sales in Contact Center3. Strong business sense and capability to drive the project4. Good spoken and written skill for both English and Chinese (mandarin)5. Excellent internal and external communication skills6. Willingness to work under pressuresYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/JZ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Retail business bank.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Retail business banking Relationship Manager Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C63Z)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Act as Relationship Manager by offering value-added advice and guidance to customers and placing their needs at the forefront of our activity, setting world class standards? Work in partnership with colleagues across the HSBC Group to improve connectivity, deliver exceptional standards and quality of service across all interactions? Support achievement of the HSBC vision, Values, goals and culture in personal behaviour, actions and decision making? Develop and recommend changes and improvements to operating models, procedures and practices based on subject matter expertise and understanding of HSBC and market best practice? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Strong knowledge/experience in small business banking areas Understand industry, business cycle, customers and products Strong Business Development, networking and portfolio management skills Personal network and local connection preferred Deliver RBB products and services to promote the bank’s profile, to maximized the return and add value to the bank Self-motivated and result oriented Good credit sense and risk management Ensure timely and accurate maintenance of customer information, including KYC requirements. Ensure strict compliance with internal and external guidelines and regulations Sound decision making and analytics skills Excellent communication, client focus and influencing skills You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Manager Card Service.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Manager Card Services Operations HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C57A)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:Outsourcing management: -Oversee the outsourced services by Global Service Center, such as Dispute & Chargeback, Fraud Claim, and back office customer services to make sure the end to end business runs effective and the operational risks be in control.Risk & Control: -Utilize risk and control framework to manage Risks, Control Monitoring Plan, and incident.Training: -Execute Cards & Loans Business Services learning curves, and coordinating resources in facilitating trainings.Subject Matter Expect: -Participate bank wide projects, enable business growth, and achieve operational efficiency.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? It requires strong expertise in Card Scheme, 3rd party payment companies.? It requires excellent communication skills to engage various stakeholders to reach Win-Win agreement.? It requires good business awareness and excellent problem solving skills to make judgment in a constantly changing regulatory environment.? It requires insights of the Market, the products and the end to end process, along with the up-to-date view in the digital driven world.Knowledge/Special Skills Requirements- Solid knowledge of cards products and services and procedures- Strong problem solving & Multi-Task management abilities- Experienced in process review and project management- Team player in all kinds of Co-operations- Independent perspective- Be able to work under considerable pressure- Outstanding interpersonal communications skills- Fluent in both written and spoken English/MandarinYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/TZ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Proposition Development Manage.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Proposition Development Manager Shenzhen HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BGOI)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:1. Develop, implement, and maintain credit card product with product features and value proposition aligning with specfic customer segment2. Closely working with RBWM front line sales, Risk, Digital and other teams for the multichannel end-to-end acquisition process design and implementation3. Closely working with Marketing on customer communication for product launch, rewards program, and ongoing acquisition and usage campaigns4. Monitor and manage product performance and portfolio performance5. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- University degree or above (recognized by the state)- 5-8 years unsecure lending product manager experience with solid track record in project and product development, marketing, and channel management- Familiar with industry and market trend- Excellent communication, coordination, initiative driving, and cross function analytical skillsYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/JZ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Regulatory Compliance C.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Regulatory Compliance Conduct Compliance Manger HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CCME)RiskGlobal Risk is a thriving and expert risk management function supporting HSBC globally with all aspects of risk management. The team actively manages a varied and dynamic range of risk types, including security, fraud, information security, operational, credit, pension, insurance, compliance, regulatory, market, reputation and geopolitical risks. All parts of the Global Risk team use their skills, insight and integrity to handle established threats and those they see emerging, acting to protect and enable HSBC to deliver sustainable growth. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:Reporting to the Head of RC, HBCN, the Senior Manager Conduct is the senior Conduct Compliance subject matter expert for HBCN and RRB. The role is responsible for guidance, advice, controls and monitoring over matters pertaining to the Regulatory Compliance ("RC") function in China (who in turn advise the Global Businesses, HOST and Global Functions within ASP), and senior management.Key deliverables:? Ensure proactive involvement in / co-ordination of relevant Conduct developments of material importance to China, including HSBC Group.? Identify the need for and ensure appropriate Compliance support is provided to relevant Conduct change initiatives and projects.? Identify, escalate and report on, material Conduct issues that have arisen and current and forthcoming regulatory developments as required (including within the RC functions) to relevant management and to ensure incorporation of those issues and developments into relevant RC activity (including policy work, risk assessments etc.)? Ensure appropriate reporting to the Head of RC, HBCN and Head of Conduct Compliance, ASP on Conduct related matters (including development and implementation).? Ensure guidance regarding Conduct is reflected in appropriate policies and procedures governing Conduct and Culture within ASP (e.g. the HKMA Circular on Culture Reform), and that there is ongoing monitoring and periodic reviews to verify that these policies and procedures are being followed and the risk is adequately understood and managed.? Foster collaboration and sharing of best practices in policy drafting, controls, monitoring, training and communication among all RC sub-functions.? Develop and maintain overview of Conduct activities in China and provide regular updates on such position to the Head of RC, HBCN and Head of Conduct Compliance, ASP.? Identify and monitor Conduct issues and developments in Hong Kong and ASP and report on and respond to them (including the issuance of updates and guidance as appropriate) to RC management.? Provision of advice and guidance re Group Conduct Policy to RC officers in China and China Management.? Assist with development and refinement of Compliance policies to meet Group Conduct initiatives? Discharge the relevant accountabilities as set out in the Group Standards Manual and Compliance FIM.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Seasoned professional with experience in one or more senior risk compliance roles, ideally to include Regulatory Compliance experience.? Significant knowledge of Conduct regulations and be able to provide effective and timely guidance.? Significant knowledge of the HSBC Group structure, its business and personnel, and a deep understanding of HSBC's corporate culture.? Significant experience in the financial services industry, through a minimum of 10 years experience, is preferred.? Lateral thinker with an ability to interpret and solve complex issues.? Well-developed effective, leadership skills.? Effective communicator with strong inter-personal and influencing skills.? Experience developing an assurance model and developing/leading a review team.? Experience in leading assurance work in a complementary discipline e.g. Audit would be an advantage. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCAXS/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller Corprate Counter Sub-br.. 中山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Teller Corprate Counter Zhongshan Sub-branch HSBC China(Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000C15U)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:1. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.2. Perform accurate and efficient cash and counter service duties and to offer a high standard of courteous service to customers.3. Satisfy customer need, he/she is required to be familiar with local rules and regulation to answer customer enquiry and provide good advice.4. Establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop counter services. Cash handling1) Provide cash service to customers skillfully, efficiently and accurately and ensure service provided to customers constantly meets or exceeds the requirements set down in the HSBC Service Protocol.2) To float/return cash from/to cashier and ensure accurate handling in cash positions and well balance teller's own cash position according to internal requirement.3) To complete withdraw and deposit slips/application etc., for customers in case of need.4) Be alertness in counter fraud risk and counterfeit notes identification.Services1) To answer customer queries courteously at counter and over the phone and refer to superiors when problem encountered. To ensure customers are served without any kind of complain and dissatisfaction.2) Receive instructions include supporting documents from customers approaching corporate counter or by mail-in/fax-in.3) Handle account maintenance instructions received from corporate customers, check and verify documents provided according to relevant procedures and guidelines, and follow up with customer if needed.Risk1) Maintain and ensure due observance of HSBC Internal Control Standards, including the timely implementation of recommendations made by internal/external auditors and external regulators.2) Maintain awareness of operational risk including its identification, assessment, mitigation and control, loss identification and reporting in accordance with the relevant section of the Group Operations FIM.3) Take proactive and preventive measures to avoid non-compliance cases and repeated or high-risk audit comments and minimize operational loss.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above Good understanding of banking rules and regulations Strong sense of responsibility Good communication and interpersonal skill Willing to develop to sales role Good written and spoken English, Madarin is preferred Good computer skillYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HL/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Global Client Manager 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Global Client Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CA8B)Global Banking (GB)HSBC’s global capabilities and footprint allow our Global Banking teams to provide a single coverage point for multinational clients operating internationally. Offering vast expertise and local knowledge, especially in emerging markets, Global Banking products and services have been designed to meet the global financial needs of our clients, whatever and wherever they are.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: GBM Business Services provides multi-jurisdictional client support to HSBC's Global Banking coverage teams and facilitates operational support for Client Onboarding, Credit reviews, Legal negotiations, KYC Renewals, and Maintenance and Exit activities across HSBC's GBM products. The overall objective of the Global Client Manager (GCM) role is to facilitate and own the delivery of the end to end onboarding journey for the Banking Priority Client base, across the global Client Management network. Acting as a global single point of escalation both internally and externally, minimising client outreach, coordinating both KYC New to Bank and Renewals across the FIG and Corporate client sectors.The role is client facing role managing our highest value clients where professionalism, client focus and a strong understanding of Policy and GBM products are critical.The GCM is intended to operate with a strong leadership and commercial focus ensuring tight alignment to the objectives of the business, whilst enabling the right service delivery with a view to enhancing our client's experience, in a controlled and risk focused environment. Understanding and adhering to local and global compliance requirements is critical to the success of the role.In delivering the business objectives the role holder must operate with integrity and adhere to the Business Principles and Values of HSBC. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Broad overall understanding of the investment banking value chain and the context within which GBM Business Services operates.?Must be able to manage a varied workload and prioritise effectively and execute seamlessly under pressure?Able to build excellent working relationships across all Business units?Strong commercial skills?Excellent influencing, negotiating and interpersonal skills to all levels?Self-starter, able to identify activities required in order to meet the needs of the Business unit?Ability to lead and motivate other managers and staff, employing appropriate management styles often not under direct control (eg. product or functional partners in different geographies)?Strong written and oral communication skills?High energy characteristics necessary to support the needs of the Business and the Sector aligned operating model.?Developed management skills, with experience in team building and managing a wide range of projects?Experience in managing operational risks through close monitoring and continuous improvementYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/JC Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Trade Middle Office Associate 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
TradeMiddleOfficeAssociateShenzhenHSBCChina(PearlRiverDelta)-(职位编号:0000C370)GlobalTradeandReceivablesFinance(GTRF)HSBCGlobalTradeandReceivablesFinanceiscommittedtohelpingcompaniesofallsizesfromeverypartoftheworldgrowtheirbusinessacrossborders.Offeringacomprehensiverangeofforward-thinkingsupplychainandtraditionaltradesolutions,thebusinesshasbeenrepeatedlyrecognizedbytheindustry’smostprominentpublicationsandassociationswithnumerousawardsforitsstrengthincombininginnovationandserviceexcellencewithend-to-endcustomersolutions.Wearecurrentlyseekinganambitiousindividualtojointhisteam.Inthisrole,youwill:TheroleisresponsibleforimplementcomplexdealsacrossGlobalTrade&ReceivablesFinance'ssolutions,provideexcellentcustomerserviceontradeoperationstosupporttheachievementofGlobalTrade&ReceivablesFinance'sbusinesstargets.Demonstrateownershipintheday-to-dayoperationsandensurethatahighlevelofoperationalstandardsandcustomerserviceisprovided.Ensurefullimplementationofglobalprocedures/guidelines,FinancialCrimeCompliance/Sanctionrelatedissuesthatarerelevanttodailyoperations.Ensurethatdailyoperationmeetsorexceedsservicelevelagreement.Adheretoglobalpolicy,proceduresandcontrolrequirementsapplicabletoday-to-dayworking,exceptionalandprojectactivities,andraiseanyconcernsaboutactualorpotentialissuespromptly,inlinewithreportingandescalationprocedures.ApplyGTRFpolicies,procedures,practicesandstandardstotheirallocatedtasks,takingresponsibilityfortheirownactions,toensuretheachievementofhighlevelsofquality,effectiveriskmanagementandregulatorycompliance.Supportanykeyorganizationalstrategicinitiativestohelpinoperationalisingtheproductdevelopmentandbusinessimprovements.Developandmaintainstrongworkingrelationshipswithinternalandexternalstakeholders.Ensurepositiveclientexperiencesthroughsupport,tradeadviceandbestpracticesinrelationtoGlobalTrade&ReceivablesFinancetransactions.ImplementthehighestservicelevelstandardsandtoenhancemarketvisibilityandprofileofGTRFbothinternallyandexternally.Tobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements?-BachelordegreeorabovesupportingFinancialServices,BusinessOperation,Processserviceorequivalentexperienceinarelatedfield.-Hastradeknowledgewith1.5yearsrelevantworkingexperience.-Abilitytoworkindependentlyandalsocollaborativelywithotherteammembers-Stronginterpersonalskills,includingverbalandwrittencommunicationskills(inEnglishandlocallanguage)-Strongmulti-taskingandproblemsolvingskills-CDCSholderisdesirableYou’llachievemorewhenyoujoinHSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCHHU/CJ/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Head of Retail BB Distribution.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
HeadofRetailBusinessBankingDistribution,RetailBankingandWealthManagementHSBCChina(PearlRiverDelta)-(职位编号:0000BLSC)RetailBankingandWealthManagement(RBWM)RetailBankingandWealthManagementleveragesHSBC’sglobalretailbankingexpertiseandwealthmanagementcapabilitiestodeliverabroadrangeofworld-classretailbankingsolutionstomillionsofcustomers.Drivingforgrowthinkeymarketsaroundtheworld,thebusinesscomprisesareassuchasretailbanking,wealthmanagement,insuranceandassetmanagement,withafocusoncustomer-centricpropositionsandinnovativeandefficientdistributionchannelsthatwilldifferentiateourcustomerexperienceanddelivermarketleadingretailbankingandwealthmanagementsolutions.Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:ThejobholderisresponsibleforleadingateamofBusinessDevelopmentManagers,SalesCoachesandBusinessSpecialiststosupportvarioussalesandmanagementrolesincludingPRMs,AEMsandRBBRMstodriveandachieveasignificantgrowthwhilemaximizingsustainableprofitabilityforRBWMbusinessinPRDthroughdeliveringtheRBBstrategy.He/sheisrequiredtodevelopbusinessplansandworkcloselywithHeadofBranchDistribution/RegionalManager/AreaManager/BranchManagertomanagetheRBBperformanceofalldivisionstodeliverbusinessresults,andestablishaneffectiveandefficientsalesandserviceplatformwithrelevantfunctionstoachievebusinessperformancewhichareinlinewithGroupstandardsandCompliancepolicies.Deliverfairoutcomesforourcustomersandensureownconductmaintainstheorderlyandtransparentoperationoffinancialmarkets.Tobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:KnowledgeandExperience?Universitydegreeoraboveinarelevantbusinessdisciplinee.g.businessadministration,finance?Atleast10yearsexperienceinretailbankingand/orcommercialbankingincludingaminimumof5yearsprovenandprogressivemanagementexperience?SoundknowledgeofBusinessBanking/SMEproducts,servicesandprocessestogetherwithexposureinRBWM/retailbankingbranchoperationsorcustomerservicedelivery?ProfoundunderstandingofSMEmarket,keycompetitorsandofferingsaswellasourcompetitiveedgestowinqualitycustomers?Thoroughunderstandingofregulatoryframeworkandpertinentregulationsimpactingcorporatecustomers.SkillsandAbilities?Strongleadership,marketing,salesandmanagementskills?Highlyeffectivecommunicatorwithexcellentinterpersonalandmotivationalskills?Solidperformancemanagementandmotivationalskills?Excellentrelationshipbuildingandstakeholdermanagementskills?Strongmanagerial,planning,analytical,decision-making,lateralthinkingandprojectmanagementskills?Abletonavigateconflictingstrategicprioritiesanddecisions?Locallanguageskillisamust.You’llachievemoreatHSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/RW/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Retail BB Business Management .. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
RetailBusinessBankingBusinessManagementManagerShenzhenHSBCChina(PearlRiverDelta)-(职位编号:0000CFTB)RetailBankingandWealthManagement(RBWM)RetailBankingandWealthManagementleveragesHSBC’sglobalretailbankingexpertiseandwealthmanagementcapabilitiestodeliverabroadrangeofworld-classretailbankingsolutionstomillionsofcustomers.Drivingforgrowthinkeymarketsaroundtheworld,thebusinesscomprisesareassuchasretailbanking,wealthmanagement,insuranceandassetmanagement,withafocusoncustomer-centricpropositionsandinnovativeandefficientdistributionchannelsthatwilldifferentiateourcustomerexperienceanddelivermarketleadingretailbankingandwealthmanagementsolutions.Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:-TrackbusinessperformanceofRetailBusinessBankingproductsandsalesperformanceinChina-SupportdevelopingChinaRBBStrategyandPerformanceupdatecommunicationstoreporttoChinaEXCOandregionalandgroupRBBmanagement-Executecorrectiveactionsbasedonbusinessprofitability,financialbenchmarkingreceivedfromFinanceDepartmentagainstAnnualOperationPlan(AOP)-Facilitateandimplementbusinessperformancemanagementstrategytodriveperformance-basedsalescultureinPRD-ImplementactivitiesmanagementtoupliftproductivityleveltomeetAOPaccordingly,keepalignmentwithHSBCChinaHeadquartersinsalesmanagement-DeliverfairoutcomesforourcustomersandensureownconductmaintainstheorderlyandtransparentoperationoffinancialmarketsTobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:-Bachelor'sdegreeorabove-3-5yearsworkingexperienceinBanking,demonstratesolidexperienceandtrack-recordrelatingtobusinessperformancemanagement-Stronganalyticalskillsanduseofanalyticaltools-Strongcommunicationandnegotiationskillscrossdepartments,andstrongknowledgeofPowerpointcommunicationtool-Exceptionalcoordinationandinitiativedrivingabilities-Workeffectivelytodelivertargetsacrossdiversecultures-FluencyinEnglishandMandarinismandatoryYou’llachievemorewhenyoujoinHSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/RW/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Credit Services Officer Securi.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 07 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 07 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: -To perform daily operations with respect to security documents handling under Gold Design of Programme CARM, and follow-up outstanding security documents under CMU scope. -To perform daily operations and controls with respect to facilities limits maintenance in internal and external systems -To perform daily operations and controls with respect to facilities limits maintenance in internal and external systems -To maintain and ensure due observance of all levels of HSBC internal control standards and compliance policies, and maintain awareness of compliance / operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: - Service mindset, good interpersonal skills and communication skills; - Strong problem solving capability; - Careful, diligent, insensitive to overtime work; - Good command of English - Communication with Lob / customer experience is plus. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCHC/MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail Banking Sales Represent.. 广州市 不限 3-4 年 不限 07 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 07 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 3-4 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市-天河区 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: - Contributes to the achievement of customer acquisition growth and Net New Money growth - To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets - Contribute to the improvement of customer experience and strengthened market competitiveness - Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring. -Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Fluent in both Madarine and Engnlish; Above 3-year experience on Home mortgate Loan business; Full knowledge of Retail banking and Wealth Management products, policies; Enhanced sales skill and good communication skill; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force S.. 上海 本科及以上 5-7 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海-静安区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Credit card is a strategic priority for HBCN and the role of city level Mobile Sales Force Sales Coach is a key management role that supports the achievement of the MSF objectives. The manager needs to work with the country sales coach, city managers, sales managers and Learning & Development team to implement city level training and coaching programs and develop relevant local programs to develop and continuously enhance the Mobile Sales Force (MSF) capability, performance productivity as well as observance of sales quality and Global Standard. The manager also needs to assist in developing MSF teams to be able to provide outstanding customer experience to our target customers. One of MSF Sales Coach's focuses is on supporting the development of on-boarding and continual development of new MSF team leaders and MSFs and improving the sales/service quality and productivity of MSFs. So by working closely with MSF City managers and team leaders, the manager will develop and execute coaching for local MSFs with primary focuses on client engagement skills and sales activities planning, execution and process optimisation including utilisation of sales tools and tablet. In addition, the manager needs to develop and execute plan to instill HSBC values and behaviour in MSF and foster a working environment with positive sales and service mindset. In some cases, the manager also needs to work with city sales coach to develop programs to up-skill sales managers. Additionally, the manager needs to be involved in reviewing the effectiveness of MSF compensation and incentive schemes to ensure the scheme’s relevancy in supporting achievement of overall MSF objectives. In addition, the Coach will be responsible in developing Recognition programs with City managers and team leaders to optimise team performance. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor Degree or above Strong leadership skills and influencing skill Above 6 years working experience in Banking, preferably in Credit Card. Strong coaching and influencing skills Sufficient knowledge and expertise in area of coaching responsiblilty including people development, channel development, sales process and client referral skills Previous experience and proven record as MSF Sales Manager, or Credit card Sales Coach within HSBC or equivalent in other leading financial institutions Sufficient knowledge of global anti money laundering standards Knowledge of relevant regulatory governance in local market Knowledge of local and Group compliance regulations (the latter to be attained if new to HSBC) Proven ability to multi-tasking in a fast paced work environment and prioritize work assignments You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHXI Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Payment Service Qing.. 天津 不限 不限 不限 07 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 07 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 天津-南开区 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Perform all payment related transactions accurately, promptly , skillfully and full responsibility .Ensure transactions are adhere to internal guidelines and external regulations.Report any suspicious transactions to line manager immediately. Provide high quality customer services and maintain pleasant customer relationship. Answer customers and customer groups' enquiries professionally and solve their problems tactfully. Keep customer information confidential. Report to supervisor/line manager for customer feedback in time. Maintain HSBC internal control standards,implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and main awareness of operation risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring.Have strong sense of Anti-ML and implementation. Back up other position under line manager's arrangement.Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: To meet customers' satisfactions by providing quality services without compromising our compliance standards; Good communication and interpersonal skill Good written and spoken English Be honesty and dependable Good team work spirit and fast learning skill Like to contribute to the job with passion You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/TZ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Manager Cards Propositi.. 北京 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京-丰台区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing(MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:TheroleoftheGlobalMarketingFunctionis"Todrivetop-linerevenuegrowthfortheGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,thebrand'sstrengthandcustomerinsightstoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployedandhelppositionthefirmtobecometheworld'sleadinginternationalbank."Thefunctionseeksto-Drivesustainablerevenuegrowthinourtargetmarkets-Identifymarketplaceopportunitiesandunlockcustomerinsightstogeneratecompetitiveadvantage-Fullyleveragethebrand'sstrengthandreputation,astheGroup'smostpreciousintangibleasset-Deliveraprofessional,effectiveandresponsiveMarketingfunctionatoptimalcost.AsSeniorCreditCardPropositionMarketingManagerthisrolewill:-DevelopCreditCardmarketingstrategiestoensurethatkeybusinesspropositionsandinitiativesarepromotedandcommunicated(includingbothabovethelinecommunicationaswellasbelowtheline)tothetargetaudienceinthemosteffectiveandefficientmanner(includingbothdigital/onlineaswellasnon-digital/offline)-LeadteamtodevelopmarketingprogrammesandinitiativesforspecificsegmentstosupportgrowthandprofitabilityoftheHBCNCreditCardbusiness-ContributetoestablishHSBCastheleadingandpreferredcreditcardinChina-Coachtheteamtoimplementsegmentinitiativeswhichcontributetosustaining&growingbrandpreferenceandbrandhealthscoreswithcustomerrecommendations-MaintainHSBCinternalcontrolstandards,implementandobserveGroupCompliancePolicyandmaintainawarenessofoperationalriskandminimizethelikelihoodofitoccurring.Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:BachelorabovedegreeMorethan10yearsofbroadbasedbusinessexperience,ideallywithinalargebluechipFinancialServicesbrandStrongplanning,analytical,communications,decision-making,lateralthinking,influencing,interpersonalandprojectmanagementskillsandabilitytocommunicateandcollaboratewithmultipleteamsinmultiplelocationsAbilitytoworkinateam-orientedenvironmentandeffectivelyinfluenceandcommunicateacrossvariousbusinesslinesatseniorlevelswithintheorganization.ProfessionallevelmandarinandEnglishoralandwrittenskillthatsupportefficientcommunicationandcrossfunction/locationinfluence.Provenabilitytoworkonmulti-functionprojectsdemonstratingexcellentrelationshipbuildingskillsExperienceofprojectmanagementdrivingforgreatervaluethroughthesmartapplicationofresourceProvenabilitytobeaself-starterwithenergyanddriveinachallenginganddynamicenvironmentAbilitytothinkinnovatively,shapingandcommunicatingnewconceptsWorkindependently,bothatastrategicalandtacticallevelHighlevelofpersonalintegrityandvaluesinlinewithbusinesscorevaluesYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Manager Partnerships HSBC Chin.. 深圳市 硕士及以上 5-7 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市-龙华区 学历要求: 硕士及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT) HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role of the Global Marketing Function is "To drive top-line revenue growth for the Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, the brand's strength and customer insights to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed and help position the firm to become the world's leading international bank." The function seeks to: -Drive sustainable revenue growth in our target markets -Identify marketplace opportunities and unlock customer insights to generate competitive advantage -Fully leverage the brand's strength and reputation, as the Group's most precious intangible asset Digital is one of the growth priorities for Retail Banking and Wealth Management, an essential component of the Retail Banking and Wealth Management strategy. HSBC is investing massively in Retail Banking and Wealth Management to accelerate digital and streamlining activity globally and Hong Kong is among the six largest markets that we are investing in. This significant investment will drive the transformation of our operations and sales and distribution network, making it easier for our customers to do business with us, and for us to serve their needs more efficiently and effectively. Digital provides a huge range of potential interaction points with our customers and prospects C both on our own platforms, including email, push and SMS, but also more broadly on the internet using paid and 'earned' media to support 'always-on' Digital Acquisition. By seamlessly managing all these interaction points and using data to deliver the most relevant content and messaging to our customers and prospects at the right times, the impact to our customers and our business will be enormous. A major focus of this role will be on developing data driven customer insights to be applied in new digital techniques, whilst working closely with other cross functional teams to develop best practice e-commerce sales strategy. You will be responsible for managing biddable media (search & programamtic) activities throughout the funnel, but with a focus on driving the highest quality of traffic through to HSBC owned channels for conversion by our DaaC (Digital as a Channel) team. Supporting the management of agency partners, tracking KPIs, and post-campaign analysis and reporting. Additionally, you will work closely with numerous stakeholders and champion the customer focused objectives, while ultimately achieving annual new digital customer revenue targets. As HSBC is a complex matrix organization, a large portion of this role's responsibility will include working with colleagues across Customer Value Management (CVM), Marketing, Digital functions, Risk, Compliance and other departments in order to create compelling customer communication while ensuring alignment across local and global functions. As the Manager Partnerships HSBC China the role holder is responsible for: Develop affiliate and paid media partnership acquisition plans and budgets to support campaigns and activities Oversee the deployment, execution, activation and effectiveness of affiliates and paid media partnerships, platforms and assets developed and created by the Cards Marketing team Work with broader acquisition and marketing team to deliver against the agreed KPIs set for acquisition and return on Marketing investment Provide direction to agencies, brand partners, and team members to deliver to business goals. Share affiliates and paid media partnerships practice across China Assign budgets across social media activities to deliver Return on Investment Build strong relationships with key agency and strategic partners to ensure they understand group and business strategy as well as the Marketing strategy and plan Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets He or she should cultivate an environment that supports diversity and reflects the HSBC values Individual will build a culture of continuous improvement in customer experience and functionality deployment Support the continuing development or transformation of the Digital Acquisition operating model to ensure the business operates increasingly effectively and efficiently and is able to deliver HSBC's strategic goals Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: The job holder will need to have 5-10 years of experience working in a paid media environment client side or agency in China with a focus on affiliates & partnerships Should have strong communication skills and ability to manage senior stakeholders Should have experience and understanding of Cards or Payments businesses with keen understanding if the digital environment in China. They will need to be familiar with the Digital Acquisition process and will have worked within a Digital Acquisition environment The job holder should have experience in developing strong team culture and managing high performing individuals They will be highly creative and challenging to the status quo. They will be enthusiastic, willing to champion the unpopular if right for business strategy; and persuade and motivate individuals in other business areas to support Digital Acquisition plans Educated to Post graduate/MBA level High level of personal integrity and values in line with business core values You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Marketing Manager- Strategy an.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Marketing (MKT)HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:Develop and execute market research projects and market analysis to support business and marketing strategy development. Providing in-depth customer and prospect insight, secure efficiency of proposition / product / channel / service / marketing initiatives, to achieve growth in market share and profitability for HBCN RBWM.Champion market and consumer insight infrastructure and plan development. Build a knowledge base and in-depth customer understanding on customer's behaviors, expectations, perceptions and drivers. Provide market trends, industry development and competitive intelligence inclusive of formulation of gaps and opportunities through market research to support business planning for HBCN RBWM.Build in-house customer insight competency for HBCN RBWM. Support CVM and Marketing colleagues to form a customer centric thinking framework, and build insight generation capabilities.QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:University (BA) or (BS) aboveAbove 7 years hands on working experience in managing marketing research projects in research companies or insight department.Broad based business experience, ideally within a large blue chip brand and familiar with financial products.Excellent proposal writing, analysis and presentation skillsProfessional communication skills in both Mandarin and English. Strong ability to communicate and collaborate with multiple teams in multiple locations.Innovative and seek for continuous improvement on research method to drive for best return, ideally, leveraging digital capability to drive research efficiency. A self-starter with energy and drive in a challenging and dynamic environment. Can work independently, both at a strategically and tactical level.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Head of Digital Acquisition HS.. 广州市 硕士及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市-番禺区 学历要求: 硕士及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT) HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role of the Global Marketing Function is "To drive top-line revenue growth for the Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, the brand's strength and customer insights to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed and help position the firm to become the world's leading international bank." The function seeks to -Drive sustainable revenue growth in our target markets -Identify marketplace opportunities and unlock customer insights to generate competitive advantage -Fully leverage the brand's strength and reputation, as the Group's most precious intangible asset -Deliver a professional, effective and responsive Marketing function at optimal cost Digital is one of the growth priorities for Retail Banking and Wealth Management, an essential component of the Retail Banking and Wealth Management strategy. HSBC is investing massively in Retail Banking and Wealth Management to accelerate digital and streamlining activity globally and Hong Kong is among the six largest markets that we are investing in. This significant investment will drive the transformation of our operations and sales and distribution network, making it easier for our customers to do business with us, and for us to serve their needs more efficiently and effectively. Digital provides a huge range of potential interaction points with our customers and prospects C both on our own platforms, including email, push and SMS, but also more broadly on the internet using paid and 'earned' media to support 'always-on' Digital Acquisition. By seamlessly managing all these interaction points and using data to deliver the most relevant content and messaging to our customers and prospects at the right times, the impact to our customers and our business will be enormous. A major focus of this role will be on developing data driven customer insights to be applied in new digital techniques, whilst working closely with other cross functional teams to develop best practice e-commerce sales strategy. You will be responsible for managing the digital acquisition activities throughout the funnel, but with a focus on driving the highest quality of traffic through to HSBC owned channels for conversion by our DaaC (Digital as a Channel) team. Directly responsible for managing agency partners, tracking KPIs, and post-campaign analysis and reporting. Additionally, you will work closely with numerous stakeholders and champion the customer focused objectives, while ultimately achieving annual new digital customer revenue targets. As HSBC is a complex matrix organization, a large portion of this role’s responsibility will include working with colleagues across Customer Value Management (CVM), Marketing, Digital functions, Risk, Compliance and other departments in order to create compelling customer communication while ensuring alignment across local and global functions. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: The job holder will need to have 10-15 years of experience working in a Digital Acquisition environment for Cards or Payments in China Should have strong communication skills and ability to manage senior stakeholders Should have experience and understanding of Cards or Payments businesses with keen understanding if the digital environment in China. They will need to be familiar with the Digital Acquisition process and will have worked within a Digital Acquisition environment The job holder should have experience in developing strong team culture and managing high performing individuals They will be highly creative and challenging to the status quo. They will be enthusiastic, willing to champion the unpopular if right for business strategy; and persuade and motivate individuals in other business areas to support Digital Acquisition plans Educated to Post graduate/MBA level High level of personal integrity and values in line with business core values You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail BB Specialist Sales 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Business Banking Specialist Sales Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C6DD)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:Work with a team of PRMs/AOs assigned to supplement their capacity and capability on RBB acquisition, deepening and widening the relationships.Communicate effectively with clients on their business needs, helping them to improve knowledge of SME markets and solutionsContinue to develop and sharpen technical expertise, working closely with the RBB Products & Propositions Team and product manufacturers, and third party product partners to help improve client satisfaction and outcomeIdentify and provide feedback from PRMs/AOs and clients to product teams in order to continuously improve our products and servicesCollect and apply market and channel intelligence to identify and share competitive gaps, service issues, business opportunities, and challenges with stakeholders Work with PRMs/AOs to follow through execution of the product or service presented to clients where technical expertise is required Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial market职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-University degree and above-Minimum of five years of working experience as a sales/relationship manager in SME market-Strong client skills with the ability to deliver a strong client experience and provide needs-based solutions-Indepth knowledge and expertise in transaction banking, lending, trade service, customer portfolio planning, sales process and customer skills-Sound knowledge of relevant regulatory and local / Group compliance requirements-Extensive external market awareness of market conditions, new product solutions, and an understanding of current financial market activities-Demonstrated ability and experience to correctly identify client needs-Solid skills to manage consultative sales process-Team player with collaborative skills-A solid understanding of global anti money laundering standards-Knowledge of local and Group compliance regulationsYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/RW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Manager GTRF Client .. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Manager GTRF Client Service Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CBHD)Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF)HSBC Global Trade and Receivables Finance is committed tohelping companies of all sizes from every part of the world grow their businessacross borders. Offering a comprehensive range of forward-thinking supply chainand traditional trade solutions, the business has been repeatedly recognized bythe industry’s most prominent publications and associations with numerousawards for its strength in combining innovation and service excellence withend-to-end customer solutions..We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:The GTRF Client Service Assitant Manager is a client-facing role and the central point of contact for all client transactional needs and service solutions for the assigned client portfolio (Global Priority, Premium or Standard) in trade business. The main purpose of the role is to:1. Deliver a valued and best in class client experience, built on deep services expertise, a deep understanding of the client’s trade business across the group and a collaborative working approach with all stakeholders and other teams.2. Own, manage and successfully resolve clients’ transactional queries, issues and complaints in line with agreed SLAs and relevant standards (incl. financial crime and regulatory).3. Actively monitor the client’s facility utilisation and look for opportunities to gain new business.4. Provide timely (often pro-active) and accurate guidance and recommendations to clients to help them manage their business effectively and build trust in our offering and service proposition with a view to gaining new business.5. Contribute to the achievement of revenue growth through retention, reduced sales time on service, proactive management of service performance and increased clients’ usage of self-service solutions.6. Provide transactional trade advice to assigned clients, trade sales and relationship managers, and insightful input to account planning.7. Conduct client visits and service reviews based on business need and client segmentation model.-职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:-?1. Deep knowledge and experience of trade products and processes, i.e Documentary Credit, Collections, Trade Finance, RMB Draft business, Guarantee, Receivables Finance,etc.2. Be a role model for strong commitment to service excellence and client relationship management skills.3. Proven track record of demonstrating excellent problem solving skills and ability to to resolve issues and connect clients to opportunities.4. Be able to think through, to solve problem, to prioritise, and to handle difficult situations with pragmatism, common sense and empathy.5. Demonstrable experience of challenging the status quo, processes and operations in order to deliver an enhanced client experience.6. Strong influencing and negotiation skills with excellent written and oral presentation skills in both English and Chinese.7. CDCS, CITF or CSDG certification is highly desirable.-You’ll achieve morewhen you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued,respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace thatfosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunitiesto grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by theBank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with ourPrivacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/CJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡业务拓展主任 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
信用卡业务拓展主任 HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CEZI)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:-致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道-在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动-传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象-迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉-定期准备和提交销售进展报告。职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-大专或以上学历(国家认可)-0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑-性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战-良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳-具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website./ELI/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Manager Credit Servi.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Manager Credit Services Operations Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CE7P)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:??? ?????- To support manage to lead the Entrusted Loan team, covering SHH and several other regions (over 80% of the country wide business). To lead& train the team members to provide consultancy service to both internal and external customers who have enquiries about EL business. To independently participate and drive the discussion with customer groups and other internal parties on EL process and risk control.- To support the key projects in EL area to simplify, automate, and re-engineer processes. - To support performance & cost saving initiatives, driving strategic direction set by manager of EL team.- To consistently implement risk control activities, ensuring compliance to both internal bank policy and external regulatory requirement.- To support post monitoring of cash pool overdraft utilization.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:??????????????????????????????- Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state), preferably in finance, economics, legal- Above 5 years solid working experience in credit services related area, preferably with solid working experience as a team leader in credit services area- Familiar with credit related processes including security checking, loan operation, etc, as well as credit related internal and external systems (i.e. HUB, PBOC CIS, etc)- Self-motivated individual with problem solving skillsand able to work with good level of independency- Excellent interpersonal, communication, analytical and creative problem solving skills- Self-motivated and able to work under pressure - Proficient written and spoken communication skills in English You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC /MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller Shangri-la Hotel Sub-Br.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Teller Shenzhen Shangri-la Hotel Sub-Branch HSBC China(Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000C3XF)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: ? To perform accurate and efficient counter transactions and to offer a high standard of courteous and professional service to customers To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop counter services To have a strong service sense and skills to back up releated role for account document processacquisition developing To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service To be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior. To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above Good understanding of banking rules and regulations Strong sense of responsibility Good communication and interpersonal skill Willing to develop to sales role Good written and spoken English, Madarin is preferred Good computer skill You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HL/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Officer Credit Services Operat.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Officer Credit Services Operations Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CG6E)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:? To contact customer to guide the preparation of regulatory supporting documents based on the specific scenario of facility nature and drawdown purpose? To check the drawdown request and verify loan supporting documents to make sure the loan proceeds to conform to the purpose of the facility in accordance with Credit Approvals, Facility Documents, 3+1 requirements and other regulatory requirements? To take the supervisor role to double-check the customer request and supporting documents to make sure the loan proceeds to conform to the purpose of the facility in accordance with Credit Approvals, Facility Documents, 3+1 requirement and other regulatory requirements? To closely track the loan due report and liaise with customers for loan rollover / repayment request form preparation? To process documents checking relating to Corporate Loan including drawdown, rollover and repayment for each account (e.g. execution authority of signatories)? To manage the daily operation process and ensure that customers' instructions are properly executed and services are delivered in an efficient manner? To provide consulting service to various customer's verbal and written inquiries in corporate loan area? To track and monitor the post drawdown monitoring process and ensure the pending documents are collected on time? To arrange timely and accurate submission of returns to Central Reporting Team and coordinate PBOC Credit Information System reporting among branches职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Bachelor degree holder-Service mindset, good interpersonal skills and communication skills-Strong problem solving capability and can work under pressure.-Self-motivated with attitude of "would like to learn" and quick learning ability-Careful, diligent, insensitive to overtime work-Good logic thinking and MS Office skill-Good command of EnglishYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC / MW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Asstistant Manager Trade Middl.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Asstistant Manager Trade Middle Office Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C48Q)Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF)HSBC Global Trade and Receivables Finance is committed tohelping companies of all sizes from every part of the world grow their businessacross borders. Offering a comprehensive range of forward-thinking supply chainand traditional trade solutions, the business has been repeatedly recognized bythe industry’s most prominent publications and associations with numerousawards for its strength in combining innovation and service excellence withend-to-end customer solutions..We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:Assistant Manager Trade Middle OfficeGuarantee Operation GTRF SHH-Assist to manage the operation team andensure smooth and efficient daily operations, effective solutions to customers’operational needs and maintain adequate controlling systems to ensure internaland external compliance-Review and discuss the operating guide,workflow and procedure-Raise issues and opportunities to drive theorganization for excellent-Provide training and assist staff todevelop within organization-Identify motivation factors to ensure staffsatisfaction-Implement risk management policies andcontrols in the relevant processes职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:-?Bachelor degree or above(recognized by thestate)-At least 5+ years working experience inrelated areas-Strong sense of responsibility and can workunder pressure-Good communication and interpersonal skill,detail-oriented-Good written and spoken English-Good problem solving, analytical and peoplemanagement skills-Good team player and leader who is able todrive changes proactivelyYou’ll achieve morewhen you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued,respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace thatfosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunitiesto grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by theBank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with ourPrivacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/CJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Payment Service Oper.. 青岛市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 山东-青岛市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Payment Service Qingdao Operations HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CE4Z)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:Perform all payment related transactions accurately, promptly , skillfully and full responsibility .Ensure transactions are adhere to internal guidelines and external regulations.Report any suspicious transactions to line manager immediately.Provide high quality customer services and maintain pleasant customer relationship. Answer customers and customer groups' enquiries professionally and solve their problems tactfully. Keep customer information confidential. Report to supervisor/line manager for customer feedback in time.Maintain HSBC internal control standards,implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and main awareness of operation risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring.Have strong sense of Anti-ML and implementation.Back up other position under line manager's arrangement.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:To meet customers' satisfactions by providing quality services without compromising our compliance standardsGood communication and interpersonal skillGood written and spoken EnglishBe honesty and dependableGood team work spirit and fast learning skillLike to contribute to the job with passionYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/TZ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Mobile Sales Force Business De.. 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Mobile Sales Force Business Development Officer Foshan HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000C5XY)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:- To support MSF city manager and city BD manager for cost/budget application, activity arrangement and local filing fulfilments to ensure compliance and regulatory- To connect with channels and organize events in the city to to establish city-level channel/distribution development plan and manage city-level co-op/alliances programs to support delivery of business goals for the city.- Assist BD manager of the payment tracingPlan, manage, and support others' external communications- Work with BD manager to prospect business opportunities and develop potential corporations for group application/roadshow to acquire new card customers- Performing other job-related duties as required- Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Bachelor Degree or above? 1-3 years' working experience in Banking, preferably with Credit Card mobile sales frontline experience? Excellent interpersonal and communication skills? Customer focus with a strong focus on quality of service? Good English preferred and excellent Mandarin skillsYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /BP/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Reporting and Domestic Operati.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Reporting and Domestic Operation Assistant Intern HSS HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CE64)HSBC Securities Services (HSS)As part of the world’s leading international bank, HSBC Securities Services provides robust and reliable solutions that enhance performance and mitigate risk, today and in the future. Working with institutional investors, banks, insurance companies, governments and multinational corporations, HSBC Securities Services offers a range of fund administration, global custody, sub-custody and clearing, and corporate trust and loan agency services..We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:-??produce the QFII/RQFII monthly regulatory reports on the product level to be submitted to CSRC-maintain control on QFII / RQFII / CIBM clients' injections / repatriations / FX and ensure adherence to applicable regulations-Maintain contact with clients and client's auditors to facilitate their annual audit-perform various regulatory reporting on transaction level and custodian level, e.g. BOP, RCPMIS, etc. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?1) Good command of written and spoken English with good sense of custodian services standard2) Ability to work under time and transaction volume pressure3) Good PC knowledgeGood interpersonal, communication, negotiation and time-management skills4) Accounting backgound, be familiar with Financial ControlCurrent Account, Ledger Account, 5) Basic knowlege on securities marketpayment process, foreign exchange-You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Manager Cards Proposition MKT 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Manager Cards Proposition Marketing HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CBMU)Marketing (MKT)HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role of the Global Marketing Function is "To drive top-line revenue growth for the Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, the brand's strength and customer insights to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed and help position the firm to become the world's leading international bank." The function seeks to-Drive sustainable revenue growth in our target markets-Identify marketplace opportunities and unlock customer insights to generate competitive advantage-Fully leverage the brand's strength and reputation, as the Group's most precious intangible asset-Deliver a professional, effective and responsive Marketing function at optimal cost. As Manager Cards Proposition Marketing this role will:?Support Credit Card marketing strategies to ensure that key business propositions and initiatives are promoted and communicated (including both above the line communication as well as below the line) to the target audience in the most effective and efficient manner (including both digital / online as well as non-digital /offline)?Collaborate with Senior Manager Card Proposition Marketing to develop marketing programmes and initiatives for specific segments to support growth and profitability of the HBCN Credit Card business.?Contribute to establish HSBC as the leading and preferred credit card in China?Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?Bachelor above degree?5 - 10 years of broad based business experience, ideally within a large blue chip Financial Services brand?Strong planning, analytical, communications, decision-making, lateral thinking, influencing, interpersonal and project management skills and ability to communicate and collaborate with multiple teams in multiple locations?Ability to work in a team-oriented environment and effectively influence and communicate across various business lines at senior levels within the organization.?Professional level mandarin and English oral and written skill that support efficient communication and cross function/location influence.?Proven ability to work on multi-function projects demonstrating excellent relationship building skills?Experience of project management driving for greater value through the smart application of resource?Proven ability to be a self-starter with energy and drive in a challenging and dynamic environment?Ability to think innovatively, shaping and communicating new concepts?Work independently, both at a strategical and tactical level?High level of personal integrity and values in line with business core valuesYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Retail BB Business Mana.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Retail Business Banking Business Management Manager Shenzhen HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CFU0)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:-Track business performance of Retail Business Banking products and sales performance in China-Support developing China RBB Strategy and Performance update communications to report to China EXCO and regional and group RBB management-Execute corrective actions based on business profitability, financial benchmarking received from Finance Department against Annual Operation Plan (AOP)-Facilitate and implement business performance management strategy to drive performance-based sales culture in PRD-Implement activities management to uplift productivity level to meet AOP accordingly, keep alignment with HSBC China Headquarters in sales management-Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:-?Over 5 years working experience in Banking, demonstrate solid experienceand track-record relating to business performance management-Strong analytical skills and use of analytical tools-Strong communication and negotiation skills cross departments, and strongknowledge of Powerpoint communication tool-Exceptional coordination and initiative driving abilities-Work effectively to deliver targets across diverse cultures-Fluency in English and Mandarin is mandatoryYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where allemployees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providinga workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible workingand opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be usedin accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force B.. 杭州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Mobile Sales Force Business Development Manager Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CFSD)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: ?- Assist country Business Development (BD) manager to establish country-level channel/distribution development plan and manage country-level business development program and group application program to support delivery of business goals for the country.- Central coordinate and track on sales activities countrywide and ensure excellence in execution and implementation to the plan.- Check sales activities expense with acquisition team to ensure compliance.- Closely work with city BD manager and acquisition team to support project implementation.This will be achieved by:? New business driver through new to bank customer sourcing strategies and execution plan.? Create distribution strategies to support Country BD manager while helping to improve cost efficiency with high penetration rate and conversion rate to achieve optimal CPA (cost per acquisition.)? Agree with Country BD manager and MSF city manager the support and sets clear objectives/KPIs to support sales performance expectation.? Work closely with cross functional teams towards service excellence, business development efficiency and quality.? Lead transformation thinking in process management towards more efficient sales fulfillment operations.? Understand business risk related to business units being managed and as such puts a proper mechanism to monitor and control such risks.? Experienced professionals with robust know-how in the areas of consumer insights, market trends, competitive landscapes, credit and risk management of business development initiatives, business development activities and quality management.? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:??? Bachelor Degree or above? 4-7 years' working experience in Banking, preferably with Credit Card mobile sales frontline and management experience?Strong experience and connection with channels and event organizers in the city to support sales teams to acquire new card customers? Excellent interpersonal and communication skills? Customer focus with a strong focus on quality of service? Good English preferred and excellent Mandarin skillsYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/NH/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller Kirin Plaza Sub-branch 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Teller Shanghai Kirin Plaza Sub-branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CDO5)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To perform accurate and efficient counter transactions and to offer a high standard of courteous and professional service to customersTo establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop counter servicesTo have a strong sales sense and skills to cross-sell and proactively refer potential customers to Personal Relationship Officer (PRO) / Personal Relationship Manager (PRM) to support sales and promotion strategies. To be able to introduce independently promoted products to valuable customersTo report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer serviceBe familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ? Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state)Solid knowledge on Retail Banking and Wealth Management operations and productsGood understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guidelineStrong sense of responsibilityGood communication and interpersonal skillGood written and spoken EnglishGood sales sense and selling skillsNice personality You’ll achieve more at HSBC. HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /SY/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Corporate Banking Manager I 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Corporate Banking Manager I HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BLW0)Commercial Banking (CMB)HSBC Commercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-market enterprises, providing commercial customers with a full range of banking services including multi-currency business accounts, payments and cash management, wealth management and insurance, and global trade and receivables finance, as well as a comprehensive range of financing solutions. With dedicated Relationship Managers and Business Specialists providing local support and advice in over 60 countries and territories, HSBC helps customers make the most of opportunities for their businesses.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.1. To grow the CMB customer base in GZF Branch with focus on growing asset and expanding deposit base as well as growing FX business.2. To plan, implement and manage the service and sales activities for the CMB customer portfolio, with an emphasis on relationship and risk management so as to maximize profits and return to the Bank through selective, quality lending and active cross selling of a wide variety of products within HSBC, such as Trade Services, PFS, PCM, TRY, insurance, investment banking, etc.3. To provide services/assistance to Group Offices to enhance and explore relationships with CMB customers in GZF Branch.4. To discharge the LCRs responsibilities by implementing Compliance policy and procedures, ensuring an adequate understanding of all relevant regulations applicable to the business and generally assisting with the resolution of compliance related issues. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?1. University graduate with at least 5 years of working experience, preferrably with accounting and finance background2. Able to work under pressure with proactive and curious characters, willing to explore and innovative3. Good interpersonal and communication skills4. Good analytical skills & common sense5. Good team work spirit6. Good command of spoken and written EnglishYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/BG/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
AsstGMOMgr-FI Rts&EquStru HBCN 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
AsstGMOMgr-FI Rts&EquStru HBCN HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CCU4)Global MarketsOperations (GMO)WithHSBC’s international reach, Global Markets Operations manages and controlspost-trade activity for all Global Markets across 60 countries. With a drivetowards infrastructure transformation, a heightened focus on risk and control,and the need to deliver seamless client service, Global Markets Operationsplays a dynamic and ever-evolving role in harnessing the latest technology andspecialist expertise to move us closer to a globally consistent, competitiveand robust operating model...We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:-Ensure that all transactions traded byMarkets are properly processed according to FIM and local regulatoryrequirements until all obligations under the contract have been properlyfulfilled by both counterparties.-Ensure care and prudence is in place duringvalidation, affirmation, confirmation and settlement process.-Maintain and ensure observance of HSBCInternal Control Standards, foster a compliance culture and implement GroupCompliance Policy.-Maintain high service standard to clientsby handling clients inquires promptly and providing high quality andprofessional services.-Maintain risk awareness and ensure promptescalation to management.-Handle operational risk properly with riskidentification, assessment, mitigation, control, loss identification andreporting.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:-?Ensure proper processing of Marketstransactions and identify errors before they turn into operations lossincidents or impact clients-Perform escalation as per agreedthresholds.-Maintain robust controls around theoperations under their responsibility-Prepare new procedure or revise existingprocedure as a result of changes in external or internal environment.-Provide high quality and professionalservices to clients.-Respond to business queries/requests timelyand properly, without compromising of control principles.-Team player.-Be able to join up and engage with othersto deliver outputs.-DIB and Procedure Manuals are in place toguide daily operations.-Identify efficiency improvement opportunitycontinuously.-Maintain high control standards in theremit to effectively manage operational risks.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued,respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace thatfosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunitiesto grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by theBank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our PrivacyStatement, which is available on our website. HSBCHHU/JC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Head of MKT, Credit Cards, 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Head of Marketing, Credit Cards, HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BQRG)Marketing (MKT)HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:As the Head of Marketing for China Cards, the role holder is responsible for:? As a member of the Cards Management Team, suppots the delivery of strategy for the Cards in the China, ensuring Marketing activities are aligned to generate effective returns? Providing clear direction to the Cards Marketing team on the requirements for execution and measurement of campaigns and local initiatives to support business objectives? Development and execution of marketing campaigns to achieve the identified business priorities acrosso Acquisition of New to Bank Credit Cardso Cross sello Retention/Control Attritiono Increase balances? Recognising HSBC processes and procedures, and local market regulatory and compliance constraints/controls? Developing Digital Acquisition Strategies to support Digital Channel initiatives? Ownership of Social Media Strategies and Commercialisation? Ownership of Advertising Agency partnerships for Cards? Ownership of Marketing Partnerships for Cards? Developing media agnostic campaign plans in line with segment strategies? Identifying appropriate research and insights data from the markets to influence future proposition and strategy development? Communicating cards strategy to wider local Brand and Marketing Communications teams, as well as the wider Marketing Function? Alignement of Cards Marketing Strategy to Country Marketing and Brand Strategy? Identify, Grow and Develop talent through recruitment, succession planning, personal development plans and other available Learning & Developmental tools? Ownership, oversight, control and effectiveness of Marketing budgets for Cards职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? The job holder will need to have 10-15 years of experience working in a marketing environment for Cards or Payments in China? Should have strong communication skills and ability to manage senior stakeholders? Should have experience and understanding of Cards or Payments businesses with keen understanding if the digital environment in China.? They will need to be familiar with the marketing process and will have worked within a marketing environment? The job holder should have experience in developing strong team culture and managing high performing individuals? They will be highly creative and challenging to the status quo. They will be enthusiastic, willing to champion the unpopular if right for business strategyand persuade and motivate individuals in other business areas to support marketing plans? Educated to Post graduate/MBA level? High level of personal integrity and values in line with business core valuesYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Corporate Banking Manag.. 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Corporate Banking Manager - Technology HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C7WM)Commercial Banking (CMB)HSBCCommercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-market enterprises,providing commercial customers with a full range of banking services including multi-currencybusiness accounts, payments and cash management, wealth management andinsurance, and global trade and receivables finance, as well as a comprehensiverange of financing solutions. With dedicated Relationship Managers and BusinessSpecialists providing local support and advice in over 60 countries andterritories, HSBC helps customers make the most of opportunities for theirbusinesses.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:?To develop, manage, plan and implement the services and sales activities of CMB Technology Industry clients, to:- Achieve the Bank's strategic goal of being acknowledged as the leading foreign bank in China and leading international business.- Nurture customer relationships by providing quality services to both facility and non-facility customers and to deepen wallet share- Maximize relationship return through quality account planning, and close collaboration with product partners and other global businesses- Apply robust compliance monitoring and risk assessment necessary to ensure quality lending and safeguard the bank from potential loss- Compliant with the Bank internal policies and regulatory requirements at all times- Increase HSBC’s brand recognition and assist CMB Manager / Relationship Manager in making HSBC the leading foreign bank in the local place.- Contribute to staff development and making Commercial Bank 'the best place to work'.- Develop knowledge, capability and leadership skills to meet existing and future business needs.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?- Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state).- Sufficient general and commercial banking experience.- Good commercial knowledge and be well versed in economics, accounting and financial related subjects.- Sufficient degree of business orientation and management know-how.- Strong customer services, sales and result-oriented mindset.- At least 8 years of credit exposure.- Decision making and analytics skills.- Demonstrate leadership capability.- Business related qualification.- Good command of written and spoken English/Mandarin language. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/BG/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Head of Digital as a Channel, .. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Head of Digital as a Channel, Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CFTL)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: ?-Refining and implementing the DaaC organisational design for the China markets.-Driving performance of agreed key performance indicators-Driving and continually improving best practice, operational capability and operational efficiency within agreed budget parameters-Hiring, managing, and retaining key digital talent-Managing diverse teams and aligning with similar teams in other regions-Managing headcount and budgets in accordance to the agreed limits with the relevant teams-Accountable for setting a clear Digital as a Channel strategy and collaborate closely with local, regional and global teams to drive implementation and operationalisation-Responsible for driving digital sales across the Digital Channels in the market.-Build a distinctive Digital Channels team that will lead and deliver value across the key Digital as a Channel operating activities that span content management, digital messaging, digital optimisation, digital data and digital acquisition-Lead and drive optimisation of the elements of the digital channels that span public website, SEO, Earned Social Media, media, data & technology services, Push, Email, SMS, Secure Site/App VADM slots职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Strong understanding at various levels across an organisation of Digital services and applications.-Outstanding transformation knowledge and experience (including organizational design & change management).-Specific proven Digital Marketing eCommerce skills, at scale.-Deep and wide subject matter expertise of digital channels-Delivery of transformation objectives on plan with positive stakeholder feedback.-Strong commercial orientation, track record of balancing risks versus rewards and maximizing the cost effectiveness and profitability for the business. Preferably having managed an international P&L-Exceptional ability to lead diverse teams across functions, with strong people leadership, team work, gathering information and analyzing, judgment and decision making, communication competencies-Outstanding subject matter expertise of channel, including technical, commercial, market place and customer considerations.-Strong personal links in Digital to support recruitment and retention of key talent-Experience with or a strong appreciation of working in a highly regulated/controlled /process driven environment-Experience of leading edge innovation cultures such as found in consumer tech businesses-High EQ with the ability to coach and mentor others through disruptive change.-Experience in both developed and emerging markets-Demonstrable people management and leadership skills-Proven background delivering eCommerce programmes in significantly scaled organisations.-Awareness with regards to market conditions, trends and competitor activity.-Able to build teams that can execute all design changes and that can operate internationally.-Deep understanding of agile delivery principles and quality software engineering processes and practices-Possess a blend of business and technical savvyability to drive strategy into action-Customer focused, results based approach, able to deliver to ambitious deadlines-Demonstrates flexibly when addressing shifting or competing priorities. You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/VL/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Officer Credit Service Operati.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Officer Credit Service Operationg Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CG1H)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:??? ?????? To contact customer to guide the preparation of regulatory supporting documents based on the specific scenario of facility nature and drawdown purpose? To check the drawdown request and verify loan supporting documents to make sure the loan proceeds to conform to the purpose of the facility in accordance with Credit Approvals, Facility Documents, 3+1 requirements and other regulatory requirements? To take the supervisor role to double-check the customer request and supporting documents to make sure the loan proceeds to conform to the purpose of the facility in accordance with CreditApprovals, Facility Documents, 3+1 requirement and other regulatory requirements? To closely track the loan due report and liaise with customers for loan rollover / repayment request form preparation? To process documents checking relating to Corporate Loan including drawdown, rollover and repayment for each account (e.g. execution authority of signatories)? To manage the daily operation process and ensure that customers' instructions are properly executed and services are delivered in an efficient manner? To provide consulting service to various customer's verbal and written inquiries in corporate loan area? To track and monitor the post drawdown monitoring process and ensure the pending documents are collected on time? To arrange timely and accurate submission of returns to Central Reporting Team and coordinate PBOC Credit Information System reporting among branches职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:??????????????????????????????-Bachelor degree holder-Service mindset, good interpersonal skills and communication skills-Strong problem solving capability and can work under pressure.-Self-motivated with attitude of "would like to learn" and quick learning ability-Careful, diligent, insensitive to overtime work-Good logic thinking and MS Office skill-Good command of English You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Vice President Credi.. 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Vice President Credit Control Services-Underwriting Service Card HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C9CD)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:1) To support CCS Ops Support- Secured Team leader per Regional CCS structure requirement2) Key roles and responsibilities include:- Monitor and manage CCS operational risk control and timely report identified issue- Prescreen all regulation information distributed from Regulatory Information CNQ and identify relevant regulation requirement- Ensure timely remediation of all Regulatory and Internal controls audits (GAA/CRRI/Health Checks, etc.)- Ensure CCS BCP, vendor management and other mandatory controls in place- Ongoing or ad-hoc process review to explore opportunity in operation process streamlining- Business oversight and quality check on credit operation processes within CCS and related vendor process职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- Can work on project base and under pressure- Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the State).- Good skills in PC and relevant systems- Good communication and management skills- Good English speaking and writing skillsYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS /JJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Online Savings Proposit.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Online Savings Proposition Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C0A6)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. . We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1. Define the Online Savings proposition (targeting digital savvy individuals), based on customer insights (from both external market research and internal analytics)2. Develop locally compelling proposition to grow the local customer base3. Work with product managers to develop product offerings (esp Transactional Bankin) as well as services to ensure that the differentiated product offerings are both relevant and compelling to the target customers4. Define customer journeys to facilitate up-sell into other segments and cross-sell of other products职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Bachelor above degree-More than five years of working experience-Strong planning, analytical, communications, decision-making, lateral thinking, influencing, interpersonal and project management skills.-Thorough understanding of customer segmentation and management techniques, as well as the businesses and products supported and the regulations impacting them-Proven track record of communicating effectively within the organization and with customer groups.-Ability to work in a team-oriented environment and effectively influence and communicate across various business lines at senior levels within the organization.-Knowledge of the organization and its products, processes and pertinent regulations affecting their delivery.-Strong knowledge of the customer service concept and its impact on customer relationships. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/HC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Corporate Banking Manager II 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Corporate Banking Manager II HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CCW1)Commercial Banking(CMB)HSBCCommercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-market enterprises,providing commercial customers with a full range of banking services including multi-currencybusiness accounts, payments and cash management, wealth management andinsurance, and global trade and receivables finance, as well as a comprehensiverange of financing solutions. With dedicated Relationship Managers and BusinessSpecialists providing local support and advice in over 60 countries andterritories, HSBC helps customers make the most of opportunities for theirbusinesses.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:?To develop, manage, plan and implement the services and sales activities of CMB Corporate clients, to:- Achieve the Bank's strategic goal of being acknowledged as the leading foreign bank in China and leading international business.- Nurture customer relationships by providing quality services to both facility and non-facility customers and to deepen wallet share- Maximize relationship return through quality account planning, and close collaboration with product partners and other global businesses- Apply robust compliance monitoring and risk assessment necessary to ensure quality lending and safeguard the bank from potential loss- Compliant with the Bank internal policies and regulatory requirements at all times- Increase HSBC’s brand recognition and assist CMB Manager / Relationship Manager in making HSBC the leading foreign bank in the local place.- Contribute to staff development and making Commercial Bank 'the best place to work'.- Develop knowledge, capability and leadership skills to meet existing and future business needs.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state).- Sufficient general and commercial banking experience.- Good commercial knowledge and be well versed in economics, accounting and financial related subjects.- Sufficient degree of business orientation and management know-how.- Strong customer services, sales and result-oriented mindset.- At least 8 years of credit exposure.- Decision making and analytics skills.- Demonstrate leadership capability.- Business related qualification.- Good command of written and spoken English/Mandarin language. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/BG/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior International Propositi.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior International Proposition Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CFJK)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. . We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:-?Enhance international service capabilities by developing new products & services and commercializing the new products & services to support customer number growth-Drive marketing promotions and local acquisition programs to support new customer acquisition via international theme-Drive collaboration with Group international team and key destination markets (Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, UK and US) in delivering the global international Chinese strategy-Drive cross border referrals (especially outbound referrals to the key destination markets)-Identify business opportunities from RMB Internationalization and other regulatory relaxations, and drive the implementation of RBWM RMBI initiatives-Lead the RBWM China Desks in key destination markets of International Chinese customers-Responsible for the planning, deployment and performance management of RBWM China Desks-Work closely with all stakeholders including local RBWM teams, local 2LoD, Group teams, business teams in the priority corridors, and 2LoD of the priority corridors to ensure implementation of Cross Border FIM and related regulations职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?-At least 8 years' experience in Retail Banking and Wealth Management-Global exposure and previous experience with multi culture and multi geography programme management-Strong product management or sales distribution experience-Depth of exposure and experience with mass affluent client segments in one or two key markets where HSBC has the footprint-Solid experience of managing a sales team-Solid experience of managing cross border business activities preferred-Customer centric with great attention to details that makes difference on customer experience-Proficient to translate customer needs into products and channel requirements-Results oriented with high performance standard-Excellent relationship building and with strong interpersonal skills-Strong ability to navigate conflicting strategic priorities and decisions-Fluent in English You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/HC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Associate Relationship Manager.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Associate Relationship Manager II- Business Banking HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CE8U)Business BankingThrough Business Banking ourglobal network offers comprehensive support, advice and services to businessesin the SME market. From setting up a new business to managing the cash andtrade flows of an established enterprise, the Business Banking team of RelationshipManagers and Business Specialists provides a range of end-to-end solutions designedto help small and large businesses reach their potential..We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:-?Toactively call on target companies to promote the bank’s profile, cross sellcommercial banking relevant products and services, in particular loan, tradeand deposit, reporting results-To growand drive the BB lending portfolio and maximize the return for the bank-To achievesales target agreed with line manager-Tocoach/enhance junior team members' credit skills-To provideregular feedback on market developments and competitor activity-To ensurestrict compliance with internal and external guidelines and regulations-To ensurecompliance with standard customer service turnaround time职位要求:To be successful in the role,you should meet the following requirements:-??Universitygraduate or above with 5+ years of financial services experience, preferably ina corporate banking environment-Generalunderstanding of the banking industry to be acquired from at least 4 years ofgeneral banking experience-Competencein credit analysis to be acquired from at least 3 years of experience in credit-Good communication,presentation and influencing skills-Goodcommand of written and spoken EnglishYou’llachieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued,respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace thatfosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunitiesto grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by theBank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with ourPrivacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/HH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Director Relationship Manageme.. 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Director Relationship Management, Jade HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BSTV)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:The jobholder will own and manage a portfolio of approximately 150 primary clients working with the wider RBWM team.The jobholder has prime responsibility for:-Delivering a consistent and tailored wealth management service to our most valuable Premier clients-Developing long-term, in depth client relationships with clients-Acquiring new clients with proactive strategic financial planning to maintain and grow wallet share-Leading Premier activities to ensure opportunities are identified and client needs are met effectively, maximizing all available resources-Compliance with the relevant Group standards including GHQ and the Regulatory organization as applied to the implementation of the RBWM strategy in their country职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience.-Minimum of eight years proven and progressive financial services, and at least 3 years as Relationship Manager.-Evidence of strong client recommendation and sales results in wealth products.-Equivalent relationship management experience in managing high net worth client portfolios preferred.-Expert knowledge in financial planning and wealth products.-Sound knowledge of the impact of macroeconomics/microeconomics/local market developments.-Expert knowledge of external regulatory framework relevant to wealth management.-If internal, in-depth understanding of HSBC Global House Views.-Strong client focus and ability to develop long term partnerships with clients.-Ability to deliver needs-based solutions through effective communication, influencing, and sales skills.-Local regulatory & license requirements - job holder should possess valid licenses with accreditation on wealth management and qualification as required by country.-Clear view on how to work with Compliance, Credit & Risk and Internal Control to ensure a balanced risk operating environment.-Able to communicate well in English and local languages. You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/HC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Banking Operations 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Banking Operations Beijing HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CC99)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1. Take proper action to ensure all wholesales account service related instructions are processed accurately within set turnaround time and full adherence to service level agreement. 2. Being an expertise in wholesales account services area to continuously provide professional solution towards internal and external customers' problems and inquiries. 3. Learn relative internal/external regulation. Identify the improvement need and act as a mentor to ensure their daily work complies with the bank principle. 4. Ensure a scientific and smart filing system within the relevant area and ensure all account documents and other internal records are in order and filed properly and timely. 5. Commitment and sense of responsibility. To maintain good attendance record without unjustifiable absenceto completes work assignment on schedule. 6. Keep high level of service standard for internal and external customers 7. Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring 8. Take up backup tasks for other operations roles as assigned by line manager when necessary and work with team spirit. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?1. Bachelor degree or above 2. Good understanding of banking rules and regulations 3. Strong sense of responsibility 4. Good communication and interpersonal skill 5. Good written and spoken English 6. Good office software skill 7. Relevant experience in banking/counter operations preferredYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/SX/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
RBWM FCR Assistant RBWM 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking & Wealth Management Financial Crime Risk Assistant Retail Banking & Wealth Management HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CEGR)Retail Banking andWealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking andWealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth managementcapabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutionsto millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world,the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management,insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositionsand innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate ourcustomer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealthmanagement solutions.We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.-?Assistance to conduct Financial Crime Risk controlrelated project delivery to RBWM business.-Manage operational MI report essential in monitoringactivity and performance of the RBWM business.-Maintains HSBC internal control standards, includingtimely implementation of internal and external audit points together with anyissues raised by external regulators-Provide other supporting to FCR team’s tasks.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the followingrequirements:-?Bachelor Degree or above-1-2 years related working experience in Retail Banking, Business Banking,Credit Card or related business.-Good spoken and written skill for both English and Chinese (mandarin)-Excellent internal and external communication skills.-Ability to manage complex changes of regulatory environment and ensurecompliance in daily operation.-Sufficient knowledge of local and Group compliance regulations (thelatter to be attained if new to HSBC)-Proven ability to multi-tasking in a fast paced work environment andprioritize work assignments.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where allemployees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providinga workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible workingand opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be usedin accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HX/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Mobile Sales Force Regional Ma.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Mobile Sales Force Regional Manager-Non-Pearl River Delta Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BXWZ)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:Deliver Network strategy, accountable for implementing the face to face component of the plan including overall structure, sales goals, Profit and Loss performance, leads / sales prospect management and overall customer experience in their region / area.-Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure both own and employee conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.-Ensure all critical risk tasks are conducted thoroughly, such as KYC, Anti-Money Laundering and workflows to control and manage governance, risk management and compliance standards.-Management the regional plan of City managers in SHH, BJG, CQG, HAZ, WUN.-Lead a collection of local areas/branches.-Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?? More than 10 Years working experience in Banking or Commercial Lending Industry-Strong leadership, marketing, sales and management skills-Proven and progressive management experience.-Strong marketing, sales, management planning, financial, leadership, project management and communication skills.-Strong ability to use numerical data to develop tactical plans within the broad context of strategic plans.-Excellent understanding of the unique markets serviced.-Sound understanding of the Company's customer segments, products offered and competitive market You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/NH/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail Business Banking Busine.. 中山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: Achieve agreed performance objectives and fulfill customer’s needs with focus on Retail business banking new customer Build effective relationship with customer to develop sustainable relationship and to identify potential business opportunities and or liaise with Relationship Manager to provide products and services of Retail business Banking and Wealth Manager to customer Deliver the firm and enhance brand appeal with excellent services Proactively support others beyond activities particular to this role Establish and maintain strong working relationship with colleagues and other cross function as appropriate to serve customer needs Ensure customer satisfaction and maintain highest standard of excellence in customer service Maintain sufficient knowledge of relevant products and service available from the Bank Assist Team Leader to coach new staff and support team’s administrative issue Adhere to Standard Operating Procedures and sales quality requirements Ensure all sales processes are undertaken in accordance with regulatory requirements, HSBC Bank policy and Function Instruction Manual Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: College degree and above education background 0-2 years working experience, with the sales experience in financial industry or other commercial consumer products will be a plus Good interpersonal, communication and presentation skills Equipped with risk control awareness and compliance Customer-oriented and with a self-learning attitude. Strong self-motivation, can work under pressure. Computer literate, with basic skillsets (MS Office).[******]You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /RW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller 柜员 (珠海) 珠海市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-珠海市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionRetail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.In this role, you will:完成精确和有效的柜台业务并向客户提供高标准的专业服务; 通过提供一站式的柜台服务建立并与客户保持良好的关系; 独立介绍并推广产品给有需求的客户; 报告客户反馈和收集市场信息以寻求持续的客户关系; 熟悉本地规章、规则和内部指引,对任何可疑的洗钱活动保持警惕并上报给监管机构; 紧密联系其他业务条线、企业内部相关部门和同事。QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:本科或以上学历(国家认可); 有强烈的工作责任感和优秀的学习能力; 良好的沟通和客户服务能力; 良好的英文听说读写能力; 细心、耐心,有亲和力。You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HL/* IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Premier Relationship Officer, .. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Premier Relationship Officer, HBCN shanghai Touch Mall Sub-branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CFJE)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Take care of a HP customer portfolio and act as the major contact point of the customerKeep high level of service standards for internal and external HP customersBuilding and maintain good customer relationshipsSell bank products to existing and potential customers 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state) About 3 years’ related working experience Broad knowledge of full range of Bank’s RBWM banking products and services Mature and with commercial orientation Good spoken and written EnglishYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /SY/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Mobile Sales Force Branch Fulf.. 厦门市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 福建-厦门市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Mobile Sales Force Branch Fulfillment Assistant Retail Banking Xiamen HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CFCM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: ?Support Mobile Sales Force (MSF) with credit card application and/or Know Your Customer/ID &V in designated branch. Main responsibilities include(1) conduct ID &V for approved STP card customers(2) conduct outbound calls to filter short form leads and transfer quality leads to MSF for follow-up appointment-making within Service Level Agreement(3) provide service to walk-in customers(4) provide training for branch staff upon request.Ensure excellence, efficiency and consistency in sales efforts within the Mobile Sales Force, with specific focus on the following:? Ensuring that applications for Credit Card and Loans adhere to the agreed eligibility criteria and are submitted with the required supporting documents.? Ensuring that client transactions and interactions meets all compliance/audit and sales quality standards.? Championing process streamlining with improvement in customer experience as the primary motivation.? Designing and analysing reports essential in monitoring activity and performance of the Mobile Sales Force teams.? Designing and analysing reports essential in capturing opportunities and scoping threats to aid in strategic planning of RBWM Senior Management and other internal counterparts.? Becoming the central point of contact in matters involving procurement, logistics, property and administration? Tracking sales metrics and reporting results for Senior Management review? Pursuing sales initiatives and tactics that support RBWM strategies? Performing other duties as required. (i.e. perform relief duties as necessary)? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?? University degree or above (recognized by the state)? 0-2 year working experience, it will be a plus with working experience in Financial Industry? Have a clear understanding of Credit, Compliance and Business Policies? Possession of basic data management skills, particularly in the use of MS Excel? Demonstrate basic presentation and communication skills? Must have the ability to multi-task without sacrificing quality, and to adapt to evolving business demands You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /LW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Sales Quality Officer RBWM 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Sales Quality Officer Retail Banking & Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CDO9)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:- Managing the day-to-day activities, including BAU checking and coaching, of the SQ regional team by ensuring that priority are addressed- Communicating relevant information to key stakeholders locally- Identifying issues and risks and escalating those appropriately- Managing and enhancing relationships with appropriate internal contacts to ensure that best practice, issues, concerns and learning points are shared and fed back to appropriate parties- Identifying opportunities to continuously improve the service provided, referring to senior management where appropriate- Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: - Bachelor degree or above.(recognized by the state)- Good command of English,Cantonese preferred- At least one year related experience. Working experience in calling agent service industries preferred- Good listeners,strong interpersonal and communication skills.- Strong teamwork working spirit, improve internal/external customer sales quality proactively.You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HX/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant RBWM FCR Manager RBW.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Retail Banking & Wealth Management Financial Crime Risk Manager Retail Banking & Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CBFV)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:- Implement and maintain an effective operation coordination management in RBWM. Secure process design balancing risk and customer experience aspects-Responsible for Operational Risk Management-Develop and maintain positive culture and effective infrastructure for the operational risk management-Initiate/coordinate with other functions of the bank to enhance the business procedures for better operational and regulatory compliance risk management-Be accountable for the transaction monitoring and sanctions screening activities and should be an active member of the RBWM FCC Risk Forum:-UARs - disposition, volumes, FCC Ops handling, RFI handling, backlogs etc-Alerts (CAMP, SCDM, WOLF and other) oversight, including backlogs management C Here it needs to be clear that details of individual parameter are not to be shared. Only high level explanation of existing scenarios and how they relate to AML typologies should happen-Sanctions and Transaction Monitoring/Payment Screening policy compliance-Review all products in RBWM portfolio and mapping to Transaction Screening systems-TMO and Sanctions Screening Systems - legacy system issues and new system implementation-Oversight of FCC Ops support across all of the above-Identify gaps, raise MSII's and/or dispensation requests-Tactical/mitigation plans identified and deployed/monitoredand-Reporting on all of the above to the FCC Risk Forum. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?An engaged team member willing to go the extra mile to do a timely/high quality job-Work closely with HBCN operation team and mainly focus on counter operation related task handling, including procedure review and process refining, and issue resolution.compromising of risk control requirements.-Coordinating the operational risk program, ensuring that there is ongoing reporting and support for their assigned business units.-Coordinate to review, monitor audit implementation for deficiencies identified in internal and external audit, compliance and regulatory reports.-Set up communication channel to share repeated/high risk/compliance related finding-Take initiatives to enhance the staffs' awareness and implementation on the operational risk management.-Co-ordinate with other functions of the bank to enhance the procedures to better control the operational risk.-Co-ordinate with ORC/CMP/LGA to respond to the regulatory requirements update and take necessary actions to ensure no gap for RBWM business.-Follow up the implementation of remedial actions for IAD findings and ensure no repeated finding.- You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/HX/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited-Involve in operation related projects to optimize operation efficiency without -
Teller Nanhai Sub-branch 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Teller Foshan Nanhai Sub-branch HSBC China(Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000C9O8)Retail Banking andWealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking andWealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealthmanagement capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail bankingsolutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets aroundthe world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealthmanagement, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centricpropositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that willdifferentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail bankingand wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:-?To perform accurate and efficient counter transactionsand to offer a high standard of courteous and professional service to customers-To establish and keep good relationship with valuablecustomers by providing one-stop counter services-To have a strong service sense and skills to back up relatedrole for account document processacquisition developing-To report customer feedback and collect marketintelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service-To be familiar with local rules and regulation andinternal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundryactivity and do report to superior-To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure ownconduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Bachelor degree or above-Good understanding of banking rules and regulations-Strong sense of responsibility-Good communication and interpersonal skill-Willing to develop to sales role-Good written and spoken English, Mandarin is preferred-Good computer skillYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HL/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail Banking Sales Officer B.. 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking Sales Officer Foshan Branch HSBC China(Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CD3N)Retail Banking andWealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking andWealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth managementcapabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutionsto millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world,the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management,insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositionsand innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate ourcustomer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealthmanagement solutions.We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:?- Contributes to the achievement of customer acquisition growth and Net New Money growth.- To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.- Contribute to the improvement of customer experience and strengthened market competitiveness. - Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring. - Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:- Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state).- ?More than 3 years experience on HML business.- Full knowledge of RBWM products, policies.- Could work under pressure from external and internal.- Strong interpersonal and communication skills.- Enhanced sales skill.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where allemployees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providinga workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible workingand opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be usedin accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HL/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller NJX Sub-branch 南京市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-南京市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Teller Nanjing NJX Sub-branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLJS)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: To provide high quality service to customersTo communicate effectively to meet various customer needsTo assist in regulatory reports and returnsTo support counter administrative work. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state)? One year or above working experience is preferred? Experience in customer facing function is preferred? Result-driven and able to work under pressure? Highly responsibility in working in charge? Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills? Customer-centric service mindset? Good spoken and written English is a plus.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Manager Biddable Media 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Manager Biddable Media HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CBMQ)Marketing (MKT) HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role of the Global Marketing Function is "To drive top-line revenue growth for the Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, the brand's strength and customer insights to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed and help position the firm to become the world's leading international bank." The function seeks to:-Drive sustainable revenue growth in our target markets-Identify marketplace opportunities and unlock customer insights to generate competitive advantage-Fully leverage the brand's strength and reputation, as the Group's most precious intangible assetDeliver a professional, effective and responsive Marketing function at optimal cost Digital is one of the growth priorities for Retail Banking and Wealth Management, an essential component of the Retail Banking and Wealth Management strategy. HSBC is investing massively in Retail Banking and Wealth Management to accelerate digital and streamlining activity globally and Hong Kong is among the six largest markets that we are investing in. This significant investment will drive the transformation of our operations and sales and distribution network, making it easier for our customers to do business with us, and for us to serve their needs more efficiently and effectively. Digital provides a huge range of potential interaction points with our customers and prospects C both on our own platforms, including email, push and SMS, but also more broadly on the internet using paid and 'earned' media to support 'always-on' Digital Acquisition. By seamlessly managing all these interaction points and using data to deliver the most relevant content and messaging to our customers and prospects at the right times, the impact to our customers and our business will be enormous. A major focus of this role will be on developing data driven customer insights to be applied in new digital techniques, whilst working closely with other cross functional teams to develop best practice e-commerce sales strategy. You will be responsible for managing biddable media (search & programamtic) activities throughout the funnel, but with a focus on driving the highest quality of traffic through to HSBC owned channels for conversion by our DaaC (Digital as a Channel) team. Supporting the management of agency partners, tracking KPIs, and post-campaign analysis and reporting. Additionally, you will work closely with numerous stakeholders and champion the customer focused objectives, while ultimately achieving annual new digital customer revenue targets. As HSBC is a complex matrix organization, a large portion of this role's responsibility will include working with colleagues across Customer Value Management (CVM), Marketing, Digital functions, Risk, Compliance and other departments in order to create compelling customer communication while ensuring alignment across local and global functions. As the Manager Biddable Media HSBC China the role holder is responsible for:? Develop biddable media acquisition plans and local budgets to support global and local campaigns and activities? Oversee the local deployment, execution, activation and effectiveness of search & programmatic campaigns, platforms and assets developed and created by the Cards Marketing team? Ensure that local Marketing activities deliver against the agreed KPIs set for acquisition and return on Marketing investment? Provide direction to agencies, brand partners, and team members to deliver to business goals.? Share search & programmatic best practice across China? Assign budgets across key activities to deliver Return on Investment? Build strong relationships with key agency and strategic partners to ensure they understand group and business strategy as well as the Marketing strategy and plan? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets? He or she should cultivate an environment that supports diversity and reflects the HSBC values? Individual will build a culture of continuous improvement in customer experience and functionality deployment? Support the continuing development or transformation of the Digital Acquisition operating model to ensure the business operates increasingly effectively and efficiently and is able to deliver HSBC's strategic goals职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:The job holder will need to have 5-10 yearsof experience working in a paid media environment client side or agency inChina specializing in search and programamtic mediaShould have strong communication skills andability to manage senior stakeholdersShould have experience and understanding ofCards or Payments businesses with keen understanding if the digital environmentin China.They will need to be familiar with theDigital Acquisition process and will have worked within a Digital AcquisitionenvironmentThe job holder should have experience indeveloping strong team culture and managing high performing individualsThey will be highly creative andchallenging to the status quo. They will be enthusiastic, willing to championthe unpopular if right for business strategyand persuade and motivateindividuals in other business areas to support Digital Acquisition plansEducated to Post graduate/MBA levelHigh level of personal integrity and valuesin line with business core valuesYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where allemployees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providinga workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible workingand opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be usedin accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Digital Commercialisati.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Develop the overarching commercial business strategy that positions Digital as an increasing driver of RBWM’s revenue, cost and business improvement. Help develop partnership opportunities and frameworks (including ecosystems). Help launch new businesses. Develop and execute both a strategic and tactical engagement with CVM and Marketing colleagues to drive a common digital growth agenda. Develop and own a cross functional strategy that drives a step change increase in digital customer engagement, revenue, servicing and satisfaction. Develop and own ongoing improvement of the Global Digital metrics and reporting enhancement. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Deep digital expertise and professional network Preferable experience is mixture of corporate and more entrepreneurial (startup or corporate intrapreneurship) Strong Commercial Orientation with the ability to leverage data and analytics to gain insights. Likely to have Strategic consulting background combined with direct operating experience at a managerial level. Excellent knowledge of Fintech landscape and trends to quickly identify potential partnership or acquisition partners China market experience, preferably includes other Asian or global markets Proven extensive experience with building and delivering a modern digital execution capability with tangible outcomes (e.g. demonstrated by increase in conversion rates, lower cost of acquisition) Extensive experience with the range of business development activities including identifying opportunities and developing business cases, defining product or service requirements, engaging a wide range of functional experts to agree deployment approach, project execution, launch, and post launch performance measurement and management Experience in global or regional roles, working effectively to deliver targets in a large, matrix organisation Comfortable with technology including ability to translate business and customer needs to IT requirements Exposure to projects that touch a range of technical platforms (digital, mainframe, server based etc.) Strong thought leadership and creativity to proactively propose new business opportunities and resolve issues Competent with project planning and reporting Demonstrates flexibly when addressing shifting or competing priorities Proven ability to build strong relationships across stakeholder groups Proven ability to influence large teams with direct leadership authority Proven ability to manage third parties Able to share responsibility for key decision making with a team, while accepting responsibility to drive internal decision-making processes. Ability to effectively influence and communicate across various business lines and units and at senior levels within the organisation. Excellent at navigating differences of opinions. Experience in developing and executing customer facing and staff facing communication Strong analytical and presentation skills Energetic, positive attitude and team player A flexible approach to work and working hours. Willingness to travel (within China and internationally) Fluent Mandarin Chinese and English (day to day work language is a mix of English and Mandarin) Bachelor’s degree or equivalent preferable You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/VL/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force S.. 重庆 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 重庆 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Mobile Sales Force Sales Coach Manager Retail Banking and Wealth Management Chongqing HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLDS)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:Credit card is a strategic priority for HBCN and the role of city level Mobile Sales Force Sales Coach is a key management role that supports the achievement of the MSF objectives.The manager needs to work with the country sales coach, city managers, sales managers and Learning & Development team to implement city level training and coaching programs and develop relevant local programs to develop and continuously enhance the Mobile Sales Force (MSF) capability, performance productivity as well as observance of sales quality and Global Standard.The manager also needs to assist in developing MSF teams to be able to provide outstanding customer experience to our target customers. One of MSF Sales Coach's focuses is on supporting the development of on-boarding and continual development of new MSF team leaders and MSFs and improving the sales/service quality and productivity of MSFs.So by working closely with MSF City managers and team leaders, the manager will develop and execute coaching for local MSFs with primary focuses on client engagement skills and sales activities planning, execution and process optimisation including utilisation of sales tools and tablet.In addition, the manager needs to develop and execute plan to instill HSBC values and behaviour in MSF and foster a working environment with positive sales and service mindset.In some cases, the manager also needs to work with city sales coach to develop programs to up-skill sales managers.Additionally, the manager needs to be involved in reviewing the effectiveness of MSF compensation and incentive schemes to ensure the scheme’s relevancy in supporting achievement of overall MSF objectives. In addition, the Coach will be responsible in developing Recognition programs with City managers and team leaders to optimise team performance.Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Bachelor Degree or above? Strong leadership skills and influencing skill? Above 6 years working experience in Banking, preferably in Credit Card.? Strong coaching and influencing skills? Sufficient knowledge and expertise in area of coaching responsiblilty including people development, channel development, sales process and client referral skills? Previous experience and proven record as MSF Sales Manager, or Credit card Sales Coach within HSBC or equivalent in other leading financial institutions? Sufficient knowledge of global anti money laundering standards? Knowledge of relevant regulatory governance in local market? Knowledge of local and Group compliance regulations (the latter to be attained if new to HSBC)? Proven ability to multi-tasking in a fast paced work environment and prioritize work assignmentsYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/NH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force B.. 武汉市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 湖北-武汉市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Mobile Sales Force Business Development Manager Retail Banking and Wealth Management Wuhan HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLDO)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:- Assist country Business Development (BD) manager to establish country-level channel/distribution development plan and manage country-level business development program and group application program to support delivery of business goals for the country.- Central coordinate and track on sales activities countrywide and ensure excellence in execution and implementation to the plan.- Check sales activities expense with acquisition team to ensure compliance.- Closely work with city BD manager and acquisition team to support project implementation.This will be achieved by:? New business driver through new to bank customer sourcing strategies and execution plan.? Create distribution strategies to support Country BD manager while helping to improve cost efficiency with high penetration rate and conversion rate to achieve optimal CPA (cost per acquisition.)? Agree with Country BD manager and MSF city manager the support and sets clear objectives/KPIs to support sales performance expectation.? Work closely with cross functional teams towards service excellence, business development efficiency and quality.? Lead transformation thinking in process management towards more efficient sales fulfillment operations.? Understand business risk related to business units being managed and as such puts a proper mechanism to monitor and control such risks.? Experienced professionals with robust know-how in the areas of consumer insights, market trends, competitive landscapes, credit and risk management of business development initiatives, business development activities and quality management.? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?? Bachelor Degree or above? 4-7 years' working experience in Banking, preferably with Credit Card mobile sales frontline and management experience?Strong experience and connection with channels and event organizers in the city to support sales teams to acquire new card customers? Excellent interpersonal and communication skills? Customer focus with a strong focus on quality of service? Good English preferred and excellent Mandarin skillsYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/NH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Personal Assistant 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Personal Assistant HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C754)Commercial Banking (CMB)HSBC Commercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-market enterprises, providing commercial customers with a full range of banking services including multi-currency business accounts, payments and cash management, wealth management and insurance and global trade and receivables finance, as well as a comprehensive range of financing solutions. With dedicated Relationship Managers and Business Specialists providing local support and advice in over 60 countries and territories, HSBC helps customers make the most of opportunities for their businesses. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: - Organising schedules, maintaining diaries, arranging travel and accommodation for Regional HD of CMB China- Co-ordination activities, events, resources, meetings, services and managing internal and external stakeholders- Supporting administration C composing presentations, drafting reports, assisting with key documents such as business plans- Gatekeep and primary point of contact for Regional HD of CMB China- Adhere to HSBC policies and maintain confidentiality on sensitive activities职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1. Relevant university degree or equivalent professional qualifications2. 2+ years’ experience in banking industry with knowledge of local banking environment and good understanding of corporates' banking behavior3. Strong interpersonal and good communication skills with external clients and internal colleagues4. Familiar with Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel and PPT5. Good written and spoken English skills6. Self-motivated individual with problem solving skillsand able to work with good level of independency7. Familiar with internal systems would be a plus.You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/BS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Business Analyst RBWM 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Business Analyst Retail Banking & Wealth Management HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CLEL)Retail Banking andWealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking andWealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth managementcapabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutionsto millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world,the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management,insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositionsand innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate ourcustomer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealthmanagement solutions.We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.?-RBWMBusiness Transformation Business Analysts are at the centre of howTransformation shapes, delivers and embeds change working with our deliverypartners. They are typically responsible for Requirements Management, Design,Change Management and Implementation Management.-BusinessAnalysts work collaboratively with delivery partners and subject matter expertsin gathering, translating and clarifying requirements and defining designoptions.-Insystems related projects and programmes, the role holder will support IT withthe translation of business requirements and designs into more detailedfunctional requirements and designs, often representing the voice of thecustomer in these discussions.-TheBusiness Analyst’s Change Management activities span from early change planningand audience analysisthrough to designing and delivering change interventions(e.g. communications, training, support, organisation alignment)and trackingand taking actions on change readiness, adoption, and feedback.-BusinessAnalysts are also responsible for Implementation Management, includingplanning, controlling and reporting on implementation of the change ‘product’,focusing on accelerating benefits and minimising risk during deployment. Implementationactivities will also include managing implementation readiness and managing theearly stages of implementation (e.g. pilot).In reengineering projects, theywork closely with the Process Consultants in analysing and re-engineering worldclass processes.-BusinessAnalysts will often lead design workstreams or teams, managing otherTransformation Analysts, SMEs and resources from our delivery partners.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the followingrequirements:Knowledge-Goodunderstanding of Transformation Business Transformation Frameworks, Agilemethodologies and best practice techniques-A thoroughunderstanding of the purpose, values, culture and fundamentals of RBWM BusinessTransformation-Outstandingunderstanding of HSBC Group structures, processes and objectives-Very strongknowledge of the external environment C regulatory, political, competitors etc.-Basic Businessreengineering knowledge-Businessanalysis, requirements gathering and design techniques-Change managementand implementation management techniques and approachesExperience-Proven trackrecord as an outstanding analyst, consultant and/or project manager-Overall financialservices industry knowledge with specific functional expertise-Extensiveexperience gathering requirements and conducting design activity, with a mix ofbusiness, operations and technology focused projects-Exposure tobusiness case development and a sound understanding of how design enablersunderpin business benefits-Strong experienceof delivering change into different audiences and managing implementation inbanking environments (branch, contact centre, trading floor, operations, headoffice etc).-Effectivecommunication, inter-personal and negotiating skills-Excellentdecision making and problem solving ability-Sound judgmentalskills to identify and resolve problems-Experience ofmanaging resources using appropriate communication, delegation and planningskills-Ability tomotivate and lead people, employing appropriate management styles-Proven ability towork across regions whilst maintaining a global perspective-Proven ability towork with senior stakeholders and sponsorsCapabilities-Business Analysis& Design-AchievingExcellence-Delivery at Pace-Impactfulcommunication-Business Case andBenefits Realisation-Change andImplementation Management-Planning and PlanManagement-StakeholderManagement-Problem Solvingand Critical Thinking-Collaboration-Commerciality-Resource and TeamManagement-ConsultancyQualifications andAccreditations-CertifiedBusiness Analysis Professional (CBAP) C Expected to work towards qualification-Lean Six SigmaGreen Belt -Differentiator-Degree inBusiness Information Systems or a related field C Differentiator-Degree inbusiness administration / management / economics, engineering and science CDifferentiatorYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where allemployees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providinga workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible workingand opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be usedin accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/HX/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail BB Business Development.. 中山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Business Banking Business Development Officer Zhongshan HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CLHK)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:? Achieve agreed performance objectives and fulfill customer’s needs with focus on Retail business banking new customer? Build effective relationship with customer to develop sustainable relationship and to identify potential business opportunities and or liaise with Relationship Manager to provide products and services of Retail business Banking and Wealth Manager to customer? Deliver the firm and enhance brand appeal with excellent services? Proactively support others beyond activities particular to this role? Establish and maintain strong working relationship with colleagues and other cross function as appropriate to serve customer needs? Ensure customer satisfaction and maintain highest standard of excellence in customer service? Maintain sufficient knowledge of relevant products and service available from the Bank? Assist Team Leader to coach new staff and support team’s administrative issue? Adhere to Standard Operating Procedures and sales quality requirements? Ensure all sales processes are undertaken in accordance with regulatory requirements, HSBC Bank policy and Function Instruction Manual? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? College degree and above education background? 0-2 years working experience, with the sales experience in financial industry or other commercial consumer products will be a plus? Good interpersonal, communication and presentation skills? Equipped with risk control awareness and compliance? Customer-oriented and with a self-learning attitude.? Strong self-motivation, can work under pressure.? Computer literate, with basic skillsets (MS Office).You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Manager Client Servi.. 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Manager Client Service Beijing HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CBHD)Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF)HSBC Global Trade and Receivables Finance is committed tohelping companies of all sizes from every part of the world grow their businessacross borders. Offering a comprehensive range of forward-thinking supply chainand traditional trade solutions, the business has been repeatedly recognized bythe industry’s most prominent publications and associations with numerousawards for its strength in combining innovation and service excellence withend-to-end customer solutions.We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:The GTRF Client Service Assitant Manager is a client-facing role and the central point of contact for all client transactional needs and service solutions for the assigned client portfolio (Global Priority, Premium or Standard) in trade business. The main purpose of the role is to:1. Deliver a valued and best in class client experience, built on deep services expertise, a deep understanding of the client’s trade business across the group and a collaborative working approach with all stakeholders and other teams.2. Own, manage and successfully resolve clients’ transactional queries, issues and complaints in line with agreed SLAs and relevant standards (incl. financial crime and regulatory).3. Actively monitor the client’s facility utilisation and look for opportunities to gain new business.4. Provide timely (often pro-active) and accurate guidance and recommendations to clients to help them manage their business effectively and build trust in our offering and service proposition with a view to gaining new business.5. Contribute to the achievement of revenue growth through retention, reduced sales time on service, proactive management of service performance and increased clients’ usage of self-service solutions.6. Provide transactional trade advice to assigned clients, trade sales and relationship managers, and insightful input to account planning.7. Conduct client visits and service reviews based on business need and client segmentation model.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:?1. Deep knowledge and experience of trade products and processes, i.e Documentary Credit, Collections, Trade Finance, RMB Draft business, Guarantee, Receivables Finance,etc.2. Be a role model for strong commitment to service excellence and client relationship management skills.3. Proven track record of demonstrating excellent problem solving skills and ability to to resolve issues and connect clients to opportunities.4. Be able to think through, to solve problem, to prioritise, and to handle difficult situations with pragmatism, common sense and empathy.5. Demonstrable experience of challenging the status quo, processes and operations in order to deliver an enhanced client experience.6. Strong influencing and negotiation skills with excellent written and oral presentation skills in both English and Chinese.7. CDCS, CITF or CSDG certification is highly desirable.-You’ll achieve morewhen you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued,respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace thatfosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunitiesto grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by theBank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with ourPrivacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/CJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Service Manager HKC s.. 杭州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Customer Service Manager Hangzhou HKC sub-branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLVJ)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:? Manage counter operations to ensure compliance with regulation and internal procedures? Maintain counter transaction standards and efficiency? Assist Branch OPP DM on counter related matters? Deliver quality customer service with continuous improvement and minimum complaints? Enhance service & sales culture among Counter Services Team? Achieve Premier/Advance customer number with quality referrals? Develop a well-trained and motivated counter team? Establish a database of all job-related knowledge and regulation? Guide counter team members through further career development? Protect the bank’s interest and provide overall administrative support to sub-branch? Be suspicious of money laundry activities and act accordingly on prevention or remedy职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Bachelor's degree(Recognized by the state)? Good command of English and Chinese? Be meticulous and detail-oriented? Be able to work efficiently and willing to take stable but routine job? With good communication skillYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/IC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Rep NJX S.. 南京市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-南京市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Customer Development Rep Nanjing NJX Sub-branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLVS)Retail Banking and Wealth Management(RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join this team. In this role, you will: To achieve pre-set sales targets of personal banking productsTo conduct needs-based selling activities through effective sales processesTo project a professional image while conducting sales activitiesTo promptly and effectively respond to customer enquiries, feedbacks and complaintsTo prepare and submit sales progress reports on a regular basis 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state)One year or above working experience is preferredExperience in sales-related function is preferredResult-driven and able to work under pressureFirm believer of long-term, ethical client relationshipStrong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skillsCustomer-centric service mindsetGood spoken and written English is a plusYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Sub-branch Manager Sub-branch 中山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Sub-branch Manager Zhongshan Sub-branch HSBC China(Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CLVM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:? Ensure delivery of a consistently excellent customer experience and encourage customer migration to alternative channels.? Operate with the highest standards that meet and exceed all regulatory requirements and ensure that front line act as first line of defence by having right conversations with customers.? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure both own and employee conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.? Be accountable for minimising risk and maximising operational efficiency.? Achieve results by working with the whole branch team, local market and wider community.? Ensure strict alignment to global standards.? Play active role as part of wider area/regional leadership team.? Deliver branch plan including leads/sales prospect management and overall customer experience.? Manage a branch covering Retail and Wealth, managing employees.Listed below are the outcomes performed by this role that directly align with key business goals. All performance should be in support of achieving these outcomes.1. Acquire and Deepen Customer Relationships to Achieve Branch Plan2. Lead, Develop and Manage the Team3. Lead Branch Operations4. Manage Customer Experience5. Protect the Bank职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Knowledge / Experience? Proven ability in team leadership and management? Proven ability in Wealth and Retail distribution? Proven and progressive management experience.? Proven ability in relationship management in the Retail sector? Demonstrate behaviours consistent with HSBC Values? Proven adherence to controls and compliance with no significant breaches? Expertise in financial planning and related systems and processesSkills? Strong marketing, sales, management planning, financial, leadership, project management and communication skills? and good knowledge and control of risk management.? Strong planning and organising skills.? Ability to use numerical data to effectively manage branch performance.? Excellent industry and sector knowledge.? Good knowledge of Wealth and Retail distribution techniques and models.? Excellent interpersonal skills, with a particular emphasis upon inspiring, influencing and negotiating? Coaching sales techniques, best practice and sales management on a team and one to one basis? Planning and organising skills? Analytical skills? Problem solving skillsQualifications and Certificates (add local requirements)? Attain appropriate professional and regulatory qualifications as required by the local market? Attain any internal standards as required by marketYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS /FM/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Audit Manager Credit Risk 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Audit Manager Credit Risk HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CHBL)Internal Audit (IAD)Group Internal Audit providesindependent assurance to management and the Risk and Audit Committees thatHSBC’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are designedappropriately and are operating effectively.We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:??????Assist in the development ofthe annual audit plan for the assigned area, and supports completion of theplanAssess adequacy of risk controls and identifymaterial risks and weaknesses in controlsResponsible for the grading of auditfindings, identify the root causes and provide an assessment of the overallcontrol risk and management awareness within the auditee businessIdentify business process improvements forsegments audited as appropriateContribute to ensure that the audit team keepsup-to-date of the developments of the businesses and the risk management职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meetthe following requirements:??????Qualifications in business,accounting, finance related field or equivalent experienceSound knowledge and experienceof credit business and credit risk managementCapable of working on owninitiative and participating effectively in a team environment to achieve highprofessional work standardsAbility to understand complexissues, manage conflict and provide pragmatic business oriented solutionsAbility to build constructiveand effective stakeholder relationshipsExcellent written and spokenEnglish and MandarinStrong interpersonal andcommunication skillsWilling to travel within Chinaor abroad for extended periods of timeYou’ll achieve morewhen you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where allemployees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providinga workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible workingand opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be usedin accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Corporate Banking Manager I 南京市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-南京市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Corporate Banking Manager I Nanjing HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BACP)Commercial Banking (CMB)HSBC Commercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-market enterprises, providing commercial customers with a full range of banking services including multi-currency business accounts, payments and cash management, wealth management and insurance and global trade and receivables finance, as well as a comprehensive range of financing solutions. With dedicated Relationship Managers and Business Specialists providing local support and advice in over 60 countries and territories, HSBC helps customers make the most of opportunities for their businesses.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:- 开发和建立新的客户关系,维护、加深与现有客户的业务合作- 通过深入了解客户以及了解客户需求,争取业务的稳定增长- 通过营销计划和营销方案的设计、实施,争取新业务的开拓以及现有客户的业务发展,从而完成资产、存款和营业收入的增长目标- 积极参与各种营销和推广活动与新客户建立联系- 有效管理各种行内和行外资源,提高工作效率以及开发新客户的工作效率- 积极、主动并有效地管理信贷风险- 主动参与金融犯罪风险的评估、监控和管理- 严格遵守行内业务操作要求和操作规范,谨防操作风险的发生- 及时洞察市场变化,保持银行的产品和服务的领先性。职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- 本科学历及以上,金融、财务或相关行业- 5年或以上银行综合公司业务工作经验- 善于与企业高管及不同级别工作人员交流- 较强的银行信贷分析能力- 能灵活应对和处理客户多样化的需求- 有银行贸易融资、现金管理、外汇业务以及私人银行等部门工作经历者优先- 有流利的中文和英文的写作和表达能力。You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/BG/HH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail Banking Sales Rep Branc.. 杭州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking Sales Rep Hangzhou Branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLXZ)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:? Proactively acquiring new HML cases from on-site sales activities and channels developed by HML team.? Proactively following up HML referrals other business functions.? Conduct the daily activity management to well plan and review the business achievements against target职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state)? Result-driven, self-motivated and able to work under pressure? Excellent interpersonal and communication skills? Good spoken and written EnglishYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Head of Online Savings Account.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Head of Online Savings Account, Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CHDF)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:-Be accountable for the targets and profitability of the product driving both revenue and cost savings initiatives.-Be accountable for the product and pricing strategy covering distribution, marketing and communication strategies-Lead the planning and execution of the OSA digital strategy that includes the development of effective end to end processes and seamless online customer journey.-Proactively drive product enhancements based on customer feedback and behavior and changes in regulatory policy and market competition.-Be responsible for alignment of system enhancement and journey optimization across all channels.-Be accountable for the initial and ongoing management of product risk and ensuring the necessary controls are in place.-Establish the ongoing opeartional model for new digital business and manage related operational teams.-Manage the relationship with external partners and vendors.-Collaborate closely with local business stakeholders, local risk & compliance, product, proposition, business operation, IT, Legal, FCC, etc. to streamline plan, build, test and launch of digital business. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements-Bachelor degree or equivalent-Min. 10 years of Digital Experience-Experience or knowledge with Direct Bank is preferred-Experience in working in a Matric managed organization-Demonstrated knowledge of data center or data center products and hosting-Proven ability to manage third party partners both in partnership development when required, and ongoing partner management-Possess a blend of business and technical savvyability to drive strategy into action-An entrepreneurial drive, with the ability to deconstruct and solve problems, to investigate drivers and figure out why things happen-Proven ability to build strong relationship across stakeholder groups with the ability to effectively influence and communicate across various business lines and units and at senior levels within the organisation.-Customer focused, results based approach, able to deliver to deadlines-Demonstrates flexibly when addressing shifting or competing priorities.-Proven ability to influence large teams without direct leadership authority.-Bachelor's degree or equivalent preferable.-Strong Analytical and Presentation skills.-Energetic, positive attitude and team playerYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/VL/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
BB Global Markets Specialist 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Business Banking Global Markets Specialist HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BS2P)Business BankingThrough Business Banking our global network offers comprehensive support, advice and services to businesses in the SME market. From setting up a new business to managing the cash and trade flows of an established enterprise, the Business Banking team of Relationship Managers and Business Specialists provides a range of end-to-end solutions designed to help small and large businesses reach their potential. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:To act as the GM product champion, building traction in GM products within the BB regions throughout ChinaTo support and drive client acquisition through BB portfolio reviews aimed at achieving a faster and more effective on boarding processTo liaise with RM to identify and communicate client needs to GM to ensure comprehensive GM product coverage.To engage in regular pricing reviews with GM Sales to facilitate client pricing differentiationSupport the launch of products in line with customer needs identified.Support the GM Sales team in identifying opportunities across the GM product spectrum.Support the GM Sales and BB RM teams in identifying NCA opportunitiesEnhance the customer relationship and ensure a larger share of the customer’s wallet through up-sell and cross-sellEnsure ongoing training to the BB RM teams on product knowledgeUp-skill the existing team to source customers with a need for GM products through on-the-job and classroom trainingFacilitate the sharing of best practices and the flow of ideasEvidence tangible commitment to and behavior consistent with the Group’s core valuesAct as a conduit between local BB RMs and the GM Sales team to facilitate two-way communication and optimize the pursuit of business opportunities identifiedAct as the GM representative whilst embedded in BBEnsure adherence to and exhibit a thorough understanding of the GM control framework as it pertains to GM Sales related activities职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Bachelor's or equivalent University degree, minimum 5 years' relevant experience Well versed with Global Markets and relevant Global Markets products, local regulations, regulatory requirements, market practices and business trendsExperienced in handling and dealing with local commercial banking in South China will be preferred Excellent verbal and written communication skills with very strong people interaction ability Strong interpersonal skills, open minded, be able to present best-fit solutions for client needs Ability to explore business network, acquire and on-board new client names Strong sense of operational risk management and ability to adhere to the Bank's operational risk requirements Attention to detail and ability to ensure that transactions, business information is captured in a timely and highly accurate manner Able to work independently with limited supervision, proactive and willing to run job duties under pressure against multiple deadlines You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHHU/HH/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior IT Infrastructure Deliv.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior IT Infrastructure Delivery Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CFE8)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:The HBCN ITID Head is a key senior management position responsible for managing ITID relationship with its customers and stakeholders and directing the IT infrastructure roadmap for HBCN. HSBC in China is growing rapidly and it is extremely important and critical that proper solutions are put in place in a timely manner to support this growth. An efficient, seamless process to meet business requirements is essential, whether this means meeting the requirements via in-house, outsourcing or packaged solutions.The job holder will ensure strategic implementation across HBCN will be aligned to ITID's strategy and adapted to local business plans. The job-holder will provide professional strategic planning, operational and technical advice to HBCN working through virtual alignment on top of economic scale. Advisory and implementation areas will include contributing to the development of ITID strategy, portfolio rationalization, technical requirements, budget management, engagement of consultants, outsourcing, operational risk, governance and safety compliance.There is a need for professional, industry standard, consultancy/inter personal communication skills to ensure optimum portfolio performance, strategic planning and relationship management with the numerous internal customers groups across China.1. Lead all infrastructure shared service resources in HBCN and ensure all run and budgeted change initiatives are adequately resourced.2. Drive the infrastructure shared service units to deliver products in line with business requirements.3. Drive efficient and effective operation of all infrastructure and service management related run the bank and change the bank processes.4. Ensure the goals and strategy of the regional businesses are reflected in the infrastructure and service management related strategies and policies.5. Responsible for overall leadership and oversight of technical delivery within HBCN related to infrastructure and service management. As the Leadership face and ITID Infrastructure estate owner within HBCN, act as exemplar and role model for fast, agile and reliable performance that challenges the rest of ITID to aspire to.6. In addition to the delivery responsibilities the ITID Head acts as the primary interface between the country CIO and ITID1) Responsible for building the overall practice capability within HBCN, across all dimensions, including People, Process and Tools and will manage the interlock of key people management decisions between country and practice (e.g. pay and reward)2) Responsible for recruitment of specialist functional roles that work within regional shared services teams3) Supports Service Management & Infrastructure Practices to define and improve central practice frameworks, standards, processes and ways of working4) Responsible for evaluating effectiveness of frameworks related to the practices and capturing lessons learned from delivery teams.7. Within HBCN, provide infrastructure vision, enable innovation and promote the use of technology trends such as IAAS , PAAS, VPC combined with scalabiliy, elasticity, mobility, agility coupled with a deep understanding of customers' needs.8. Ensure that all stakeholders sign-up to the project pipelines and deliver to the agreed plan. Ensure compliance to ITID standard processes for order book management, project recording, tracking and reporting. Ensure strategies are implementable and agile.9. Assist the Business and IT with the understanding of ITID costs and through the promotion of ITID initiatives drive down the cost of ownership of the ITID Infrastructure estate.10. Contribute to strategic planning at a regional level, assist with shaping investment portfolios, ensure strategies are implementable and agile.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Local Job Requirements? Profile of services. Entity management of various ITID resources. For the sub-business / sub-function, across all geographies in which they operate: accountability for a number of tier 0 and tier 1 services (dependent on scale of role)personally computing for users within HBCN and accountable for ITID recharged to HBCN.? Internal and external relationships. Internal relationships extend to peers, and up to 2 levels in the organisation, across IT and sub-businesses/sub-functions. Influence vendor relationships within sub-businesses / sub-functions.? Regulatory. Own and authorise all material regarding ITID which is intended to be communicated to internal audit or external regulators on behalf or relating to the sub-business / sub-function.? CTB Portfolio. Signoff prioritization, acceptance and completion of work for the sub-business / sub-function.? Strategic input. Signoff party to all parts of sub-business / sub-function strategies within remitSignoff party to IT strategy.? Leadership and representation of ITID at various HBCN management forumsCertifications, Qualifications & Experience? Typically educated to degree level? Extensive experience in a managerial role within an IT or related field, including experience of managing a global function with a geographically dispersed team? Ability to build strong relationships and communicate with a wide spectrum of stakeholders? Excellent knowledge of the project lifecycle and group strategy? Understanding of business finance and experience of effective management of budgets and expenditure? Experience of managing large teams? Experience of managing 'c' level executives You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCHC/JC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Project Manager 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Project Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BM4Z)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:???????Specific Role Responsibility:- Initiates the project, obtaining authorisation to start the project and scope the project. Engages the project Sponsor and/or Steering Committee.- Plans effectively around delivery constraints and optimises the plan to maximise benefits and minimise risk. Develops the plan within constraints, considering the delivery approach, key milestones and dependencies within the plan, requirements and scope, effort and resources, budgets and quality.- Ensures the baselined scope, requirements, benefits, schedule and budget are delivered by the project. Identifies and intervenes where there is slippage and variance from plan.- Proactively monitors project execution to effectively identify risks/issues/dependencies as they arise throughout the project lifecycle. Takes ownership of critical issues and ensures resolution within agreed timescales and implements mitigating plans against identified risks and issues. Escalates when needed to the Programme Manager (remaining calm, knowing when to escalate, escalates with possible solutions).- Collaborates and builds positive stakeholder and business partner relationships providing regular updates to resolve high priority issues affecting the project.- Manages change and implementation within the business to ensure the change lands well and sticks, contributing to benefits realisation.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?Knowledge- Excellent understanding of the project lifecycle- Excellent understanding of project management frameworks, methodologies and best practice techniquesExperience- Project management skills and experience- Examples of the delivery of on time and on budget projects that achieve business case stated outcomes C a driver with bias towards delivery at pace and controlling project outcomes- In depth experience of working in a banking environment and change projects- Stakeholder management experience, especially impactful communication, influencing and running project governance Implementation, change management and benefits realisation- Implementation, change management and benefits realisationCapabilities- Planning and Plan Management- Risk and Issues Management- Decision Making- Lead Self and Others- Business Case and Benefits Realisation- Change and Implementation Management- Financial and Budget Management- Tracking, Reporting and Governance- Stakeholder Management- Delivery at Pace- Achieving excellence- CollaborationYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/TZ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Vice President Credit Control 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Vice President Credit Control Services-Underwriting Services Card HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C3FO)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:To support the unsecured retail products on boarding process, including verification and undewriting process -1) manage the team in the credit decision process, ensure the credit decision quality and efficiecy2) communicate with different skateholder to enusre process can run smooth with high effeciency and high quality3) align the standard required during daily operations, including FIM, Credit Guideline, CBRC / PBoC etc4) responsible for all the KPI for the team5) able to provide suggestion / recommendation to business / credit policy to aim for continue improvement职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1) > 8 years related working expereince in Retail Credit / Risk function is required2) Expereince in people management with at least 5 years experience3) Must have bacholer or above degree in related major4) Understand the local bank process of credit card or unscurend loan handling5) Understand the key control from CBRC / PBoC at product and process level6) Good communication skills (including both Chinese and English)You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS /JJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail BB Business Development.. 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Business Banking Business Development Officer Guangzhou HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CNPA)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:? Achieve agreed performance objectives and fulfill customer’s needs with focus on Retail business banking new customer? Build effective relationship with customer to develop sustainable relationship and to identify potential business opportunities and or liaise with Relationship Manager to provide products and services of Retail business Banking and Wealth Manager to customer? Deliver the firm and enhance brand appeal with excellent services? Proactively support others beyond activities particular to this role? Establish and maintain strong working relationship with colleagues and other cross function as appropriate to serve customer needs? Ensure customer satisfaction and maintain highest standard of excellence in customer service? Maintain sufficient knowledge of relevant products and service available from the Bank? Assist Team Leader to coach new staff and support team’s administrative issue? Adhere to Standard Operating Procedures and sales quality requirements? Ensure all sales processes are undertaken in accordance with regulatory requirements, HSBC Bank policy and Function Instruction Manual? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? College degree and above education background? 1-2 years working experience, with the sales experience in financial industry or other commercial consumer products will be a plus? Good interpersonal, communication and presentation skills? Equipped with risk control awareness and compliance? Customer-oriented and with a self-learning attitude.? Strong self-motivation, can work under pressure.? Computer literate, with basic skillsets (MS Office).You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Strategy Manager 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Strategy Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CES0)Strategy and Planning (STG)Global Strategy and Planning informs strategic decision-making and acts asa catalyst and driver for strategic change. The team applies a balance ofintellectual and technical strength, people skills and values-based leadershipto engage and constructively challenge the business with critical thinking andinnovative insights that yield valuable new approaches to the way we dobusiness.We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:-Monitor macroeconomicand financial sector policies, and their potential impact on ouroperations. In this context, an active engagement strategy withregulators, think tanks and academics will be pursued-Provide macro andstrategic market intelligence of the China market to all internalstakeholders-Support the strategicplanning process for HSBC in China including implementation-Support HSBC Group'sstrategic projects in China-Ensure the design ofstrategic initiatives are consistent with HSBC's Global Standards onregulatory compliance, financial crime compliance, conduct, etc.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:-?Understanding ofChina’s regulatory and operating landscape and HSBC's position / strategyin the market-Stakeholdermanagement experience / skills necessary to manage relationships withsenior executives / officials within HSBC, our strategic partners,regulators and think tanks, etc.-Understanding ofHSBC's Global Business propositions and organisational dynamics tofacilitate the design and implementation of a geographical strategy withina matrix organisation-Project managementexperience / skills to manage strategic projects-Proficiency inMandarin Chinese and EnglishYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where allemployees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providinga workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible workingand opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be usedin accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail BB Assistant BD and Par.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Business Banking Assistant Business Development and Partnership Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CMYD)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?? Support the achievement of Country AOP? Achieve agreed Key Performance Indicator objectives by development of existing and new relationships? Build effective relationships with external channels and partnerships to retain and develop sustainable relationships? Complete regular reviews and refresh the contract with external channels and partnerships for current and long term needs? Effective use of tools and information to drive client service delivery and RBWM performance? Build a high personal and corporate profile in the community in which you are based? Develop network of Group and External professional contacts with the aim of introducing new business, enhancing technical knowledge and promoting the brand? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:KNOWLEDGE/EXPERIENCE? University degree or above? Commercial banking knowledge and awareness? 3-5 years working experience in Retail Banking or Commercial Banking? A record of successful accomplishment in providing consistently outstanding customer service? Proven record of delivery within challenging timescales.SKILLS? Stakeholder management (External & Internal)? Good verbal and written communication skills at all levels? Excellent planning, organization and time management abilities? Ability to be flexible, manage priorities whilst remaining calm under pressure? Drive and resilience with a “can do” attitude? Ability to work collaboratively and independently when required? Ability to manage difficult conversations with customers? Attention to details? Diligence in formal written communication.You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCWSZ/RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Content Author, RBWM 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Content Author, Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CMQ1)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:??Working with the Content Producer, the Content Author will handle the following responsbilities:-Analyze the business requirement, design and deliver content journeys across the digital channels, to meet global and local needs-Ensure that content follows best practice for online/mobile viewing, follows internal guidelines and is optimized for online and mobile search-Leverage Content Management System (CMS) to develop the web pages and complete the quality assurance process before release.-Daily content maintenance of China website and other digital mobile channels-Ensure consistency & prioritization of content throughout customer journey and different digital channels.-Develop new content initiatives to drive digital KPI.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements?-Native Chinese, fluent in English, both verbal & written-Considerable experience managing content for websites and mobile APP.-Knowledge of digital 'best practice' including SEO, writing for web, optimisation and accessibility-Digital content management system (CMS) experience, understanding of HTML.-Sound copy editing and writing skills, especially for digital channel, is needed.-Localization budget and vendor management experience is an advantage-Strong analytical, and planning skills and the ability to work with multiple teams.-Strong project management and communication skills-Bachelor degree required: Marketing, Business, Information Sciences, Economics, preferredYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/VL/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
RBWM FCR Manager, 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management Financial Crime Risk Manager, HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BVAS)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Planning, conducting and participating in fraud risk reviews of business units and third-party service providers in accordance with the direction of line management.-Providing Fraud Risk subject matter expert direction and guidance to Lines of Business, recommendations on controls, remedial action, training and awareness programmes.-Provide reliable subject matter expert guidance to all business units within HSBC. Activities will include participating in business’ Risk & Control Assessment (RCA) reviews as well as performing reviews on new/renewed business initiatives.-Assist the Senior FCR Manager in coordinating the 2LoD Risk Stewardship activities and improving engagement between Financial Crime Threat Mitigation and Business Risk Control Manager teams across all Businesses & Operations.-Assist the Senior FCR Manager in communicating the specific objectives to be developed in the short, medium and long term through specific actions.-Assess Fraud Risk and prescribe the appropriate actions to be taken within the Bank in regards to effective risk mitigation.-Promote effective 2-way communication with Lines of Businesses to ensure risk concerns are efficiently escalated, assessed and managed. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Excellent verbal and written communication skills-Excellent organisational skills-Ability to work to tight deadlines & prioritise workload-Creativity and willingness to take the initiative.-Good analytical skills.-An enquiring mind with a good eye for detail.-Team Player & self-motivated-Ability to manage a team of experienced, whilst maintaining good engagement-Proficient knowledge of PC based systems, competent Excel user with experience in basic coding is an advantage Existing Fraud Risk Management experience (strongly preferred) You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHXI/HX/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Jade Proposition Manager 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Jade Proposition Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BTZK)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:-Define the Jade proposition based on customer insights (from both external market research and internal analytics)-Develop locally compelling proposition to grow the local customer base-Work with product managers to develop product offerings (including but not limited to Investments, Insurance, Transactional Banking, Mortgages) as well as services (e.g. financial planning, wealth insights) to ensure that the differentiated product offerings are both relevant and compelling to Jade customers-Define customer journeys and engagement frameworks, encompassing the entire customer life cycle (covering customer onboarding, relationship growth, advocate and retention) of Jade segment-Work with Marketing to develop marketing programmes and initiatives to ensure that key business programs and initiatives are promoted and communicated职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Knowledge and Experience? Bachelor above degree? More than five years of working experience? Strong planning, analytical, communications, decision-making, lateral thinking, influencing, interpersonal and project management skills.? Thorough understanding of customer segmentation and management techniques, as well as the businesses and products supported and the regulations impacting them? Proven track record of communicating effectively within the organization and with customer groups.? Ability to work in a team-oriented environment and effectively influence and communicate across various business lines at senior levels within the organization.? Knowledge of the organization and its products, processes and pertinent regulations affecting their delivery.? Strong knowledge of the customer service concept and its impact on customer relationships. Skills and Abilities? Culturally sensitive and understanding of local customer needs? Highly effective communicator with excellent interpersonal skills? High level of energy and enthusiasm? Able to operate effectively in a complex matrix driven environment? Able to influence, engage and lead in a positive, inspiring manner? Meet the requirement of leadership capability level for role including values level. You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/HC*/Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited To find out more about roles in Wealth Management in Hong Kong, mainland China and Singapore visit https://www.about.hsbc.com.cn/zh-cn/careers/wealth AWA2019 -
Assistant Corporate Counter Ku.. 苏州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-苏州市-昆山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To provide efficient counter service by performing skillfully, promptly and accurately for all counter transactions; and by handling customer enquiries professionally and solving their problems to their satisfaction To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing counter services. Closely cooperate with other back office teams during document transfer and keep proper registration; Handle other ad hoc tasks that need customer communication and document delivery/pickup over counter in an accurate & timely manner. Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above. Good interpersonal skills and strong sense of responsibility; Strong communication skills and problem solving skills; Clear and logical mind ; Good spoken English; Basic PC knowledge; You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Project Manager HSBC.. 上海 本科及以上 5-7 年 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
HSBCOperations,ServicesandTechnology(HOST)HSBCOperations,ServicesandTechnologyisapivotalpartoftheGroup,providingessentialoperationalandtechnicalsupporttoourglobalbusinessesandhelpingimprovecustomerserviceandefficiency.HOSTcombinesglobalexpertiseandtechnologytohelpkeepusaheadofthecompetition.Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:AsProjectManagerintheITIDChangeTheBankprogramme,theroleholderwillprovidedirectoversightoftheprogramme(s)/project(s)',financialandoutcomeaccountability,reportingtoaPortfolioManagerwithinITID.Inexecutingthisrole,theProjectManagerwillneedto:buildstrongrelationshipswithseniorstakeholderswithinIT,GlobalBusinesses,FinanceworkcloselywiththeirrespectivePortfolioManager,theGlobalITIDPPMPracticeteamandtheirseniorstakeholderstoensurealignmentoftheirproject/programmewiththewiderchangeportfolioandgroupstrategy,valuesandbehaviourprovideboardleveloverviewofprogress,leadanddirectmultidisciplinaryteamsacrossallglobalbusinesses,globalfunctionsandregionsleadendtoendexecutionandresponsibilityforallaspectsoftheproject/programme,includingdefinition,planning,execution&implementation,governance&control,financial,resourceandchangemanagement.Providefinancialanalysis,includingbeingabletocontextualisefinancialdataintobusinessactivitiesandconclusionsEnsuretheadherencetofinancialprocessesandproceduresatproject/programmelevel,assetandcommunicatedbyHSBCGroup,regulatorsandITIDPPMPractice.Owntheidentificationandescalationofanybudgetaryrelatedrisks,issuesandopportunitiestoportfolio/functionasappropriate.haveresponsibilityforeffectivehandoveroftheproject/programmeintoBusinessasUsualoperationstosupporteffectivebenefitsrealisation.haveresponsibilityfordeployingtheBusinessTransformationFrameworksandrespectivemethodologieswithintheirProgramme/Projectandinstillinggoodprogramme/projectdisciplineswithintheirprojectandwiderteam.leadandmanagewithinthematrixenvironmenttoenablesuccessfuldelivery.Tobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:Outstandingprojectandprogrammemanagementexperiencewhichincludecommunicationscapabilities,decisionmakingandproblemsolvingskills,lateralthinking,analyticalandinterpersonalskills.ExcellentunderstandingandprovenexperienceofProgrammeandProjectManagementmethodologiesincludingWaterfallandAgile.Abilitytodirectandinfluencepeopleinamatrixorientatedenvironmentandestablishworkingpartnershipsatajuniorandseniororganizationallevel.Provenexperienceofpositive,challenginginteractionswithSeniorExecutivesacrossthebusiness.Outstandingrelationshipmanagement,collaborationandinfluencingskills.OutstandinginterpersonalandcommunicationskillswithaprovenabilitytocommunicateeffectivelyandconfidentlyatalllevelsacrosstheGroup.Changeagentwithprovenabilityofimplementinglargescaleorganizational,procedural,technologyandpeoplerelatedchangeprogrammes.Provenabilitytoarticulatecomplexissuesconciselyandinsimplelanguagetorecognisetotheglobalremitofthisrole.Detailorientated. Strongfinancialanalyticalbackgroundandprovenabilityinfinancial/analyticalreasoning,includingbeingabletocontextualisefinancialdataintobusinessactivitiesandconclusions.ExperienceofdeliveringlargescalechangeprogrammeswithinaTechnologyorganization,withInfrastructureexperience.HighlevelofdriveandmotivationtoensuredeliveryofabroadrangeofoutputssimultaneouslyacrossHSBC.Experienceofleadingandmanagingteamswithproventrackrecordofworkingwithdiverse,crossfunctionalteamsthatarelocatedregionallyandworldwide. -
Advance Representative Zhuhai .. 珠海市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-珠海市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: - Take care of an Advance customer portfolio and act as the major contact point of the customer;- Keep high level of service standards for internal and external Advance customers;- Maximize profit and achievement of the growth of Advance clients portfolio;- Build effective relationships with clients to retain and develop sustainable relationships;- Complete regular reviews with clients to understand their current and long term needs and advise them on the products and services that help them achieve their goals;- Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: - Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state); - Good command of English; - At least 1 years' working experience in banking or service/sales positions of other industries;- Self-motivated and teamwork; - Strong sales and customer service skills; - Strong interpersonal and communication skills;- Could work under pressure. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HL/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡业务拓展主任 惠州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-惠州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /ELI/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Business Consultant 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Business Consultant HSBC China : 0000CPPMHSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: ?????????????????????????????????To fulfil the country D&I demand for strategic programs, there is a management consensus on locating permanent D&I resource in China, to have a more closer interaction with the China market, business, stakeholder, for a more effective strategic design output. The request is therefore raised to create new GCB 4 position in China HOST Transformation.We are currently seeking a high calibre professional to join our team as Senior Business Consultant, Design and Initiation.The Design and Initiation (D&I) team is responsible for defining, planning and mobilising the bank's most complex and strategically significant projects and programmes. The team are engaged directly by the bank's executive leadership to work across a wide set of challenges, ranging from defining and building innovative new products and business models through to mobilising multi-million dollar programmes across 40+ countries.The Senior Business Consultant's role is to act as the engagement lead, interfacing with senior executives and taking responsibility for delivering high quality outcomes for the bank.Principal responsibilitiesDesigning new operating models and business models to help the bank re-define its relationship with customers and staff.Bringing industry best practice and using critical thinking to challenge the status-quo and to design compelling solutions. Articulating both strategic / programme delivered solutions and quick wins.Understanding market changes and the bank's strategy to develop business plans that balance short, medium and long-term business demands.Bringing rigour and structure to the delivery process, by defining plans, roles and responsibilities, governance models, etc.Initiating the delivery of programmes/projects so that they are in state to be handed over to Project Managers from the Transformation teams post the project initiation phase.Leading the project engagement by managing and influencing across departments and multiple countries (when applicable).Creating a compelling vision and gaining buy-in for activities from executive leadership down to front-line staff.Facilitate stakeholders through decisions, consulting them, influencing them and by resolving conflicts and disagreement.Operate at a management level, working across global business and regions and helping the D&I team to maintain a global perspective on business transformation and consulting efforts.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:??????????????????University level degree. MBA beneficial.Have proven experience working as a consultant to businesses at large complex organizations at a Project or Engagement Manager level or above.Excellent problem solving skills C issue identification, hypothesis development, problem structuring, and analysis.Demonstrated ability to develop solutions to business problems based on facts and data. Experience with Target Operating Model design work beneficial.Overall financial services industry knowledge with a focus in one or more areas (e.g. retail banking, wealth management, digital, payments, commercial banking, trade).Experience in managing others and directing work efforts to achieve objectives effectively and efficiently.Excellent facilitation skills and experience in managing stakeholder requirements and design sessions.Demonstrated ability to influence stakeholders and navigate an organisation using formal and informal networking skills.Excellent communication and presentation skills.Proficiency in Change Management methodologies beneficial.Cantonese and/or Mandarin skills beneficial.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCBBS/TZ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Cards and Loans, RBWM HBCN Car.. 苏州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-苏州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Cards and Loans, RBWM HBCN Cards Sales Representative,Mobile Sales(suzhou) HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLI3)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可)2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /SXU/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail BB Customer Due Diligen.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Business Banking Customer Due Diligence Officer Shenzhen HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000D6EE)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: ??? Coordinate the client onboarding cases from initiation to the point the client cash account is open and channels access provided Manage new to bank client onboarding and existing client CDD process’ to defined SLAs, ensuring any risks to the timescales are escalated to the Team Leader and Relationship Manager Liaise directly with the client to gather detailed information and supporting documentation required to complete the CDD profile including Financial Crime Risk Review (FCRR) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Review and validate the completeness of CDD information and supporting documentation before submitting the case for review and approval Manage the end-to-end CDD process, keeping the Relationship Manager engaged and fully appraised of any issues / concerns. Provide input / guidance to the Relationship Manager ahead of review and formal approval (as appropriate) Act as a point of escalation for Service Delivery. Escalate any issues relating to the specific CDD case to the Relationship Manager and Functional support (e.g. FCC, BRCM etc.), especially where the client is not cooperating Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:??? University degree or above? Commercial banking knowledge and awareness? 3-5 years working experience in Retail Banking or Commercial Banking? A record of successful accomplishment in providing consistently outstanding customer service? Proven record of delivery within challenging timescales.? Stakeholder management (External & Internal)? Good verbal and written communication skills at all levels? Excellent planning, organization and time management abilities? Ability to be flexible, manage priorities whilst remaining calm under pressure? Drive and resilience with a “can do” attitude? Ability to work collaboratively and independently when required? Ability to manage difficult conversations with customers? Attention to details? Diligence in formal written communication.You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCRW/RW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Vice President RBWM Risk-Credi.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Vice President Retail Banking & Wealth Management Risk-Credit Card Policy HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CZRO)Risk Global Risk is a thriving and expert risk management function supporting HSBC globally with all aspects of risk management. The team actively manages a varied and dynamic range of risk types, including security, fraud, information security, operational, credit, pension, insurance, compliance, regulatory, market, reputation and geopolitical risks. All parts of the Global Risk team use their skills, insight and integrity to handle established threats and those they see emerging, acting to protect and enable HSBC to deliver sustainable growth.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: ?Responsible for designing and implementing credit policy for credit card product with focus on acquisition policy to ensure a risk reward approach is used to maximize customer profitability on a risk adjusted basis. Responsible for setting and tracking the segment performance and implementation of sophisticated statistical forecasting models. Managing the credit quality to ensure LIC$ and LIC/Income Ratio targets are not exceeded and all areas of credit management comply with regulatory, regional and local approved policies. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? In depth knowledge and experience of credit risk management for card business.? 5 years + experience in credit card risk management and proficient in risk analytical tools, eg. SAS? Broad knowledge of sector trends and regulatory environment? Excellent understanding of originations and portfolio management techniques including sophisticated analytics, credit modeling.? Good Understanding of business areas outside of Risk e.g., Collections, Product, Finance, etc.? Good understanding of HSBC overall business dynamics, particularly Retail Banking? Experiences in working with auditors, regulators and compliance? Fluency in English required You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JL/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
渠道开发经理 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Bank and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1.负责信用卡获客渠道的开拓,包括企业团办,下午茶合作,路演场地开拓等;2.根据公司业务发展需求,寻找、挖掘有利于公司信用卡营销的合作资源;3.协助城市经理,制定城市总体及阶段性推广策略,负责推动重点获客项目的开拓,立项评估,组织实施及管理推进;4.维护公司既有合作资源及商务伙伴关系,并对已有资源创建新的合作点;5.负责协调企业营销活动的对外合作及跨部门合作推动; 6.整理信用卡各渠道效果数据,并对数据进行有效的分析和评估,为项目的有效执行和调整提供建议;7.负责公司营销物料,宣传礼品的管理;管理控制城市销售成本及各类营销费用支出的审核把关; To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?????1.有渠道开发,大客户营销等相关工作经验,在当地有一定的人脉和企业资源;2.本科以上学历,熟练运用Office办公软件;具备良好的沟通能力,商务谈判能力;3.有信用卡营销或银行工作经验及有项目开发和项目管理经验者优先考虑; You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller Xujiahui Sub-branch 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Teller Counter Banking Operations Xujiahui Sub-branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000D0V9)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?To perform accurate and efficient counter service duties and to offer a high standard of courteous service to customers.To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service.To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop customer services.Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior.Close liaison with colleagues from other lines of business, business segments, products and services.To SWAT support other BOS/Counter team if necessary.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state)Good understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guidelinesStrong sense of responsibilityGood communication skillsGood written and spoken English and MandarinStrong customer service mindsetBe able to work under pressure. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /MW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Branch Compliance Ma.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Branch Compliance Manager Shenzhen HSBC China : 0000DA5SCompliance (CMP)Compliance is a global function that brings together all aspects of regulatory and financial crime risk management. Acting as risk stewards, and incorporating a range of specialist teams, we work together with the business and leverage advanced technology to help HSBC navigate a complex regulatory landscape and embed a sustainable approach to compliance risk management that supports safe growth and serves customers fairly. Compliance aspires to continuously raise the bar and set leading standards across the industry to help HSBC safeguard its customers and the communities within which it operates.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:1. Greater Bay Area (GBA)Act as the coordinator of GBA issues in GD region;Coordinate internal meetings related to GBA;Collect and analyze GBA policies update;Work with LOBs to understand business initiatives in GBA;Further support business growth from compliance perspective under the guidance of RCM and CNQ RC.2. AdvisoryPre-work communication with LOBs;Perform regulatory search;Perform compliance risk analysis;Escalate concerns and seek comment from CNQ/local regulators if needed;Provide compliance comment to business line timely;Record the advisory case with RC standards and file the record;Follow-up the implementation status of the case;Prepare and input Consilium for material advisory cases.3. TrainingSelect training topics and comb out relevant regulations;Prepare Training PPT for CMP Weekly Training;Arrangement for training and keeping record;Evaluate Training Needs and Topics design.4. Local Regulatory IntelligenceCollect local regulator's comments or local market's common practices for specific case raised by CNQ or local management;Feedback to CNQ /local management timely.5. Business LobbyingPre-work communication with LOBs and CNQ RCs;Pre-filing Communication with local regulators;Review of related materials/ filing package;Arrangement for Seniors/Business visit;Follow-up Regulators' comment;Feed-back to respective LOBs/CNQ RC teamsFollow-up Internal Implementation6. Procedure ReviewPre-comment communication with LOBsRegulatory Search and CMP Risk Analysis;Communication with CNQ/Local Regulators;Provide CMP Review Comment.7. Free Trade Zone (FTZ)Collect and analyze the regulatory development applicable to FTZ;Attend the internal FTZ meetings;Identify and manage regulatory compliance risks emerging from FTZ under the guidance of RCM and CNQ RC.8. Branch Compliance ReviewSelect the branch review topic based on the recent important and emerging risk;Prepare the GD region Branch CMP review Program;Arrange the training and QA session to the GD region staff;Send out the request to SZN LOBs, asking materials for checking;Perform checking, interview and then complete the checking point;Identify any findings and communicate with LOBs;Track the rectification status and timely communicate with local management;Send the final checking result to branch compliance review working group within deadline;Collect and perform assessment on the GD region branch compliance review result.9. Support management work职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?(1) University degree or above in law, accounting or any related discipline(2) Minimum 4 years' relevant experience in banking / financial industry, preferably gained in compliance area(3) Knowledge of the rules and regulations from CBIRC, PBOC and SAFE(4) Familiar with banking operations and controls as well as different products and services offered by the bank(5) Self-motivated, independent with strong analytical abilities and good judgment, willing to work in diversified working environment & location(6) Good planning, interpersonal and communication skills to work with internal and external partiesYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JL/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Insurance Product Exper.. 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:The Premier proposition is a strategic priority for HSBC and the role of Senior Product Expert (SPE) is a key contributor in achieving the proposition objectives. The role is a specialist role and is part of the Premier and Wealth sales force. The incumbent is expected to be a technical expert in one or several product categories as relevant to marketsuch as Structured Products/FX/ QDII/Local Mutual Funds /Retirement/Protection/ etc.SPE is usually deployed to add value to clients with more complex needs, e.g. Premier clients and is assigned to a team of Premier Relationship Managers, whilst PRMs own the end-to-end advisory and sales process with clients, SPE assists PRMs in understanding clients better, meeting clients together with PRMs when required, making suitable recommendations and helping clients understand the value and risks of solutions available to them.At times the SPE may also conduct product training to support and deliver new product launches and lead client education events to help client gain better knowledge of financial markets and financial solutions. SPE also needs to follow the needs-based sales process, giving clients a meaningful and consistent wealth experience and ultimately providing an outstanding client experience.The jobholder is expected to support PRMs to gain more client trust and commitment in broadening and deepening their relationship with HSBC. Usually SPE pairs to City/Division level branches with a number of PRMs no less than 12. SPE is in charge of below additional job duties besides the duty of band 6 PE:-Division/City level performance coaching, using different material and tools to coach RMs for achieving wealth performance.-Division/City level pipeline monitoring and management to help Division/City to achieve wealth related target.-Division/City level sales force enabler, which include the coordination and management of continuous training and Coaching, especially timely evaluation and follow up.-Division/City level Staff wealth related activity follow up, such as Wealth accreditation, Wealth Initiatives, etc.-Support and coordinate Division/City level customer seminar and RM event (workshop, experience sharing, etc.).-Cross Division/City experience sharing coordination and implementation.- Guide and direct band 6 PE in business in their Division/City.- Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1. Knowledge and experience? Minimum of six years of working experience as a product specialist or financial advisor? At least one year of working experience as a product expert or BSM/SBM in RBWM.? Strong client skills with the ability to deliver a strong client experience and provide needs-based solutions? Deep knowledge of specific complex financial solutions and products including the knowledge of financial markets, socia-economic dynamics, and regulatory requirement relevant to the products? Extensive external market awareness of market conditions, new product solutions, and an understanding of current financial market activities? Demonstrated ability and experience to correctly identify client needs? Solid skills to manage consultative sales process? A solid understanding of global anti money laundering standards? Team player with collaborative skills? Knowledge of local and Group compliance regulations? Specialisation in one or more product categories e.g. Structured Products/FX/Investments/Trusts/Estate Planning/Retirement/Protection/Mortage etc.2.Accreditations? Attain appropriate professional and regulatory qualifications as required by market? Attain any internal standards as required by country3. Leadership capabilities? Have or attain an understanding of the immediate regional Global Wealth Strategy and the ability to plan own activities accordingly? Ambitious about providing the highest standards of delivery to colleagues and clients? Demonstrates ability to set stretch goals for self and the ability to deliver these with courage and tenacity? Authentic and shows ability to engage with colleagues and clients to deliver at pace? Make considered decisions that protect HSBC and our clients4. Global Wealth Management capabilities? Ability to transfer skills and knowledge by demonstration, coaching and observation? Disciplined professional who is able to set and follow organised client portfolio process's by relationship manager ina proactive manner? Able to work independently to construct technical product analysis to support PRMs and aid PRM experience and client decisions? Technical coaching skills in area of expertise? Experienced group presenter? Proven ability in customising presentations to meet individual client needsA mature individual able to instil confidence with colleagues and clients alikeYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/RWIssued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Rep Dalia.. 大连市 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 辽宁-大连市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management(RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join this team. In this role, you will: To achieve pre-set sales targets of personal banking products To conduct needs-based selling activities through effective sales processes To project a professional image while conducting sales activities To promptly and effectively respond to customer enquiries, feedbacks and complaints To prepare and submit sales progress reports on a regular basis Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) One year or above working experience is preferred Experience in sales-related function is preferred Result-driven and able to work under pressure Firm believer of long-term, ethical client relationship Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills Customer-centric service mindset Good spoken and written English is a plus You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Sales Manager - Corporate 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Sales Manager - Corporate Shenzhen HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CYOK)Global Liquidity and Cash Management (GLCM)HSBC is recognised as one of the top tier providers of Global Payments and Cash Management services in the Asia-Pacific region. As more corporate and institutional clients continue to consolidate their banking activities with the introduction of payments and cash management services, the potential growth of this business is substantial. Our customers view our regional client service proposition as a key element in deciding with whom to mandate their business. In this role, you will:? Develop GLCM(Global Liquidity&Cash Management) businesses by servicing cash management needs of Commercial Banking customers.? Win new GLCM business to achieve agreed revenue and product targets.? Penetrate further into existing clients, increasing HSBC's share of wallet.? Gain market share by proactively targeting and winning business from new clients.? Understand market needs, identify potential opportunities and proactively participate in marketing and the product development cycle.? Ensure a smooth transition of cash management wins from sales to Implementation and the successful on-boarding of new business.? Promote HSBC's GLCM capabilities internally and externally to improve awareness of the GLCM business? Maintain HSBC's internal control standards.? Implement and observe Group Compliance Policy.? Maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of its occurring.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:- Bachelor degree holder or above- Minimum 8 years' related RM or cash salesexperiences with tracked performance- Target driven. Business driven- Solid knowledge and market intelligence oncash management business including clearing services, products and technology,etc.- Relationship Management experience at multiplelevels plus a proven sales record- Proven ability in identifying and meetingcustomer needs through matching a broad range of products and services- Ability to understand a customers business andthe fundamentals of running a business- Good level of business acumen and commercialawareness, including economic, cultural, procedural and regulatory issues- Excellent interpersonal skills and ability tointeract and build relationships with internal and external stakeholders- Good command of Microsoft Office Products includingExcel, PPT and Word, etc.- Excellent communication/presentation skills inboth English and Chinese.You’ll achievemore when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respectedand opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosterscontinuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to growwithin and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bankrelating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our PrivacyStatement, which is available on our website. /CJ/*Issued by HSBCBank (China) Company Limited -
Teller CORP Counter Hangzhou H.. 杭州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To provide high quality service to customers To communicate effectively to meet various customer needs To assist in regulatory reports and returns To support counter administrative work Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) One year or above working experience is preferred Experience in customer facing function is preferred Result-driven and able to work under pressure Highly responsibility in working in charge Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills Customer-centric service mindset Customer-centric service mindset Good spoken and written English is a plus. You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller Hangzhou HKC Sub-branch.. 杭州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) One year or above working experience is preferred Experience in customer facing function is preferred Result-driven and able to work under pressure Highly responsibility in working in charge Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills Customer-centric service mindset Good spoken and written English is a plus. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) One year or above working experience is preferred Experience in customer facing function is preferred Result-driven and able to work under pressure Highly responsibility in working in charge Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills Customer-centric service mindset Good spoken and written English is a plus. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Social Media Analyst 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
SocialMediaAnalystHSBCChina-(职位编号:0000D7ME)Marketing(MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:Support:ProvidesupporttotheSeniorSocialMediaanalystinChinatoensuretheteam’sgoalsandKPIsaremetinparticularinthekeyareaslistedbelow:CrisisManagement:Actasthegoto-personforsocialmediaandtotalweblisteninginChina.Utilizeoursoftware,inordertoprovideregularreportsandupdatestostakeholdersincomms,marketingandbusiness,whenthereisinformationregardingourbrandandreputationbeingsharedonthewebInsightsGatheringandReporting:ReportconsumerinsightsbasedonsocialmediaresearchandlisteningtoboththemarketingteamandbusinessstakeholdersGovernance:ExecuteonthegovernanceframeworkestablishedforWeChattoensureallWeChataccounts,theirownersandstakeholderskeepdocumentationsandtraininguptodate.Training:Keepuptodatewillalllistening/contentmanagementsoftwareandtoolsinordertoassistwithtrouble-shooting,experimentingandtrainingotherteamsCloning/Translating:Collaboratewiththeglobalsocialmediateamtoensurestandardongoingreportssuchas“CustomerPainpoints”arealsoestablished,updatedanddistributedfortheChinamarket职位要求:Tobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:BachelordegreeoraboveMorethan2yearsworkingexperienceKnowledgeofChinesesocialmediaProfessionallevelMandarinandEnglishStronganalyticalskillsandabilitytobeflexiblewithworkinghoursduringperiodsofcrisisYou’llachievemorewhenyoujoinHSBCwww.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
信用卡客户经理(银行正编) 苏州市 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-苏州市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
Retail BB Customer Due Diligen.. 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Business Banking Customer Due Diligence Officer Foshan HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000D0E9)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:?? Coordinate the client onboarding cases from initiation to the point the client cash account is open and channels access provided Manage new to bank client onboarding and existing client CDD process’ to defined SLAs, ensuring any risks to the timescales are escalated to the Team Leader and Relationship Manager Liaise directly with the client to gather detailed information and supporting documentation required to complete the CDD profile including Financial Crime Risk Review (FCRR) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Review and validate the completeness of CDD information and supporting documentation before submitting the case for review and approval Manage the end-to-end CDD process, keeping the Relationship Manager engaged and fully appraised of any issues / concerns. Provide input / guidance to the Relationship Manager ahead of review and formal approval (as appropriate) Act as a point of escalation for Service Delivery. Escalate any issues relating to the specific CDD case to the Relationship Manager and Functional support (e.g. FCC, BRCM etc.), especially where the client is not cooperating Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? University degree or above? Commercial banking knowledge and awareness? 3-5 years working experience in Retail Banking or Commercial Banking? A record of successful accomplishment in providing consistently outstanding customer service? Proven record of delivery within challenging timescales.? Stakeholder management (External & Internal)? Good verbal and written communication skills at all levels? Excellent planning, organization and time management abilities? Ability to be flexible, manage priorities whilst remaining calm under pressure? Drive and resilience with a “can do” attitude? Ability to work collaboratively and independently when required? Ability to manage difficult conversations with customers? Attention to details? Diligence in formal written communication.You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 上海 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇无责底薪5200+提成,六险二金,做五休二,周末双休作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
China Student Programme 中国学.. 北京 本科及以上 不限 不限 130 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 130 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
热招正在进行中!在全球范围内,经济增长带来新的繁荣;企业正在开拓新的航线;具有财富和影响力的新的中心不断涌现。在汇丰,我们的业务和客 户正改变着世界,为此我们深受鼓舞。这就是我们一直致力寻找来自世界各地最优秀的人才的源动力。加入我们吧!让我们来帮助你实现你在事业上的抱负。汇丰中国学生计划提供给你非常实用的工作体验。你将有机会充分运用在学校所学知识,帮助你思考将来职业发展的起点和方向。实习时间:2019年1月1日起, 2-12个月带薪实习(每周2天以上)招收部门:Commercial Banking; Global Functions; HOST实习地点:中国大陆各分行招收对象:中国籍(含港澳台)在读本科生/研究生(即大一,大二,大三,大四,研一,研二)申请方式:即日起开始接受申请,请浏览该网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/student_p.htm -
2020 Summer Internship Program.. 广州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 60 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 60 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
暑期实习生项目将为各专业人才提供为期8周的系统培训和挂职实习。表现优秀的同学可直接免试进入2021年的银行家培训生项目,成功晋升为汇丰中国地区的管理培训生。实习时间:2020年7月和8月为期8周(提供带薪实习,一周须满5个工作日)招收部门:Commercial Banking, Global Banking, Global Markets, Retail Banking and Wealth Management, Retail Banking and Wealth Management-Digital,HSBC Securities Services, Global Liquidity and Cash Management, Commercial Banking, Global Banking-Global Trade & Receivable Finance实习地点:上海,北京,深圳,广州等(其他城市详见网站)招收对象:全日制在读学生(本科生/研究生),毕业时间在2020.9-2021.7之间,专业不限正式的招聘将于2019年9月开始,请关注“汇丰人才招聘”公众号,或浏览网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/ -
Global Graduate Programme 管理.. 深圳市 本科及以上 不限 不限 60 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 60 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
汇丰中国管理培训生校园招聘以孕育和培养未来的领导者为目标,并拥有精英管理的文化。18-24个月的项目将提供综合全面的课堂培训、在职培训,以及在中国大陆的轮岗机会。宝贵的跨部门轮岗经验,将快速协助你成长为一名管理人员,为你创造辉煌的职业发展机会,并使你成为一名优秀的银行家。正式的招聘将于2019年9月开始,请关注“汇丰人才招聘”公众号,或请浏览该网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/岗位要求:- 能在2020年7月前毕业- 2019或2020届应届生- GPA 3.0/4.0 - 中国国籍(含港澳台) -
Global Graduate Programme 管理.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 60 面议 2019-07-31 展开 -
招聘人数: 60 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
汇丰中国管理培训生校园招聘以孕育和培养未来的领导者为目标,并拥有精英管理的文化。18-24个月的项目将提供综合全面的课堂培训、在职培训,以及在中国大陆的轮岗机会。宝贵的跨部门轮岗经验,将快速协助你成长为一名管理人员,为你创造辉煌的职业发展机会,并使你成为一名优秀的银行家。正式的招聘将于2019年9月开始,请关注“汇丰人才招聘”公众号,或请浏览该网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/岗位要求:- 能在2020年7月前毕业- 2019或2020届应届生- GPA 3.0/4.0 - 中国国籍(含港澳台) -
Mobile Sales Force Card Sales .. 中山市 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website./RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Mobile Sales Force Card Sales .. 中山市 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website./RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Mobile Sales Force Card Sales .. 中山市 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website./RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Premier Relp Assistant Ningbo .. 宁波市 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-宁波市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionRetail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: To handle all inferior HSBC Premier (HP) accounts and zero-balance HP accounts follow up workTo answer all incoming HP phone calls if Premier Relationship Officer (PRO) is occupied and to be responsible for all messages HP customer leave in PRO's voice mailTo make sure HP gift redemption mechanics works smoothly To back up PRO who is on leave or during lunchtimeTo proactively identify sales opportunities and services most beneficial to customersQualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state)With 1-2 years' working experience, sales or customer service experience is preferredGood communication and selling skillsGood understanding of Retail Banking and Wealth Management products and servicesGood spoken and written English Well organized With nice personality You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Represent.. 济南市 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 山东-济南市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionRetail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: To conduct needs-based selling activities through effective sales processes To project a professional image while conducting sales activities To promptly and effectively respond to customer enquiries, feedbacks and complaints To prepare and submit sales progress reports on a regular basis client-oriented professional to proactively manage a complex portfolio of clients, becoming a trusted advisor to lead strategic dialogues with clients at a portfolio level through the understanding of specific business requirements and delivering creative and flexible customer solutions. QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) One year or above working experience is preferred Experience in sales-related function is preferred Result-driven and able to work under pressure Firm believer of long-term, ethical client relationship Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills Customer-centric service mindset Good spoken and written English is a plus.You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller CORP Counter Chengdu Br.. 成都市 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 四川-成都市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionRetail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: To provide high quality service to customers To communicate effectively to meet various customer needsTo assist in regulatory reports and returnsTo support counter administrative workQualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) One year or above working experience is preferred Experience in customer facing function is preferred Result-driven and able to work under pressure Highly responsibility in working in charge Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills Customer-centric service mindset Good spoken and written English is a plus.You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Rep Ningb.. 宁波市 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-宁波市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionRetail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: To provide high quality service to customers To communicate effectively to meet various customer needs To assist in regulatory reports and returns To support counter administrative workQualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) One year or above working experience is preferred Experience in customer facing function is preferred Result-driven and able to work under pressure Highly responsibility in working in charge Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills Customer-centric service mindset Good spoken and written English is a plusYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Represent.. 武汉市 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 湖北-武汉市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionRetail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: Proactively manage a complex portfolio of clients, becoming a trusted advisor to lead strategic dialogues with clients at a portfolio level through the understanding of specific business requirements and delivering creative and flexible customer solutions.To hand over customer relationship properly to their relationship managers after closing sales; To provide excellent services to customers and ensure all enquiries and complaints are accurately and effectively resolved to customers' satisfaction; To participate actively in team building activities to share information/ideas while contributing suggestions for work improvement; To timely prepare and submit daily/weekly reports on sales status.Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial marketsQualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:University degree or above(recognized by the state); Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills; Well-developed service and sales attitude with ability to work under pressure; Presentable, outgoing and persuasive; Good spoken and written English is preferableYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller Wuhan WHZ Sub-branch HS.. 武汉市 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 湖北-武汉市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionRetail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: To provide high quality service to customers To communicate effectively to meet various customer needsTo assist in regulatory reports and returnsTo support counter administrative workQualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) One year or above working experience is preferred Experience in customer facing function is preferred Result-driven and able to work under pressure Highly responsibility in working in charge Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills Customer-centric service mindset Good spoken and written English is a plus.You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Mobile Sales Force Card Sales .. 中山市 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website./RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Mobile Sales Force Card Sales .. 中山市 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website./RW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Banking Operations S.. 苏州市 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-苏州市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1. Fulfill internal and external operation requirements accurately and timely. Assist Line Manager to handle regulatory requirements 2. Keep high level of service standard for internal and external customers 3. Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring 4. Take up backup tasks for other operations roles as assigned by line manager when necessary and work with team spirit 5. Regulatory Statistics Management (RSM) Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above, 1-2 years working experience in banking operations is preferable 2. Good communication skills and fluent written and spoken English and Mandarin 3. Proactive attitude and able to work under pressure and have a ability to solve problem with efficiency 4. Meticulous to details 5. Understanding of local rules and regulations 6. Self disciplined, motivated and well-organized You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Processor Account Servicing & .. 无锡市 本科及以上 3-4 年 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 3-4 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-无锡市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To perform accurate and efficient counter service duties and to offer a high standard of courteous service to customers. To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service. To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop customer services. Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior. Close liaison with colleagues from other lines of business, business segments, products and services. To SWAT support other OPS team if necessary. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) Good understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guidelines Strong sense of responsibility Good communication skills Good written and spoken English and Mandarin Be able to work under pressure You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/MW/* -
Customer Development Represent.. 济南市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 山东-济南市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To conduct needs-based selling activities through effective sales processes To project a professional image while conducting sales activities To promptly and effectively respond to customer enquiries, feedbacks and complaints To prepare and submit sales progress reports on a regular basis client-oriented professional to proactively manage a complex portfolio of clients, becoming a trusted advisor to lead strategic dialogues with clients at a portfolio level through the understanding of specific business requirements and delivering creative and flexible customer solutions. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) One year or above working experience is preferred Experience in sales-related function is preferred Result-driven and able to work under pressure Firm believer of long-term, ethical client relationship Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills Customer-centric service mindset Good spoken and written English is a plus. You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Represent.. 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Customer Development Representative Guangzhou China Hotel Sub-branch HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BIL5)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?To focus on customer acquisition and channel developmentTo hand over customer relationship properly to their relationship managers after closing salesTo conduct needs-based promotion activities through effective sales processes.To build up a professional image while deliver excellent service to customer.To promptly and effectively respond to customer enquiries, feedbacks and complaints.To prepare and submit sales progress reports on a regular basis.To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:University degree or above (recognized by the state)Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skillsWell-developed service and sales attitude with ability to work under pressurePresentable, outgoing and persuasiveGood spoken and written English is preferable.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /EH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Premier Relationship Officer S.. 深圳市 不限 3-4 年 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 3-4 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role is a client facing role managing our highest value clients where professionalism, client focus and a broad understanding of the fundamentals of financial planning are critical to the success of the business. The role holder has a responsibility to acquire, develop and retain relationships with Premier clients, working with the broader branch and direct teams to ensure achievement of the business performance measures and plan (as defined by RBWM). This will be achieved by active management of a portfolio of Premier clients, acquiring new HSBC clients and upgrading existing clients through becoming the trusted advisor to them. It will also entail reviewing the portfolio regularly to ensure the solutions are still suitable to meet clients’ needs and embed client loyalty by meeting their needs either directly or through other internal business partners. In order to deliver the business objectives you will need to refer non-qualified business to appropriate parties following proposition protocol and attract business with new clients by understanding their financial needs and delivering high standards of service quality. The identification of opportunities for wealth reviews and delivering wealth solutions as an adviser are amongst the key activities to achieve your goals. In delivering the business objectives you must also maintain the levels of operational integrity required by HSBC Group, closely managing your individual and the collective performance of your wider team. Creating and maintaining an environment and relationships where you and the wider Branch team maximise performance in achieving the RBWM business objectives. The identification of opportunities for wealth reviews and delivering wealth solutions as an adviser are amongst the key activities to achieve your goals as complied with local regulatory requirement. You are accountable for the performance of your portfolio and need to ensure it is effectively run managing to the Target Operating Model (TOM) as defined by HSBC Group. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Minimum of three years proven and progressive financial services and/or retail sales experience or equivalent Relationship management experience with high net worth clients Strong technical skills in wealth management Strong communication, client focus and influencing skills Strong networking and portfolio management skills Sound knowledge of financial services products and services and the client relationship management system Understanding of business banking client segment and products and services Clear view on how to work with Compliance, Credit & Risk and Internal Control to ensure a balanced risk operating environment Able to communicate well in English and local languages You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/VL/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Represent.. 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Customer Development Representative Guangzhou Zhongshan Road Wende Sub-branch HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BI14)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?To focus on customer acquisition and channel developmentTo hand over customer relationship properly to their relationship managers after closing salesTo conduct needs-based promotion activities through effective sales processes.To build up a professional image while deliver excellent service to customer.To promptly and effectively respond to customer enquiries, feedbacks and complaints.To prepare and submit sales progress reports on a regular basis.To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:University degree or above (recognized by the state)Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skillsWell-developed service and sales attitude with ability to work under pressurePresentable, outgoing and persuasiveGood spoken and written English is preferable.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/EH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Trade Middle Office Associate .. 北京 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionGlobalTradeandReceivablesFinance(GTRF)HSBCGlobalTradeandReceivablesFinanceiscommittedtohelpingcompaniesofallsizesfromeverypartoftheworldgrowtheirbusinessacrossborders.Offeringacomprehensiverangeofforward-thinkingsupplychainandtraditionaltradesolutions,thebusinesshasbeenrepeatedlyrecognizedbytheindustry’smostprominentpublicationsandassociationswithnumerousawardsforitsstrengthincombininginnovationandserviceexcellencewithend-to-endcustomersolutions.Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:TradeMidOfficeAssociate-BJGGTRFSVS1.ToprocesstradetransactionsaccuratelyandefficientlyandensurethelogisticsarrangementinGTRFServicestoachieveGTRFServicesservicestandard.2.Tomeetinternal/externalcustomerrequirementsanddeliveroutstandingtraderelatedcustomerservice.3.Toensurecompliancewithallrelevantinternalinstructions(e.g.FIMs,internalcirculars,guidelines)andexternalregulatoryrequirementsindailyoperation.4.ToworkcollaborativelywithTradeSales,GB,CMB,FCD,TRY,localbanksandregulatoryinstitutionstoguaranteeasmoothtransactionprocessing.5.ToensurecompliancewithRSMobjectives.QualificationsTobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:?KnowledgeofCoreTrade(and/orGuarantees,SupplyChain,ReceivablesFinance).?UniversitydegreesupportingFinancialServices,BusinessOperation,Processserviceorequivalentexperienceinarelatedfield.?Stronginterpersonalskills,includingverbalandwrittencommunicationskills(inEnglishandlocallanguage).?Minimum2yearsofexperienceintradeoperations,tradeclientservicesand/orrelatedfunctions.?Strongmulti-taskingandproblemsolvingskills.?Abilitytoworkindependentlyandalsocollaborativelywithotherteammembers.?CDCS(fortraditionaltrade)orCSDG(forguarantee)certificationisdesirable.You’llachievemoreatHSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCJHL/CJIssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 (Mob.. 苏州市 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-苏州市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 (Mob.. 东莞市 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-东莞市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡业务支持助理 (MSF Branc.. 成都市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 四川-成都市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、在分支行营业网点提供信用卡相关业务的服务2、在业务工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交信用卡进件等相关报告。 岗位要求:1、本科或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业工作经验者优先考虑;3、性格开朗,有较强的责任感和团队合作精神4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; -
Proposition Development Manage.. 武汉市 本科及以上 5-7 年 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 湖北-武汉市-汉南区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1. Develop, implement, and maintain credit card product with product features and value proposition aligning with specfic customer segment 2. Closely working with RBWM front line sales, Risk, Digital and other teams for the multichannel end-to-end acquisition process design and implementation 3. Closely working with Marketing on customer communication for product launch, rewards program, and ongoing acquisition and usage campaigns 4. Monitor and manage product performance and portfolio performance 5. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: - University degree or above (recognized by the state) - 5-8 years unsecure lending product manager experience with solid track record in project and product development, marketing, and channel management - Familiar with industry and market trend - Excellent communication, coordination, initiative driving, and cross function analytical skills You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/JZ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Corporate Banking Manag.. 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Commercial Banking (CMB)HSBC Commercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-market enterprises, providing commercial customers with a full range of banking services including multi-currency business accounts, payments and cash management, wealth management and insurance and global trade and receivables finance, as well as a comprehensive range of financing solutions. With dedicated Relationship Managers and Business Specialists providing local support and advice in over 60 countries and territories, HSBC helps customers make the most of opportunities for their businesses. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To develop, manage, plan and implement the services and sales activities of CMB Corporate Clients, to: - Achieve the Bank's strategic goal of being acknowledged as the leading foreign bank in China and leading international business.- Nurture customer relationships by providing quality services to both facility and non-facility customers and to deepen wallet share.- Maximize relationship return through quality account planning, and close collaboration with product partners and other global businesses.- Apply robust compliance monitoring and risk assessment necessary to ensure quality lending and safeguard the bank from potential loss.- Compliant with the Bank internal policies and regulatory requirements at all times.- Increase HSBC’s brand recognition and assist CMB Manager / Relationship Manager in making HSBC the leading foreign bank in the local place. - Contribute to staff development and making Commercial Bank 'the best place to work'.- Develop knowledge, capability and leadership skills to meet existing and future business needs. 资历 To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: - Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state).- Sufficient general and commercial banking experience.- Good commercial knowledge and be well versed in economics, accounting and financial related subjects.- Sufficient degree of business orientation and management know-how.- Strong customer services, sales and result-oriented mindset.- At least 8 years of credit exposure.- Decision making and analytics skills.- Business related qualification.- Good command of written and spoken English/Mandarin languageYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCJHL Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Marketing Manager - Retail Ban.. 上海 本科及以上 8-9 年 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 8-9 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: ?Collaboratewithliabilitybusinessteamonpolicyinterpretation,businessfocussettingandopportunityidentification.IdentifythelatestconsumerinsightsandindustrytrendsbasedonresearchfindingsDevelopmarketingstrategy,communicationspropositionsandcampaignstosupporttheoverallRBWMliabilitybusinessgrowthDevelopinnovativeschemeandmechanismfordepositgrowthinitiativesManageandoverseecampaigndevelopmenttoensureeffectivecampaignmechanicswhichdeliversbusinesstargets.Drivetheefficiencyofmarketingcampaignstowellmanagethemarketingbudgetandtoenhancereturnoninvestment.Workcloselywithvendorsincludingadvertising,mediaandeventagenciesandensurethequalityofthework. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:??BachelorabovedegreeMorethan8yearsofworkingexperienceStrongplanning,analytical,communications,decision-making,lateralthinking,influencing,interpersonalandprojectmanagementskillsProfessionallevelMandarinandEnglishoralandwrittenskill.Strongabilitytocommunicateandcollaboratewithmultipleteamsinmultiplelocations.Provenabilitytobeaself-starterwithenergyanddriveinachallenginganddynamicenvironmentAbilitytothinkandworkinnovatively,andcapabletoinfluencethekeystakeholderstodelivertheresultCanworkindependently,bothatastrategicallyandtacticallevelExperienceofprojectmanagementdrivingforgreatervaluethroughthesmartapplicationofresourceYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Teller 柜员 广州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 2 6-8 月薪 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 2 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 6-8 月薪 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 完成精确和有效的柜台业务并向客户提供高标准的专业服务; 通过提供一站式的柜台服务建立并与客户保持良好的关系; 独立介绍并推广产品给有需求的客户; 报告客户反馈和收集市场信息以寻求持续的客户关系; 熟悉本地规章、规则和内部指引,对任何可疑的洗钱活动保持警惕并上报给监管机构; 紧密联系其他业务条线、企业内部相关部门和同事。 岗位要求: 本科或以上学历(国家认可); 有强烈的工作责任感和优秀的学习能力; 良好的沟通和客户服务能力; 良好的英文听说读写能力; 细心、耐心,有亲和力。 -
Investigation Manager HSBC Chi.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 07 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 07 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Financial Crime Risk (FCR) Financial Crime Risk is a global function that brings together all areas of financial crime risk management at HSBC and is dedicated to implementing the most effective global standards to combat financial crime. FCR is organised in a way that enables us to build on our achievements in managing financial crime risk effectively across the bank and continue to strengthen financial crime detection, anti-money laundering, sanctions, and anti-bribery and corruption compliance. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Investigations Managers are responsible for all types of Financial Crime investigations to against across all types of fraud and financial crime risk to HSBC. Prepare and submit clear, concise, factual, unbiased, thorough and timely investigation reports. The role holder is principally responsible for case intake and triage process for all escalated cases with financial crime concern. Role holders must be able to conduct triage process on all types of Financial Crime, working alone and as part of a team, sharing knowledge and experience as appropriate. The role holder is required to assist the Senior Investigations Manager FCI in identifying policy, procedure, solutions to the Business units involved in the investigation; to assist the Senior Investigations Manager FCI with recommendations for process improvement, control weaknesses as well as trends identified in investigations, those that have facilitated fraud crime. The role holder is required to assist all HBCN branches to handle fraud case investigation and management, provide a high quality investigative service to business units of HSBC and provide case findings and recommendation to minimize risk of fraud and financial crime cases against HSBC. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Knowledge and skills on Credit Card investigation, internal case management. A high level of professional competence knowledge and experience in Credit Card and internal case management. Expertise knowledge and skills in Credit Card and relevant case investigation. Knowledge of the criminal law, law of evidence and banking law and regulations is a plus. Fluency in both written and verbal English and Mandarin. Good communication skills. Good understanding of local markets and knowledge of regulatory matters handling. Strong planning, analytics, prioritization and organizational skills. Good stakeholders, internal and external, management skills. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Communications Manager 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Communications (COMM) The Communications function designs and executes communications strategies which support the business objectives of HSBC, in line with its strategy and values, and enhances and protects its reputation amongst key stakeholders. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: In this GCB4 role, the job holder needs to be the anchor of globalising China story by working independently or with Global Businesses Comms team to create assets for an impact among western audiences. The role holder is also expected to strategise and drive leadership communications, both internally and externally to enhance the Bank's profile within and outside China. In addition, the job holder will be responsible for English editorial quality and handle international media relations on the ground, while being the Champion for China Comms in support of key global campaigns that are of the Group's strategic themes. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Broad, expert knowledge of communications trends and international best practice. Strong communications experience and understanding of the financial sector, media enviroment and culture. Proven ability to operate within a global matrix and prioritise competing demands. Proven ability to align to a global strategy, whilst maintaining an awareness of local sensitivities and nuace. Strong storytelling and presentation skills and ability to produce clear, engaging narrative. Excellent interpersonal skills and personal presence/credibility with senior stakeholders. Strategic planning and project mangement skills. Displays communications capabilites and behaviours aligned to the Group values. Proven ability to deal with ambiguity and pressurised situations. Proven crisis management skills. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Banking Operations S.. 广东 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1. Fulfill internal and external operation requirements accurately and timely. Assist Line Manager to handle regulatory requirements 2. Keep high level of service standard for internal and external customers 3. Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring 4. Take up backup tasks for other operations roles as assigned by line manager when necessary and work with team spirit 5. Regulatory Statistics Management (RSM) Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above, 1-2 years working experience in banking operations is preferable 2. Good communication skills and fluent written and spoken English and Mandarin 3. Proactive attitude and able to work under pressure and have a ability to solve problem with efficiency 4. Meticulous to details 5. Understanding of local rules and regulations 6. Self disciplined, motivated and well-organized You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
MSF Card Sales Rep 北京 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京-海淀区 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /ELI/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Business Development.. 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Business Development Manager Merchants Sales Team Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CIDB)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?- This role is support Business Development Manager to develop and maintain the key partnership for credit card business growing.- This role needs to independently complete desk research for partner pipeline development - Support to develop strong internal and external relationships with the key stakeholders including but not necessarily limited to card scheme, our HSBC Region & Global team, etc.- Work cross functionally with the mobile sales force, finance, marketing, credit risk and IT to ensure all co-branded card related projects are approved and then executed smoothly - Help track and evaluate the performance of co-branded card projects, and support in necessary internal and external reporting and presentation- Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?- Strong analytical skills in developing and pitching business cases & reviewing the performance of past campaigns- Proficent in English both orally and written to present to external clients or to HSBC Regional/Global teams- Good presentation skills, high standards of communication and interpersonal skills- Commercial experience, especially in the credit card industry will be a plus to this role You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/NH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Finance Manager-Regu.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Finance (FIN) Global Finance aims to provide HSBC with a professional, effective and responsive finance service that operates at optimal cost and employs a common and transparent global model. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. Reviewing/Preparing SAFE returns for nationwide level and ensure the report are accurately and punctually submitted Commenting on new products/new process from SAFE reporting perspective and assess the implication of new regulations and their compliant implementation in daily procedures To drive and execute process/system enhancement by understanding reporting system and working closely with IT to continually improve work efficiency through task re-engineering To monitor in integrity and effectiveness of reporting by improving control procedures Proper response to ad-hoc survey from various regulators, mainly SAFE. To support finance colleagues of branches/rural banks in reporting to local regulators; To support on other compliance and regulatory issues. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 4/5 Years working experience preferred General accounting knowledge and banking experience Accounting concept and advanced PC knowledge Premium Excel skills and knowledge in VBA language will be preferred Bachelor degree or above Be able to meet tight deadline and work under pressure Good command of English both in spoken and written You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信贷专员 广州市 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1. 严格按照公司的信用审批要求,对客户的材料进行审核,评估客户资信; 2. 通过电话核查等不同方式,对客户信息进行调查,确保信用审核工作的及时性、准确性、合理性; 3. 及时收集和向公司反馈在信用审批中的所出现的各类风险信息; 任职资格: 1. 金融、经济、财务、统计等相关专业,本科或以上学历; 2. 普通话标准且流利及电脑操作熟练; 3. 具备良好的团队合作精神、沟通技巧和逻辑分析判断能力,能承受较大的工作压力; 4. 熟悉国家金融政策、法规和监管制度、信贷流程,有良好的市场意识、服务意识和风险意识; 5. 有信用卡、消费贷等相关金融信贷产品审批工作经验 -
Sales Manager - Corporate HSBC.. 宁波市 不限 不限 不限 若干 4-5 月薪 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-宁波市-江东区 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 4-5 月薪 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Global Liquidity and Cash Management (GLCM)HSBC is recognised as one of the top tier providers of Global Payments and Cash Management services in the Asia-Pacific region. As more corporate and institutional clients continue to consolidate their banking activities with the introduction of payments and cash management services, the potential growth of this business is substantial. Our customers view our regional client service proposition as a key element in deciding with whom to mandate their business.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: To initiate and develop HSBC’s cash management business with prospective PRC customers, with focus on various GLCM (Global Liquidity and Cash Management) products such as A/R, A/P, liquidity and channel managementTo develop a new PRC GLCM customer base in respective region and actively develop a healthy continuous source of new PRC customersTo proactively work with CMB (Commercial Banking) relationship managers to win new GLCM dealsTo proactively and closely work with GLCM Product and Client Management team to provide excellent service to meet customer satisfactionTo promote HSBC’s profile and brand name in cash management business in the marketTo cross-sell other banking productsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Bachelor degree holder or aboveMinimum 5 years related working experience, of which at least 3 years are related to transactional banking business or corporate relationship management, PRC client experience is a plusProactive, innovative and creative thinkingStrong interpersonal, communication and presentation skillsWell organized and good attention to detailsSelf-motivated, desire to learn independently and work under high pressureGood command of spoken and written English and MandarinYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS /CJ/ *Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Officer Credit Control Service.. 武汉市 本科及以上 3-4 年 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 3-4 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 湖北-武汉市-蔡甸区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To support the unsecured retail products on boarding process, including verification and undewriting - 1) Verify the customer provided information on the application form; 2) Handles the manual underwriting process according the credit policy; 3) Summary the key findings during daily operation to spot out the risk items; 4) Support managers for team management. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1) > 3 years related working expereince in Retail Credit is required; 2) Minimum bacholer degree in related major; 3) Understand the local bank process of credit card or unsecured loan handling; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/SW Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Officer Loan Credit Services O.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Officer Loan Credit Services Operations Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CG29)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:-To contact customer to guide the preparation of regulatory supporting documents based on the specific scenario of facility nature and drawdown purpose-To check the drawdown request and verify loan supporting documents to make sure the loan proceeds to conform to the purpose of the facility in accordance with Credit Approvals, Facility Documents, 3+1 requirements and other regulatory requirements-To take the supervisor role to double-check the customer request and supporting documents to make sure the loan proceeds to conform to the purpose of the facility in accordance with Credit Approvals, Facility Documents, 3+1 requirement and other regulatory requirements-To closely track the loan due report and liaise with customers for loan rollover / repayment request form preparation-To process documents checking relating to Corporate Loan including drawdown, rollover and repayment for each account (e.g. execution authority of signatories)-To manage the daily operation process and ensure that customers' instructions are properly executed and services are delivered in an efficient manner-To provide consulting service to various customer's verbal and written inquiries in corporate loan area-To track and monitor the post drawdown monitoring process and ensure the pending documents are collected on time-To arrange timely and accurate submission of returns to Central Reporting Team and coordinate PBOC Credit Information System reporting among branches 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?-Bachelor degree holder-Service mindset, good interpersonal skills and communication skills-Strong problem solving capability and can work under pressure.-Self-motivated with attitude of "would like to learn" and quick learning ability-Careful, diligent, insensitive to overtime work-Good logic thinking and MS Office skill-Good command of English You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Payment Services Assistant Loc.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Payment Services Assistant Local Payment and Collection Operations Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BRH6)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:???????-To conduct instruction registration, distribution, scanning, follow-up, preparing voucher/payment instruments, day-end reconciliation, reporting and filing for RMB domestic transactions as tasks assigned, ensuring all qualified payments handed over from Documents Checking staffs are processed according to bank SLA.-To contact internal parties or customers and take necessary actions according to bank guidelines.-Responsible for rapport building and resolving customer inquiries in a professional manner.-Provide customer services to external customers as well as internal CGs. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:???????????????? University graduate, preferable, 1-3 years experience in banking operations.? Good communication/interpersonal skills and fluent written and spoken English and Mandarin? Proactive attitude and able to work under pressure and have a ability to solve the problem with efficiency? Abundant knowledge on banking operations.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBC /MW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Mobile Sales Force Card Sales .. 北京 大专及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。??岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; -
Senior Manager- Wealth Coach 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Manager - Wealth Coach HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000B3ZP)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:SNR Manager of Wealth Coach is accountable for the management of the team of Wealth Coaches (WC). The main objective of the role is to improve the Premier Relationship Manager’s (PRM’s) capability and performance, and support branch networks and Premier Relationship Managers (EPRM,PRM,PRO,ARO) to deliver better client value and total relationship growth through a client-centric needs based approach. The role holder works closely with Wealth Development Team, Business Performance Team, Regional Manager as well as the line managers in the branch network in the country.A key responsibility is to develop the people within the Wealth Coach Team, leading and coaching them to maximise their performance and realise their potential within HSBC.Manager of Wealth Coach is also accountable for the duties listed as below:- Be accountable for the Wealth Coach team management: build up and develop the team, which include staff recruitment, staff training and development, staff and team performance management, low performing staff coaching, staff retention, build up and maintain the culture of the team.- Work with different functions and counter parties, both internally and externally, to form up the work process of WC team, as well as the cooperation model with different parties, which aimed to make the work of WC team smoothly and effectively. The Internal counter parties may include different department such as CVM, GM, BP, HR, while the external counter parties may include Fund house, Insurance company, etc.- Work with Distribution network (Regional Manager, City Manager, etc.) to better plan the resources allocation and utilization in different Region/City to make all the WC resources are best utilized thus improve the business performance in whole.- Work with different parties in Group and Region, such as Group Wealth, Group BP, to coordinate and facilitate the implementation and planning of group initiatives and projects. This will need a lot of coordination with local parties as well as analysis on local customers profile and practice, thus to make the initiatives or planning implemented most effectively in China.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1. Minimum of 5 years proven and progressive wealth Sales Management experience or equivalent.2. Sound understanding of the HSBC customer proposition strategy, risk management framework, products/solution offered and the competitive market or well positioned based on equivalent experience with other firms to learn such quickly3. Strong, management, planning, financial, leadership, change management and communications skills.4. Thorough knowledge of the regulated market they operate in including sales process, pertinent regulations impacting retail banking activities and delivery systems and channels, including market potential as well as the regulatory framework5. Strong business acumen and ability to continually make trade-off decisions and build consensus.6. Able to operate effectively in a complex matrix driven environment.7. Able to influence, engage and lead in a positive, inspiring manner8. Professional qualifications as appropriate to marketKnowledge / ExperienceProven ability in team leadership and managementProven ability in Retail distributionProven ability in Wealth managementDemonstrate behaviours consistent with HSBC ValuesProven adherence to controls and compliance with no significant breachesSkillsExcellent interpersonal skills, with a particular emphasis upon inspiring, influencing and negotiatingCoaching sales techniques, best practice and sales management on a team and one to one basisPlanning and organising skillsAnalytical skillsProblem solving skillsYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCAXS/FM/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Personal Assistant HSBC China 广州市 不限 不限 不限 07 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 07 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市-从化区 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Commercial Banking (CMB) HSBC Commercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-market enterprises, providing commercial customers with a full range of banking services including multi-currency business accounts, payments and cash management, wealth management and insurance, and global trade and receivables finance, as well as a comprehensive range of financing solutions. With dedicated Relationship Managers and Business Specialists providing local support and advice in over 60 countries and territories, HSBC helps customers make the most of opportunities for their businesses. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To assist the Branch Manager in handling external relations, implementing network rollout plan, coordinating advertising and promotion activities, and other ad hoc projects of the branch. To discharge daily secretarial & administrative responsibilities assigned by the Branch Manager. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Sufficient general and commercial banking experience; Good understanding of external regulation and internal procedure/guideline; A strong service and customer-oriented mindset; detailed oriented and high sense of responsibility; Proficiency in English and Putonghua. Good with MS Office and PPT Strong organizational and analytical skills; with the ability to prioritize workload Ability to cope with pressure and tight deadlines Self-motivation and able to work with good level of independency. You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC / BG / * Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force S.. 重庆 本科及以上 5-7 年 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 重庆 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Credit card is a strategic priority for HBCN and the role of city level Mobile Sales Force Sales Coach is a key management role that supports the achievement of the MSF objectives. The manager needs to work with the country sales coach, city managers, sales managers and Learning & Development team to implement city level training and coaching programs and develop relevant local programs to develop and continuously enhance the Mobile Sales Force (MSF) capability, performance productivity as well as observance of sales quality and Global Standard. The manager also needs to assist in developing MSF teams to be able to provide outstanding customer experience to our target customers. One of MSF Sales Coach's focuses is on supporting the development of on-boarding and continual development of new MSF team leaders and MSFs and improving the sales/service quality and productivity of MSFs. So by working closely with MSF City managers and team leaders, the manager will develop and execute coaching for local MSFs with primary focuses on client engagement skills and sales activities planning, execution and process optimisation including utilisation of sales tools and tablet. In addition, the manager needs to develop and execute plan to instill HSBC values and behaviour in MSF and foster a working environment with positive sales and service mindset. In some cases, the manager also needs to work with city sales coach to develop programs to up-skill sales managers. Additionally, the manager needs to be involved in reviewing the effectiveness of MSF compensation and incentive schemes to ensure the scheme’s relevancy in supporting achievement of overall MSF objectives. In addition, the Coach will be responsible in developing Recognition programs with City managers and team leaders to optimise team performance. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor Degree or above Strong leadership skills and influencing skill Above 6 years working experience in Banking, preferably in Credit Card. Strong coaching and influencing skills Sufficient knowledge and expertise in area of coaching responsiblilty including people development, channel development, sales process and client referral skills Previous experience and proven record as MSF Sales Manager, or Credit card Sales Coach within HSBC or equivalent in other leading financial institutions Sufficient knowledge of global anti money laundering standards Knowledge of relevant regulatory governance in local market Knowledge of local and Group compliance regulations (the latter to be attained if new to HSBC) Proven ability to multi-tasking in a fast paced work environment and prioritize work assignments You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHXI Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Manager Usage and Offer.. 深圳市 硕士及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市-龙华区 学历要求: 硕士及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:TheroleoftheGlobalMarketingFunctionis"Todrivetop-linerevenuegrowthfortheGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,thebrand'sstrengthandcustomerinsightstoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployedandhelppositionthefirmtobecometheworld'sleadinginternationalbank."Thefunctionseeksto:-Drivesustainablerevenuegrowthinourtargetmarkets-Identifymarketplaceopportunitiesandunlockcustomerinsightstogeneratecompetitiveadvantage-Fullyleveragethebrand'sstrengthandreputation,astheGroup'smostpreciousintangibleassetAstheSeniorCardsManagerCUsageandOffersMarketingtheroleholderisresponsiblefor:?DevelopCreditCardUsageandoffersMarketingplansandlocalbudgetstosupportlocalcampaignsandactivities?Overseethelocaldeployment,execution,activationandeffectivenessofcampaigns,platformsandassetsdevelopedandcreatedbytheCardsUsageMarketingteam?EnsurethatlocalMarketingactivitiesdeliveragainsttheagreedKPIssetforacquisition,retention,crosssalesandreturnonMarketinginvestment?GrowandretaintheCardscustomerbaseinChinainlinewithidentifiedcoresegmentsandgrowthtargets?ContributetoandactivelyparticipateinstrategiccardsprojectstogrowthebusinessinChina?BethevoiceofMarketingandthecustomerforthecardsbusiness?DevelopandcommunicateapowerfulandcompellingvisionthatinspiresandengagespeoplewiththeHSBCValuesandgoalsasthebasisofaninclusive,highperformance,customer-centredculture Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?Thejobholderwillneedtohave10yearsofexperienceworkinginamarketingenvironmentforCardsorPaymentsinChina?Shouldhavestrongcommunicationskillsandabilitytomanageseniorstakeholders?ShouldhaveexperienceandunderstandingofCardsorPaymentsbusinesseswithkeenunderstandingifthedigitalenvironmentinChina.?Theywillneedtobefamiliarwiththemarketingprocessandwillhaveworkedwithinamarketingenvironment?Thejobholdershouldhaveexperienceindevelopingstrongteamcultureandmanaginghighperformingindividuals?Theywillbehighlycreativeandchallengingtothestatusquo.Theywillbeenthusiastic,willingtochampiontheunpopularifrightforbusinessstrategy;andpersuadeandmotivateindividualsinotherbusinessareastosupportmarketingplans?EducatedtoPostgraduate/MBAlevel?HighlevelofpersonalintegrityandvaluesinlinewithbusinesscorevaluesYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
GTRF Sales Manager 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Global Trade and Receivables Finance Sales Manager Shenzhen HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BUO5)Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF)HSBC Global Trade and Receivables Finance is committed to helping companies of all sizes from every part of the world grow their business across borders. Offering a comprehensive range of forward-thinking supply chain and traditional trade solutions, the business has been repeatedly recognized by the industry’s most prominent publications and associations with numerous awards for its strength in combining innovation and service excellence with end-to-end customer solutions.In this role, you will:??The tasks for this role will include most of the following:? Assist in establishing new business relationships and strengthening existing ones, whilst ensuring fair outcomes for all types of customers? Assist in the communication of new products, propositions and relevant market information to customers? Proactively identify sales opportunities and develop these opportunities? Supporting distribution channel business development strategies? Support plans and strategies to generate new business as well as increase revenue for existing ones in order to achieve asset growth, sales or revenue targets? Collaborate with internal stakeholders which may include relationship mangers and product specialists to maximize cross-selling opportunities for the bank? Participate in events, initiatives and activities to develop business opportunities? Protect the bank's reputation and ensure an acceptable risk profile whilst deepening your understanding of the client through credit and customer due diligence reviews 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1. Strong communication and interpersonal skill2. Quick learning, proactive to learn new knowledge 3. Outgoing, aggressive in new business exploration and ability to work in pressure4. Good sense of teamwork 5. Good spoken and written English and trade knowledge are preferable 6. 3 years above bank working experience is preferable 7. Familiar with local customers and market is preferableYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/CJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Head of Digital Acquisition 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Head of Digital Acquisition HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CBHE)Marketing(MKT)HSBC Marketing exists to drivetop-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearlyidentified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights andcreative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets andresources deployed.We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:The role of the Global Marketing Function is "To drive top-line revenue growth for the Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, the brand's strength and customer insights to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed and help position the firm to become the world's leading international bank."The function seeks to-Drive sustainable revenue growth in our target markets-Identify marketplace opportunities and unlock customer insights to generate competitive advantage-Fully leverage the brand's strength and reputation, as the Group's most precious intangible asset-Deliver a professional, effective and responsive Marketing function at optimal costDigital is one of the growth priorities for Retail Banking and Wealth Management, an essential component of the Retail Banking and Wealth Management strategy. HSBC is investing massively in Retail Banking and Wealth Management to accelerate digital and streamlining activity globally and Hong Kong is among the six largest markets that we are investing in. This significant investment will drive the transformation of our operations and sales and distribution network, making it easier for our customers to do business with us, and for us to serve their needs more efficiently and effectively.Digital provides a huge range of potential interaction points with our customers and prospects C both on our own platforms, including email, push and SMS, but also more broadly on the internet using paid and 'earned' media to support 'always-on' Digital Acquisition. By seamlessly managing all these interaction points and using data to deliver the most relevant content and messaging to our customers and prospects at the right times, the impact to our customers and our business will be enormous.A major focus of this role will be on developing data driven customer insights to be applied in new digital techniques, whilst working closely with other cross functional teams to develop best practice e-commerce sales strategy. You will be responsible for managing the digital acquisition activities throughout the funnel, but with a focus on driving the highest quality of traffic through to HSBC owned channels for conversion by our DaaC (Digital as a Channel) team. Directly responsible for managing agency partners, tracking KPIs, and post-campaign analysis and reporting. Additionally, you will work closely with numerous stakeholders and champion the customer focused objectives, while ultimately achieving annual new digital customer revenue targets.As HSBC is a complex matrix organization, a large portion of this role’s responsibility will include working with colleagues across Customer Value Management (CVM), Marketing, Digital functions, Risk, Compliance and other departments in order to create compelling customer communication while ensuring alignment across local and global functions.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? The job holder will need to have 10-15 years of experience working in a Digital Acquisition environment for Cards or Payments in China? Should have strong communication skills and ability to manage senior stakeholders? Should have experience and understanding of Cards or Payments businesses with keen understanding if the digital environment in China.? They will need to be familiar with the Digital Acquisition process and will have worked within a Digital Acquisition environment? The job holder should have experience in developing strong team culture and managing high performing individuals? They will be highly creative and challenging to the status quo. They will be enthusiastic, willing to champion the unpopular if right for business strategyand persuade and motivate individuals in other business areas to support Digital Acquisition plans? Educated to Post graduate/MBA level? High level of personal integrity and values in line with business core values You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Trade Middle Office Associate 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Trade Middle Office Associate Guangzhou HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CFAB)Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF)HSBC Global Trade and Receivables Finance is committed to helping companies of all sizes from every part of the world grow their business across borders. Offering a comprehensive range of forward-thinking supply chain and traditional trade solutions, the business has been repeatedly recognized by the industry’s most prominent publications and associations with numerous awards for its strength in combining innovation and service excellence with end-to-end customer solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:?- Responsible to provide excellent customer service on trade operations to support the achievement of GTRF business targets.'- Adhere to HSBC policy, procedures and control requirements applicable to day-to-day working, exceptional and project activities, and raise any concerns about actual or potential issues promptly, in line with reporting and escalation procedures'- Support any key organizational strategic initiatives to help in operationalising the product development and business improvements'- Provide specialist services and customer focused solutions to develop long-term, profitable relationships职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Knowledge of Core Trade(and/or Guarantees, Supply Chain, Receivables Finance, Business Acceptance Drafts)? University degree supporting Financial Services, Business Operation, Process service or equivalentexperience in a related field? Strong interpersonal skills, including verbal and written communication skills (in English and locallanguage)? Minimum 1-2 years of experience in trade operations, trade client services and/or related functions? Strong multi-tasking and problem solving skills? Ability to work independently and also collaboratively with other team members? CDCS (for traditional trade) certification is desirable.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/CJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Investment Product Expert Bran.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Investment Product Expert Shenzhen Branch Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C8LC)Retail Banking andWealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking andWealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealthmanagement capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail bankingsolutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets aroundthe world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealthmanagement, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centricpropositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that willdifferentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail bankingand wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professionalto join our team.In this role, you will:-StrengthenHSBC’s image as a leading wealth provider by providing clients with access toadvanced technical product expertise-SupportPRMs to gain more clients’ confidence and trust in HSBC capabilities andincrease the effectiveness and quality of needs fulfilled for target clients inneed-AssistPRMs in deepening and growing client relationships through identifying anduncovering client's needs, identifying relevant wealth solution and technicalanalysis, and assisting PRMs in presenting and explaining solution(s) to clientin according to EDRAS.-Conductportfolio reviews with PRMs, assess product suitability and market andregulatory change impact to products held by clients as appropriate, identify opportunitiesand manage risks,-Join PRMsin meeting clients and provide advice, input based on technical knowledge whileacting as a second point of contact to PRMs for specific products andsolutions-Join PRMsin meeting clients and receive referrals from PRMs to help fulfill client’sneeds by certain complex WEM product. In such cases, PRMs must be limited bytheir own sales accreditation on certain complex WEM product, while a licensedSenior Product Expert is acting as a back up to help fulfill client’s needs butdo not directly advise or sell to clients.-ImprovePRMs product specific technical knowledge by effective on-job coaching andtraining.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:Knowledge and experience-Minimum of six years of working experience as a productspecialist or financial advisor-At least one year of working experience as a productexpert or BSM/SBM in RBWM.-Strong client skills with the ability to deliver a strongclient experience and provide needs-based solutions-Deep knowledge of specific complex financial solutionsand products including the knowledge of financial markets, socia-economicdynamics, and regulatory requirement relevant to the products-Extensive external market awareness of market conditions,new product solutions, and an understanding of current financial marketactivities-Demonstrated ability and experience to correctly identifyclient needs-Solid skills to manage consultative sales process-A solid understanding of global anti money launderingstandards-Team player with collaborative skills-Knowledge of local and Group compliance regulations-Specialisation in one or more product categories e.g.Structured Products/FX/Investments/Trusts/EstatePlanning/Retirement/Protection/Mortage etc.Accreditations-Attain appropriate professional and regulatoryqualifications as required by market-Attain any internal standards as required by countryYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where allemployees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providinga workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible workingand opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be usedin accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/FM/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Premier Relationship Assistant.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Premier Relationship Assistant Shenzhen Branch HSBC China(Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CFAD)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:- To handle all inferior HSBC Premier (HP) accounts and zero-balance HP accounts follow up work- To chase deposit from all Home Mortgage Loan (HML) customers with monthly average balance below the threshold for HML preferential interest rate- To answer all incoming HP phone calls if Premier Relationship Officer (PRO) is occupied and to be responsible for all messages HP customer leave in PRO's voice mail- To make sure HP gift redemption mechanics works smoothly- To proactively identify sales opportunities, cross-sell bank products and services most beneficial to customers, and individually complete sales process if all PROs are occupied- To back up PRO who is on leave or during lunchtime - Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state)- With 1-2 years' working experience, sales or customer service experience is preferred- Good communication and selling skills- Good understanding of Retail Banking and Wealth Management products and services- Good spoken and written English- Well organized- With nice personalityYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HL/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
CCSS Representative 1-Banking 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Contact Center Service and Sales Representative 1-Banking Foshan HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CD2Z)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:To mainly focus on premier dedicated service hotline to implement Global Premier Service and keep China in green zone in Global Premier mystery shopper programTo provide a consistently satisfied & accurate customer service via phone/email to HSBC potential/existing customers, understand their financial needs and provide adequate/suitable banking products/solutionsTo build a good customer relationship, proactively acquire potential customers for China branches via making appointments, and then generate quality sales referral leads from inbound potentials.To appropriately deal with the problems/issues raised by customers and ensure proper actions are taken to resolve them. Timely escalate to officer/manager when necessary, and work closely with other functions with manager's guidance.To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Bachelor degree holder? Good communication and selling skills? Good understanding of Retail Banking & Wealth Management products / services? Good spoken & written English and Mandarin? Well organized and detail oriented? Nice personalityYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/BP/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail Banking Sales Rep branc.. 杭州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking Sales Rep Hangzhou branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CD26)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:- Contributes to the achievement of customer acquisition growth and Net New Money growth- To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets- Contribute to the improvement of customer experience and strengthened market competitiveness- Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring.-Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Experience on HML businessFull knowledge of RBWM products, policiesEnhanced sales skillYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller Counter Banking Operati.. 南宁市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广西-南宁市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Teller Counter Banking Operations Nanning Operations HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C6FC)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:To ensure smooth daily cash transactions.To perform accurate and efficient counter service duties and to offer a high standard of courteous service to customers. To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service. To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop customer services. Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior. Close liaison with colleagues from other lines of business, business segments, products and services. To SWAT/remote support other BOS/Counter team. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state)Good understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guidelinesStrong sense of responsibility and is always willing to learn moreGood communication skills and team workGood written and spoken EnglishBe able to work under pressure.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/TZ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Trade Middle Office Associate 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
TradeMiddleOfficeAssociateBeijingHSBCChina-(职位编号:0000CHU2)GlobalTradeandReceivablesFinance(GTRF)HSBCGlobalTradeandReceivablesFinanceiscommittedtohelpingcompaniesofallsizesfromeverypartoftheworldgrowtheirbusinessacrossborders.Offeringacomprehensiverangeofforward-thinkingsupplychainandtraditionaltradesolutions,thebusinesshasbeenrepeatedlyrecognizedbytheindustry’smostprominentpublicationsandassociationswithnumerousawardsforitsstrengthincombininginnovationandserviceexcellencewithend-to-endcustomersolutions.Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:1.ToprocesstradetransactionsaccuratelyandefficientlyandensurethelogisticsarrangementinGTRFServicestoachieveGTRFServicesservicestandard.2.Tomeetinternal/externalcustomerrequirementsanddeliveroutstandingtradeandbankacceptancedraftrelatedcustomerservice.3.Toensurecompliancewithallrelevantinternalinstructions(e.g.FIMs,internalcirculars,guidelines)andexternalregulatoryrequirementsindailyoperation.4.ToworkcollaborativelywithTradeSales,GB,CMB,FIN,GM,localbanksandregulatoryinstitutionstoguaranteeasmoothtransactionprocessing.5.ToensurecompliancewithRSMobjectives.职位要求:Tobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:?-KnowledgeofCoreTrade(and/orGuarantees,SupplyChain,ReceivablesFinance)anddomestictrade-UniversitydegreesupportingFinancialServices,BusinessOperation,Processserviceorequivalentexperienceinarelatedfield-Stronginterpersonalskills,includingverbalandwrittencommunicationskills(inEnglishandlocallanguage)-Minimum3yearsofexperienceintradeoperations,tradeclientservicesand/orrelatedfunctions-Strongmulti-taskingandproblemsolvingskills-Abilitytoworkindependentlyandalsocollaborativelywithotherteammembers-CDCS(fortraditionaltrade)orCSDG(forguarantee)certificationisdesirableYou’llachievemoreatHSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCHC/CJ/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Trade Middle Office Assistant 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Trade Middle Office Assistant HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C8K5)Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF)HSBC Global Trade and Receivables Finance is committed to helping companies of all sizes from every part of the world grow their business across borders. Offering a comprehensive range of forward-thinking supply chain and traditional trade solutions, the business has been repeatedly recognized by the industry’s most prominent publications and associations with numerous awards for its strength in combining innovation and service excellence with end-to-end customer solutions..We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:Trade Middle Office Assistant GuaranteeOperation GTRF SHH-To process applications for issuance/amendments of guarantees and is responsible for first checking of the contents to ensure that all clauses and conditions incorporated are acceptable to the bank, referring and deviation or clearance to superior.-To handle other miscellaneous tasks including:collection and tracing for issuance commission from customerspreparation of various returnsto keep abreast of all local rules and regulations credit guidelines etc and make sure that the operations are complied with internal and external requirements.-To handle customers’ verbal and written inquiries and ensure timely replies are given.To input product records to HIE,HUB system and PBOC credit Inquiry System, perform periodic maintenance and ensure that data captured are correct and updated.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-?Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state)-Strong sense of responsibility and can work under pressure-Good communication and interpersonal skill, detail-oriented-Good written and spoken English-Good Computer Skill.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/CJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Manager Cards Propositi.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Manager Cards Proposition Marketing HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CBHV)Marketing (MKT) HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role of the Global Marketing Function is "To drive top-line revenue growth for the Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, the brand's strength and customer insights to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed and help position the firm to become the world's leading international bank." The function seeks to -Drive sustainable revenue growth in our target markets-Identify marketplace opportunities and unlock customer insights to generate competitive advantage-Fully leverage the brand's strength and reputation, as the Group's most precious intangible asset-Deliver a professional, effective and responsive Marketing function at optimal cost. As Senior Credit Card Proposition Marketing Manager this role will:-Develop Credit Card marketing strategies to ensure that key business propositions and initiatives are promoted and communicated (including both above the line communication as well as below the line) to the target audience in the most effective and efficient manner (including both digital / online as well as non-digital /offline) -Lead team to develop marketing programmes and initiatives for specific segments to support growth and profitability of the HBCN Credit Card business -Contribute to establish HSBC as the leading and preferred credit card in China-Coach the team to implement segment initiatives which contribute to sustaining & growing brand preference and brand health scores with customer recommendations-Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Bachelor above degreeMore than 10 years of broad based business experience, ideally within a large blue chip Financial Services brandStrong planning, analytical, communications, decision-making, lateral thinking, influencing, interpersonal and project management skills and ability to communicate and collaborate with multiple teams in multiple locationsAbility to work in a team-oriented environment and effectively influence and communicate across various business lines at senior levels within the organization.Professional level mandarin and English oral and written skill that support efficient communication and cross function/location influence. Proven ability to work on multi-function projects demonstrating excellent relationship building skillsExperience of project management driving for greater value through the smart application of resourceProven ability to be a self-starter with energy and drive in a challenging and dynamic environmentAbility to think innovatively, shaping and communicating new conceptsWork independently, both at a strategical and tactical levelHigh level of personal integrity and values in line with business core values You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Merchant Sales Officer RBWM 杭州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Merchant Sales Officer Retail Banking and Wealth Management Hangzhou HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BSZ9)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:- Initiate the HQ merchant sales team to recruit chain merchant brands (either from the dining, shopping, lifestyle and other sectors) who will then provide price discounts or privileges to HSBC credit cardholders- Initiate, motivate, lead and join the merchant team members in making sales visits and concluding on different type of merchant deals to support the HSBC China card promotions- Maintain relationships with existing merchants and ensure the discount privileges are continually offered- Conduct training to new and existing merchant staff to remind them of the HSBC offers agreed and any new promotions being planned- Ensure marketing collaterals are supplied and maintained in the merchant outlets- Ensure all the promotions are correctly represented on all HSBC digital and off line communication platforms- Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- University graduate and above- Intermediate level English would be an advantage- 2-5 years working experience in Credit Card Industry, proven negotiation and business development skills, ideally in the merchant sales space- Able to manage business relationships to achieve pre-agreed objectives- Confident in delivering presentations in a concise and clear manner- Can work independently and self-driven to achieve monthly sales goals- Proven team leadership skillsYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/NH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Admin Support Associate HSBC C.. 福州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 福建-福州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Commercial Banking (CMB)HSBC Commercial Banking serves millions of small, medium-sized and middle-market enterprises, providing commercial customers with a full range of banking services including multi-currency business accounts, payments and cash management, wealth management and insurance, and global trade and receivables finance, as well as a comprehensive range of financing solutions. With dedicated Relationship Managers and Business Specialists providing local support and advice in over 60 countries and territories, HSBC helps customers make the most of opportunities for their businesses. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:- Assist Relationship Manager(s) in managing the existing portfolio, acquiring new business and maintenance of relevant client management systems. - Ensures good lending disciplines and safeguards the bank from potential loss due to non-compliance with local regulations/procedures.- Increase HSBC brand recognition and assist Relationship Manager in making HSBC the leading foreign bank in the local place. - Develop skills to meet existing and future business needs.- Maintain and observe Regulatory, Compliance & Operational Risk as well as Internal Controls Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: - University graduate or above- Customer oriented mind set- General knowledge on banking products - Good interpersonal and communication skills- Good analytical skills & common sense- Good command of spoken and written English You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/BG/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Vice President Credit Control .. 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Vice President Credit Control Service-Collection HSBC China (Pear River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BFRQ)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Bank Greetering and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:-Oversee and manage the day to day operations of the Retail Business Banking loans collection covering both secured and unsecured credit products.-Ensure collection actions are conducted timely and accurately according to pre-approved strategies to maximize recoveries and minimize credit loss.-Develop collection process across different products and streamline internal workflow.-Engage external agencies and law firms and conduct on-going review and communication with external parties.-Ensure compliance of collection process with regulatory/legal requirements.-Ensure timely submission of internal and external reports of Retail Business Banking delinquent accounts.-Stay alert and ensure timely implementation of external regulatory and legal changes.-Provide on-going staff training to enhance job knowledge of the team.-Ensure strict adherence to internal requirements, e.g. regional guideline, GSM, FIM, etc.-Other duties as required and assigned. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Bachelor degree or above, majoring in law/business/finance related-At least 8 years relevant working experience-Have sufficient collection related knowledge and understanding on local laws/regulations- Have in depth understanding on Small Medium Enterprise business environment and local practice of collection activities to SME clients- Have solid experience in finance related cases litigation and enforcement handling, familiar with litigation process-Excellent logical thinking, problem solving and interpersonal skills-Enthusiasm and be able to work under pressure-Proficiency in English and Mandarin-Proficient PC skill, especially in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/HC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Wealth Consultant (Jade.. 北京 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
SeniorWealthConsultant(Jade)HSBCChina-(职位编号:0000CIPY)RetailBankingandWealthManagement(RBWM)RetailBankingandWealthManagementleveragesHSBC’sglobalretailbankingexpertiseandwealthmanagementcapabilitiestodeliverabroadrangeofworld-classretailbankingsolutionstomillionsofcustomers.Drivingforgrowthinkeymarketsaroundtheworld,thebusinesscomprisesareassuchasretailbanking,wealthmanagement,insuranceandassetmanagement,withafocusoncustomer-centricpropositionsandinnovativeandefficientdistributionchannelsthatwilldifferentiateourcustomerexperienceanddelivermarketleadingretailbankingandwealthmanagementsolutions.Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:?-StrengthenHSBC'simageasaleadingwealthproviderbyprovidingclientswithaccesstoadvancedtechnicalproductexpertise-SupportJadeRMstogainmoreclients'confidenceandtrustinHSBCcapabilitiesandincreasetheeffectivenessandqualityofneedsfulfilledfortargetclientsinneed-AssistJadeRMsindeepeningandgrowingclientrelationshipsthroughidentifyinganduncoveringclient'sneeds,identifyingrelevantwealthsolutionandtechnicalanalysis,andassistingJADERMsinpresentingandexplainingsolution(s)toclientinaccordingtoEDRAS-ConductportfolioreviewswithJADERMs,assessproductsuitabilityandmarketandregulatorychangeimpacttoproductsheldbyclientsasappropriate,identifyopportunitiesandmanagerisks-JoinJADERMsinmeetingclientsandprovideadvice,inputbasedontechnicalknowledgewhileactingasasecondpointofcontacttoJADERMsforspecificproductsandsolutions-JoinJADERMsinmeetingclientsandreceivereferralsfromJADERMstohelpfulfillclient'sneedsbycertaincomplexWEMproduct.Insuchcases,JADERMsmustbelimitedbytheirownsalesaccreditationoncertaincomplexWEMproduct,whilealicensedWealthConsultant(Jade)isactingasabackuptohelpfulfillclient'sneedsbutdonotdirectlyadviseorselltoclients-ImproveJADERMsproductspecifictechnicalknowledgebyeffectiveon-jobcoachingandtraining-Meetoperationaleffectivenessandcontrolrequirement.Tobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:KnowledgeandexperienceMinimumofsixyearsofworkingexperienceasaproductspecialistorfinancialadvisorAtleastoneyearofworkingexperienceasaproductexpertorBSM/SBMinRBWMStrongclientskillswiththeabilitytodeliverastrongclientexperienceandprovideneeds-basedsolutionsDeepknowledgeofspecificcomplexfinancialsolutionsandproductsincludingtheknowledgeoffinancialmarkets,socia-economicdynamics,andregulatoryrequirementrelevanttotheproductsExtensiveexternalmarketawarenessofmarketconditions,newproductsolutions,andanunderstandingofcurrentfinancialmarketactivitiesDemonstratedabilityandexperiencetocorrectlyidentifyclientneedsSolidskillstomanageconsultativesalesprocessAsolidunderstandingofglobalantimoneylaunderingstandardsTeamplayerwithcollaborativeskillsKnowledgeoflocalandGroupcomplianceregulationsSpecialisationinoneormoreproductcategoriese.g.StructuredProducts/FX/Investments/Trusts/EstatePlanning/Retirement/Protection/Mortageetc.AccreditationsAttainappropriateprofessionalandregulatoryqualificationsasrequiredbymarketAttainanyinternalstandardsasrequiredbycountryLeadershipcapabilitiesHaveorattainanunderstandingoftheimmediateregionalGlobalWealthStrategyandtheabilitytoplanownactivitiesaccordinglyAmbitiousaboutprovidingthehigheststandardsofdeliverytocolleaguesandclientsDemonstratesabilitytosetstretchgoalsforselfandtheabilitytodeliverthesewithcourageandtenacityAuthenticandshowsabilitytoengagewithcolleaguesandclientstodeliveratpaceMakeconsidereddecisionsthatprotectHSBCandourclientsGlobalWealthManagementcapabilitiesAbilitytotransferskillsandknowledgebydemonstration,coachingandobservationDisciplinedprofessionalwhoisabletosetandfolloworganisedclientportfolioprocess'sbyrelationshipmanagerinaproactivemannerAbletoworkindependentlytoconstructtechnicalproductanalysistosupportJADERMsandaidJADERMexperienceandclientdecisionsTechnicalcoachingskillsinareaofexpertiseExperiencedgrouppresenterProvenabilityincustomisingpresentationstomeetindividualclientneedsAmatureindividualabletoinstilconfidencewithcolleaguesandclientsalikeYou’llachievemorewhenyoujoinHSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCHC/HC/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Mobile Sales Force Support Off.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Mobile Sales Force Support Officer Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C8WG)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: ?? Ensure excellence, efficiency and consistency in sales efforts within the Mobile Sales Force, with specific focus on the following:? Ensuring that applications for Credit Card and Loans adhere to the agreed eligibility criteria and are submitted with the required supporting documents.? Ensuring that client transactions and interactions meets all compliance/audit and sales quality standards.? Championing process streamlining with improvement in customer experience as the primary motivation.? Designing and analyzing reports essential in monitoring activity and performance of the Mobile Sales Force teams.? Designing and analyzing reports essential in capturing opportunities and scoping threats to aid in strategic planning of RBWM Senior Management and other internal counterparts.? Becoming the central point of contact in matters involving procurement, logistics, property and administration? Tracking sales metrics and reporting results for Senior Management review? Pursuing sales initiatives and tactics that support RBWM strategies? Performing other duties as required. (i.e. perform relief duties as necessary)? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:University degree or above (recognized by the state)? 2-4 year working experience in credit card or loans business/operation.? Must have a clear understanding of Credit, Compliance and Business Policies? Must possess intermediate data management skills, particularly in the use of MS Excel? Must demonstrate intermediate presentation and communication skills? Must have the ability to multi-task without sacrificing quality, and to adapt to evolving business demandsYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website./SXU/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Business Optimisation Manager 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Business Optimisation Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CA73)HSBC SecuritiesServices (HSS)As part of the world’sleading international bank, HSBC Securities Services provides robust and reliablesolutions that enhance performance and mitigate risk, today and in the future.Working with institutional investors, banks, insurance companies, governmentsand multinational corporations, HSBC Securities Services offers a range of fundadministration, global custody, sub-custody and clearing, and corporate trustand loan agency services..We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:-???To analyse, manage and implement operational designrecommendations including Corporate Actions / Settlement/ Regulatory Reporting/ Account Administration of Direct Custody and Clearing products. Primaryresponsibility is to work with Management and the Operation team to analyse andimplement opportunities for process optimisation, capacity creation, improvedcustomer experience & risk reduction.-This role will also be engaged with drivingstandardisation and efficiency gains throughout the Asia network.-The role will provide for, and operate under, a 'centreof excellence' on local operational design which complements the delivery,development, and technical management of the products offered in relation tothe specific market. Role may involve some business travel to other markets toassist in implementation in best practice.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-??Self-motivated and able to engage internal stakeholders to identify and drive process re-design-Strong project management skill-Good command of spoken and written English-Able to work independently-Excellent communication skill-Five to ten years of experience in securities services/finance industry-IT background with programming skill is preferredYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/JS/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Manager Credit Servi.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Support Credit Services Manager to manage the corporate loan team's daily operation Ensure smooth, efficient and compliant corporate loan operations. Provide effective solutions to customers' operational needs and maintain overall control mechanism to ensure internal and external compliance. Initiate / implement of team level projects / initiatives Perform resource management within the team and handling the exceptional cases / dispute Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: -Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state), preferably in finance, economics, legal -Above 5 years solid working experience in credit services related area, preferably with solid working experience as a team leader in credit services area -Familiar with credit related processes including security checking, loan operation, etc, as well as credit related internal and external systems (i.e. HUB, PBOC CIS, SAFE UPRR, etc) -Self-motivated individual with problem solving skills; and able to work with good level of independency; -Excellent interpersonal, communication, analytical and creative problem solving skills -Self-motivated and able to work under pressure -Proficient written and spoken communication skills in English You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Credit Card Services.. 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Credit Card Services-Underwriting Services Card HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000B5KX)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.1. 严格按照公司的信用审批要求,对客户的材料进行审核,评估客户资信,防范欺诈风险2. 通过电话的方式,对高风险客户信息进行调查,确保信用审核工作的及时性、准确性、合理性3. 及时收集和向公司反馈在信用审批中的所出现的欺诈风险信息职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?1. 金融、经济、财务、统计等相关专业,本科或以上学历2. 普通话标准且流利及电脑操作熟练3. 具备良好的团队合作精神、沟通技巧和逻辑分析判断能力,能承受较大的工作压力4. 熟悉国家金融政策、法规和监管制度、信贷流程,有良好的市场意识、服务意识和风险意识5. 有信用卡、消费贷等相关金融信贷产品审批工作经验者优先考虑。You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /VLIN/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Vice President Credit Control .. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Vice President Credit Control Service-Underwriting Service Retail Business Banking HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CH1L)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:-Check the loan application information to ensure the accuracy and completeness,-Execute credit analysis based on borrower's supporting documents and ensure the related risk are well addressed and mitigated,-Make credit decision according to the customer's risk level, approve the loan application within lending authority and ensure no compliance issue.-Conduct onsite visit according to the policy requirement (eg.fulfill spot-check rate),and assess the quality of KYC procedure conduct by business team,-Provide regular update to risk management team according to market practice,-Provide advisory support to business team.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the State).-At least 10 years' working experience in credit risk management,with 5+ years specilized in underwriting(both secured and unsecured lending). Underwriting experience for small business is preferred,-In-depth understanding of regulation requirement, and experienced in on site visit for both customer and collateral,-Good analytical skills and able to work independently,-Proficient in written and oral English,Good skills in PC and relevant systems-Well-organized, detail-oriented, responsible, reliable and committed, and positive working attitude and team work spirit.-Good communication and time management skills.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCVLI/WZ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Customer Development Represent.. 合肥市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 安徽-合肥市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Customer Development Representative Hefei Branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CIA4)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: ?Take care of channel development and customers acquisition.Keep high service standard for the potential and existing clients.Maximise the achievement of qualified customers growth and help to enhance the portfolio of clients in our bankDeliver the fair outcome to our clients and ensure our own conduct be aligned with the orderly and required operation.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Self motivated and team work. Sales oriented and strong service skills.Good communication skills.Be able to work under certain pressure. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Financial Crime CMP Wholesale .. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Financial Crime Compliance Wholesale Banking Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLXO)Compliance (CMP)Compliance is a global function that brings together all aspects of regulatory and financial crime risk management. Acting as risk stewards, and incorporating a range of specialist teams, we work together with the business and leverage advanced technology to help HSBC navigate a complex regulatory landscape and embed a sustainable approach to compliance risk management that supports safe growth and serves customers fairly. Compliance aspires to continuously raise the bar and set leading standards across the industry to help HSBC safeguard its customers and the communities within which it operates.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: ?? Assist Wholesale line of business management through provision of professional advisory on FCC compliance matters according to Wholesale business /FCC related policies, standards, procedures, plans and initiatives.? Proactively assist in the identification of financial crime risk change and potential impacts on wholeale related Business Model in China? Assist to develop and implement as required AML, CTF, counter proliferation and sanctions policies and systems that ensure that wholesale business ’s exposure to financial crime and reputational risks is managed, in a practical and effective manner.? Assist to establish and implement global standards and strategic policies to ensure wholesale business ’s exposure to current risks and emerging arising risk is managed appropriately, in a commercially focused and practical manner? Assist to provide wholesale related expertise on all FCC matters? Assist in the interaction with regulators and industry bodies on wholesale Financial Crime related matters,? Assist to ensure the appropriate timely and relevant risk information is provided to Regional Head of wholesale banking FCC and China Head of FCC? Complete other ad-hoc tasks as assigned by China Head of Wholesale Banking FCC.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachlor degree or above.Ability to work independently with minimal supervision. Strong team spirit.Experience of providing advisory in a clear concise mannerKnowledge of relevant regulatory governance/ complaince in local market.Experience in FCC or equivalent environmentor relevant work experience preferrable.Experience in wholesale banking business including GBM and CMB and product, including Markets, Securities, GTRF, and GLCM. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Business Planning Ma.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Business Planning Manager Retail Banking & Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CMWI)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:-Conduct deep dive on RBWM costs through analysis on cost structure down to team and cost items-Manage cost annual plan and target by working with business FIN, track cost performance and forecast-Track and prepare Cost Dashboard for cost review with all teams-Support RBWM Cost Forum with all RBWM direct channels and indirect supporting functions incl. CRE, IT, OPS, GPU, FIN, etc. to drive cost saving initiatives-Prepare RBWM Cost Forum pack by including direct & indirect cost update and key initiatives update-Follow up all action items from RBWM Cost Forum, drive cost saving initiatives by cooperation with all related teams-Conduct cost accrual and balance review.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Minimum 4 years proven and progressive cost management/ business analytics experience or equivalent.-Minimum a bachelor’s degree in management, economic/ finance, business related field or equivalent experience.-Strong knowledge of the cost management and cost saving concept.-capability & skills on data processing (xls) and logistic thinking.-Proven track record of communicating effectively within the organization and with business groups.-Strong managerial, analytical, communications, lateral thinking, influencing and interpersonal skills.-Ability to work in a team-oriented environment and effectively communicate across various business lines at different levels within the organization.-Strong ability to credibly interact with senior management.You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCWSZ/HX/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Director Relationship Manageme.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Director Relationship Management, Jade HSBC China -(职位编号:0000BRSX)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:The jobholder will own and manage a portfolio of approximately 150 primary clients working with the wider RBWM team.The jobholder has prime responsibility for:-Delivering a consistent and tailored wealth management service to our most valuable Premier clients-Developing long-term, in depth client relationships with clients-Acquiring new clients with proactive strategic financial planning to maintain and grow wallet share-Leading Premier activities to ensure opportunities are identified and client needs are met effectively, maximizing all available resources-Compliance with the relevant Group standards including GHQ and the Regulatory organization as applied to the implementation of the RBWM strategy in their country职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience.-Minimum of eight years proven and progressive financial services, and at least 3 years as Relationship Manager.-Evidence of strong client recommendation and sales results in wealth products.-Equivalent relationship management experience in managing high net worth client portfolios preferred.-Expert knowledge in financial planning and wealth products.-Sound knowledge of the impact of macroeconomics/microeconomics/local market developments.-Expert knowledge of external regulatory framework relevant to wealth management.-If internal, in-depth understanding of HSBC Global House Views.-Strong client focus and ability to develop long term partnerships with clients.-Ability to deliver needs-based solutions through effective communication, influencing, and sales skills.-Local regulatory & license requirements - job holder should possess valid licenses with accreditation on wealth management and qualification as required by country.-Clear view on how to work with Compliance, Credit & Risk and Internal Control to ensure a balanced risk operating environment.-Able to communicate well in English and local languages.You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/HC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company LimitedTo find out more about roles in Wealth Management in Hong Kong, mainland China and Singapore visit https://www.about.hsbc.com.cn/zh-cn/careers/wealthAWRM2019 -
Teller CORP Counter Tangshan b.. 唐山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 河北-唐山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To perform accurate and efficient counter transactions and to offer a high standard of courteous and professional service to customers To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop counter services To have a strong sales sense and skills to cross-sell and proactively refer potential customers to Personal Relationship Officer (PRO) / Personal Relationship Manager (PRM) to support sales and promotion strategies. To be able to introduce independently promoted products to valuable customers To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state) Good understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guideline Strong sense of responsibility Good communication and interpersonal skill Good written and spoken English Good sales sense and selling skills Nice personality You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Retail Banking Sales Rep Hangz.. 杭州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Proactively acquiring new HML cases from on-site sales activities and channels developed by HML team. Proactively following up HML referrals other business functions. Conduct the daily activity management to well plan and review the business achievements against target Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) Result-driven, self-motivated and able to work under pressure Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Good spoken and written English You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Payment Services Assistant Ope.. 厦门市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 福建-厦门市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: -To process local domestic and FCY business to ensure that all transactions such as E-channel instructions, physical instructions through local clearing center, communicate with the customers, day end reconciliation etc. are compliant with local regulation and internal procedure-To comply with the requirement of group policies and standards, procedures and local regulations with prudent manner and high level risk control sense.-To ensure the accurate, efficient and high quality services delivered to business partners and customers.-To complete other responsibilities dependent on process assigned to.-To minimize cusotmer complaints and handling them in an effective and professional way. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: University graduate, preferable, 3-5 years experience in banking operations. Good communication/interpersonal skills and fluent written and spoken English and Mandarin Proactive attitude and able to work under pressure and have a ability to solve the problem with efficiency Abundant knowledge on banking operations. You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡业务拓展主任 HSBC China 杭州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 浙江-杭州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1.大专或以上学历(国家认可) 2.0-2年工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑 3.性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇于接受挑战 4.良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力强 5.具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力 You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /VLIN/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Audit Manager Regulatory Compl.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description (Grade: GCB5) Internal Audit (IAD)GroupInternalAuditprovidesindependentassurancetomanagementandtheRiskandAuditCommitteesthatHSBC’sriskmanagement,governanceandinternalcontrolprocessesaredesignedappropriatelyandareoperatingeffectively.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: ?ThisrolehasresponsibilityforRegulatoryCompliance,Legal,ConductandCulture.?RegulatoryComplianceincludesbothretailandwholesalebusinesses.LegalincludesallcategoriesoflegalriskincludingDataPrivacy.Conductincludesbothretailandmarketconduct.InrespectofCulture,theroleinvolvesassistingtheauditfunctioninassessingtheriskcultureoftheorganizationincludingcarryingoutdeepdivecultureaudits.?Preparesindividualauditplanstoensurethatthescope,approach,resourcingandlogisticsofanauditareappropriatelyplanned?Obtains,analysesandsynthesesinformationforreportingontheadequacyoftheinternalcontrolenvironment?Basedonauditfieldwork,draftsauditfindingswhicharticulatekeyissuesandrisksandproposerootcauses?Reviewsandsubmitsauditreportsorconclusionsforeachauditconductedorsupported?Identifiesbusinessprocessimprovementsforsegmentsauditedasappropriate?Ensurethattheresultsoftheworkperformedbytheteammeetstheexpectationsofauditandbusinessmanagementandtheregulators?Maintainconsistentinteractionwithbusinessmanagement?LiaisewithexternalauditorsQualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?GoodunderstandingofRegulatoryComplianceriskmanagementprocessaspartof3LinesofDefense(3LOD)controlframework?Practicalinvolvementwithcompliancemonitoringand/ortesting?Abilitytoindependentlyreadandinterpretfinancialservicesregulation?5+yearsofrelevantAuditorRegulatoryComplianceexperience?UniversityDegree?RelevantrolespecificcomplianceorauditqualificationsYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.HSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
China Student Programme 中国学.. 广州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 130 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 130 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
热招正在进行中!在全球范围内,经济增长带来新的繁荣;企业正在开拓新的航线;具有财富和影响力的新的中心不断涌现。在汇丰,我们的业务和客 户正改变着世界,为此我们深受鼓舞。这就是我们一直致力寻找来自世界各地最优秀的人才的源动力。加入我们吧!让我们来帮助你实现你在事业上的抱负。汇丰中国学生计划提供给你非常实用的工作体验。你将有机会充分运用在学校所学知识,帮助你思考将来职业发展的起点和方向。实习时间:2019年1月1日起, 2-12个月带薪实习(每周2天以上)招收部门:Commercial Banking; Global Functions; HOST实习地点:中国大陆各分行招收对象:中国籍(含港澳台)在读本科生/研究生(即大一,大二,大三,大四,研一,研二)申请方式:即日起开始接受申请,请浏览该网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/student_p.htm -
2020 Summer Internship Program.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 60 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 60 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
暑期实习生项目将为各专业人才提供为期8周的系统培训和挂职实习。表现优秀的同学可直接免试进入2021年的银行家培训生项目,成功晋升为汇丰中国地区的管理培训生。实习时间:2020年7月和8月为期8周(提供带薪实习,一周须满5个工作日)招收部门:Commercial Banking, Global Banking, Global Markets, Retail Banking and Wealth Management, Retail Banking and Wealth Management-Digital,HSBC Securities Services, Global Liquidity and Cash Management, Commercial Banking, Global Banking-Global Trade & Receivable Finance实习地点:上海,北京,深圳,广州等(其他城市详见网站)招收对象:全日制在读学生(本科生/研究生),毕业时间在2020.9-2021.7之间,专业不限正式的招聘将于2019年9月开始,请浏览网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/ -
MKT Manager, CMB&GBM MKT PRD 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
MarketingManager,CMB&GBMMarketingPRDHSBCChina(PearlRiverDelta)-(职位编号:0000D8HY)Marketing(MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:ThisroleaimstodrivethemarketingstrategyandplanforChinaPRDandGreaterBay(GBA)tosupportHSBC'sgrowthambitionsinthisarea,activatingPRDandGBApropositioncampaigns,buildingbrandleadership,connectingbusinessopportunities,drivingcommunications,sponsorshipsandevents.TherolewillbealsoaconnectorbetweenPRD,HK,MacauandthewiderAsiaRegiononallChinaGreaterBayactivities.ThejobholderwillbebasedinGuangzhouusingmarketinginsighttoidentifyopportunities,formulaterecommendations,developpartnershipsandtakeforwardnewinitiatives:Theroleholderisresponsiblefor:?BeingthesubjectmatterexpertonPRDandGBAwithacomprehensiveunderstandingofgovernmentpolicies,regulationsandinternalbusinessfactorsimpactingthebusinessandcustomerneedsbothnowandinthefuture.?Closelyinteractwithbusinessstakeholders,buildingtrust,ensuringthattheoutcomeofanymarketinginvestmentultimatelysupportsstrategicobjectivs,businessgoals,differentiatesHSBCfromitscompetitors,providingcustomersandprospectswithcompellingreasonstochooseHSBC.?Theroleholdermusthaveanabilitytomanagecomplexstakeholderrelationshipsacrossamatrix,understandhowtosupportPRD/GBAstrategyunderanoverallHSBCChina'sstrategyandoperation,whilecollaboratingbetweenPRDandHK/Macau?Clearlyarticulatingthroughthebusinessbriefandothermeans,businessrequirementsandwhatthismeansformarketing.?WorkcloselywithbusinessandmarketingpartnerstodevelopintegratedMarketingstrategiestosupportrevenuemaximizationandmarket/walletshareforthestrategicproductorsolution,inalignmentwiththebroaderPRDstrategy.?LeadanddeliverthemarketingplanforPRDandGBA,includingleveragingthemostappropriateresourcestodelivermarketingactivities,communicationcampaigns,eventsandpartnership.?WorkwiththeCustomerStrategyandInsightteamtoprovideinsightandexpertisethatcontributestothestrategicconversationaroundhowPRDandGBAfittogethertobuildclient-centricsolutions.?SupportachievementoftheHSBCvision,values,goalsandcultureinpersonalbehavior,actionsanddecisionmaking.?Developingstrategicpartnershipinfocusedsectorsandchannelstosupportoverallacquisitionplatformbuilt-upandfacilitatesalesactivities?AnalyzingcampaignperformanceanddemonstratingROIoncampaignactivityandbeyond,workingoncontinualimprovement.?Managingmarketingbudgetforareasofresponsibilities.职位要求:Tobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:Theroleholdershoulddemonstrateagoodunderstandingofkeytrends,customerinsightsandbusinesschallengesofPRDandGBA.BasedinGuangzhou,theroldholderisrequiredtobehighlyselfmotivatedandproactive.Understandareasofinnovationwhichinfluencethewayweinteractandengagewithourtargetcustomersandourinternalstakeholders.Theseshouldincludedigitalmarketing,newtechnology,businesspartnership,agileworkingpractices,dataandanalyticaltoolsandhowthishelpsustobemorecustomercentric.?Degreelevelofqualificationinmarketing,digitalmarketingand/orbusinessstudiespreferred?Minimum5yearsbroadbasedB2Bcommercialmarketingexperience,ideallywithinaFinancialServicesbasedinstitution?ArangeofMarketingCommunicationsplanningandoperationalexperience,includingdemonstrablesuccessindevelopinganddeliveringcampaignstrategiesandmulti-channelcampaigns?Channelmarketingexperienceinbuildingbusinesspartnership?ExcellentanalyticalskillsandexperiencemanagingROItargets?Demonstrablepassionfortestingandlearningnewapproachestochannelusage?Experienceofworkingwithandmanagingagenciesofcreative,media,social,PRandevent?Proventrackrecordofimplementingcampaigns/assets?Experienceofworkingwithseniorbusinessleadersandbusinessteamsovermultiplesites?Abilitytothinkinnovatively,shapeandcommunicatenewconcepts?Provenabilitytoworkonmultifunctionprojectsdemonstratingexcellentrelationshipbuildingskills?Provenabilitytochallengethestatusquoandthinkoutsidethebox?Commitmenttoputtingthecustomerattheheartofalldevelopmentandimplementationactivities?Diplomacy/consensus-buildingacrosstheorganisation?AprovenexperienceandwithademonstrationofdrivingresultsYou’llachievemorewhenyoujoinHSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Global Graduate Programme 管理.. 北京 本科及以上 不限 不限 60 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 60 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
汇丰中国管理培训生校园招聘以孕育和培养未来的领导者为目标,并拥有精英管理的文化。18-24个月的项目将提供综合全面的课堂培训、在职培训,以及在中国大陆的轮岗机会。宝贵的跨部门轮岗经验,将快速协助你成长为一名管理人员,为你创造辉煌的职业发展机会,并使你成为一名优秀的银行家。正式的招聘将于2019年9月开始,请关注“汇丰人才招聘”公众号,或请浏览该网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/岗位要求:- 能在2020年7月前毕业- 2019或2020届应届生- GPA 3.0/4.0 - 中国国籍(含港澳台) -
2020 Summer Internship Program.. 深圳市 本科及以上 不限 不限 60 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 60 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
暑期实习生项目将为各专业人才提供为期8周的系统培训和挂职实习。表现优秀的同学可直接免试进入2021年的银行家培训生项目,成功晋升为汇丰中国地区的管理培训生。实习时间:2020年7月和8月为期8周(提供带薪实习,一周须满5个工作日)招收部门:Commercial Banking, Global Banking, Global Markets, Retail Banking and Wealth Management, Retail Banking and Wealth Management-Digital,HSBC Securities Services, Global Liquidity and Cash Management, Commercial Banking, Global Banking-Global Trade & Receivable Finance实习地点:上海,北京,深圳,广州等(其他城市详见网站)招收对象:全日制在读学生(本科生/研究生),毕业时间在2020.9-2021.7之间,专业不限正式的招聘将于2019年9月开始,请关注“汇丰人才招聘”公众号,或浏览网站了解更多相关信息http://campus.51job.com/hsbc/ -
Client Audit Analyst 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Client Audit Analyst Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000D7C5)Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF)HSBC Global Trade and Receivables Finance is committed tohelping companies of all sizes from every part of the world grow their businessacross borders. Offering a comprehensive range of forward-thinking supply chainand traditional trade solutions, the business has been repeatedly recognized bythe industry’s most prominent publications and associations with numerousawards for its strength in combining innovation and service excellence withend-to-end customer solutions..We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:-??To provide professional and efficientaudit support to enable the Division to appropriately value the receivables-Work on the audit and survey reports andprovide recommendation to mitigate risk identified-To assess Internal control, compliance andoperational risk.-To assist Audit manager manage overallaudit team admin issue.-To provide additional value to the wholeteam职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:-???3~5 Big 4 accounting firm experience orHBCN working experience-Master in English and willing to travel,have strong independent working ability-Fast learner and good team playerYou’ll achieve morewhen you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued,respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace thatfosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunitiesto grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by theBank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with ourPrivacy Statement, which is available on our website. /CJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Marketing Manager - Jade Engag.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT) HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Work closely with the global marketing / business team and local business team to align the business focus and marketing plan for Jade accordingly Identify the latest consumer insights and industry trends based on external research findings and internal data analysis to facilitate the development of marketing strategies and campaigns. Develop marketing strategy, communication proposition, campaigns and customer events with close collaboration with multiple teams to build brand awareness, uplift consideration and drive customer acquisition. Manage and oversee campaign development to ensure effective campaign mechanics which delivers business targets. Drive the efficiency of marketing campaigns to well manage the marketing budget and to enhance return on investment. Work closely with vendors including advertising, media and event agencies and ensure the quality of the work. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor above degree More than 8 years of working experience Strong planning, analytical, communications, decision-making, lateral thinking, influencing, interpersonal and project management skills Professional level Mandarin and English oral and written skill. Strong ability to communicate and collaborate with multiple teams in multiple locations. Strategic thinking and proven successful negotiation and partnership experience Proven ability to be a self-starter with energy and drive in a challenging and dynamic environment Ability to think and work innovatively, and capable to influence the key stakeholders to deliver the result Can work independently, both at a strategically and tactical level Experience of project management driving for greater value through the smart application of resource Working experience in luxury industry and experience-based events is preferred You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant MKT Manager 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
AssistantMarketingManagerHSBCChina-(职位编号:0000D1NY)Marketing(MKT)HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.Wearecurrentlyseekinganexperiencedprofessionaltojoinourteam.Inthisrole,youwill:DesignandcompilationoftheWeChatarticlesintermsofvisualandlayout.Managethepublicationonthebank'sofficialWeChataccounts.Contributiontothecreativedesignofothermarketingcollateralssuchasbrochures,socialmedia,animations,digitalbannerandPWSpageetc.Handleotherspecialprojectsasassigned职位要求:Tobesuccessfulintherole,youshouldmeetthefollowingrequirements:?ExperienceingraphicdesigninmarketingareaExperienceinWeChataccountmanagementincludingdesign,compilationandmaintanenceStrongvisualsenseandcreativityProficiencyinvisual/creativesoftwareKnowledgeofdigitalmarketingtoolsGoodcommandofbothEnglishandChineseYou’llachievemorewhenyoujoinHSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Officer Credit Services Operat.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To contact customer to guide the preparation of regulatory supporting documents based on the specific scenario of facility nature and drawdown purpose To check the drawdown request and verify loan supporting documents to make sure the loan proceeds to conform to the purpose of the facility in accordance with Credit Approvals, Facility Documents, 3+1 requirements and other regulatory requirements To take the supervisor role to double-check the customer request and supporting documents to make sure the loan proceeds to conform to the purpose of the facility in accordance with Credit Approvals, Facility Documents, 3+1 requirement and other regulatory requirements To closely track the loan due report and liaise with customers for loan rollover / repayment request form preparation To process documents checking relating to Corporate Loan including drawdown, rollover and repayment for each account (e.g. execution authority of signatories) To manage the daily operation process and ensure that customers' instructions are properly executed and services are delivered in an efficient manner To provide consulting service to various customer's verbal and written inquiries in corporate loan area To track and monitor the post drawdown monitoring process and ensure the pending documents are collected on time To arrange timely and accurate submission of returns to Central Reporting Team and coordinate PBOC Credit Information System reporting among branches Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: -Bachelor degree holder -Service mindset, good interpersonal skills and communication skills -Strong problem solving capability and can work under pressure. -Self-motivated with attitude of "would like to learn" and quick learning ability -Careful, diligent, insensitive to overtime work -Good logic thinking and MS Office skill -Good command of English You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC / MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Infrastructure Proje.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: As Project Manager in the ITID Change The Bank programme, the role holder will provide direct oversight of the programme(s)/ project(s)', financial and outcome accountability, reporting to a Portfolio Manager within ITID. In executing this role, the Project Manager will need to: build strong relationships with senior stakeholders within IT, Global Businesses, Finance work closely with their respective Portfolio Manager, the Global ITID PPM Practice team and their senior stakeholders to ensure alignment of their project/programme with the wider change portfolio and group strategy, values and behaviour provide board level overview of progress, lead and direct multidisciplinary teams across all global businesses, global functions and regions lead end to end execution and responsibility for all aspects of the project/programme, including definition, planning, execution & implementation, governance & control, financial, resource and change management. Provide financial analysis, including being able to contextualise financial data into business activities and conclusions Ensure the adherence to financial processes and procedures at project/programme level, as set and communicated by HSBC Group, regulators and ITID PPM Practice. Own the identification and escalation of any budgetary related risks, issues and opportunities to portfolio/function as appropriate. have responsibility for effective handover of the project/programme into Business as Usual operations to support effective benefits realisation. have responsibility for deploying the Business Transformation Frameworks and respective methodologies within their Programme/Project and instilling good programme/project disciplines within their project and wider team. lead and manage within the matrix environment to enable successful delivery. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Outstanding project and programme management experience which include communications capabilities, decision making and problem solving skills, lateral thinking, analytical and interpersonal skills. Excellent understanding and proven experience of Programme and Project Management methodologies including Waterfall and Agile. Ability to direct and influence people in a matrix orientated environment and establish working partnerships at a junior and senior organizational level. Proven experience of positive, challenging interactions with Senior Executives across the business. Outstanding relationship management, collaboration and influencing skills. Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills with a proven ability to communicate effectively and confidently at all levels across the Group. Change agent with proven ability of implementing large scale organizational, procedural, technology and people related change programmes. Proven ability to articulate complex issues concisely and in simple language to recognise to the global remit of this role. Detail orientated. Strong financial analytical background and proven ability in financial/analytical reasoning, including being able to contextualise financial data into business activities and conclusions. Experience of delivering large scale change programmes within a Technology organization, with Infrastructure experience. High level of drive and motivation to ensure delivery of a broad range of outputs simultaneously across HSBC. Experience of leading and managing teams with proven track record of working with diverse, cross functional teams that are located regionally and worldwide. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/BS /* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force C.. 东莞市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-东莞市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Mobile Sales Force Card Sales Team Manager Dongguan HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CIF4)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:? Provide prompt assistance to ensure that MSF team members achieve goal on credit card and Retail Banking Incentive Framework.? Execution of Bank strategy in credit card products, preferably in personal loan.? Support tasks as assigned by direct superior.? Maximize cross-referral opportunities to support fulfillment of customer needs and increase resulting profits.? Lead and manage sales team.? Ensure the optimal Sales staff and team productivity.? Fulfill overall team service standard of credit card and loans business.? Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of its occurring.? Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- College Degree or above- Strong leadership, coaching skills and influencing skill- 3-8 years working experience in Banking, preferably in Credit Card- Sufficient knowledge and expertise in area of coaching responsiblilty including people development, channel development, sales process and client referral skills- Previous experience and proven record as Mobile Sales Force Manager, or Credit card Sales Coach within HSBC or equivalent in other leading financial institutions- Sufficient knowledge of global anti money laundering standards- Knowledge of relevant regulatory governance in local market- Knowledge of local and Group compliance regulations (the latter to be attained if new to HSBC)- Proven ability to multi-tasking in a fast paced work environment and prioritize work assignments. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCWSZ/JZ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant CMB/Global Banng Ope.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Commercial Banking/Global Banng Operations Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CGL9)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Mainly handle account opening, account service related processes, including but not limited to:1. Perform banking operations services duties per agreed Service Level Agreement2. Conduct well-controlling exercises to meet both internal & external policies and regulation3. Deliver high quality of non-migration banking operations services4. Keep good filing of all customer documents and internal records5. Adhere to various requirements from internal control departments & external regulators & provide proactive support during inspections if required6. Regulatory returns and internal reports preparation7. Maintain good service quality to multiple business teams of smooth collaborations8. Relief other positions if necessary职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:???1. Bachelor degree or above, 1-2 years working experience in banking operations is preferable2. Good communication skills and fluent written and spoken English and Mandarin3. Proactive attitude and able to work under pressure and have a ability to solve problem with efficiency4. Meticulous to details. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Manager- Credit Audi.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Manager - Credit Audit Analytics HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C85K)Internal Audit (IAD)Group Internal Audit providesindependent assurance to management and the Risk and Audit Committees thatHSBC’s risk management, governance and internal control processes are designedappropriately and are operating effectively.We are currently seeking an experiencedprofessional to join our team.In this role, you will:?????The Assistant Manager -Credit Audit Analytics will work with individuals in Credit Risk audit teams todesign, build, and deliver innovative technology-enabled auditing solutions,including:-Automationof key controls tests which will be reviewed periodically. Innovativetests of control utilizing digitized data and techniques-Developcontinuous monitoring portfolio dashboards which will help in identifyingthe audit focus areas by utilizing advanced analytics-Participatein the audit process by independently conducting review and assessment ofcontrols and ensuring high audit standards with a proper balance betweenrisk and reward-Ensure thequality of the audit service and ad hoc assignments and to improve theefficiency of audits-Developtheir knowledge of data sources, structures, meta-data, etc. existing inCredit Risk Audit and across regions for possible use by the Audit teams-Design,build, and deliver data analytics solutions to meet the needs of GlobalCredit Risk Audit-Implementand follow an agile, iterative, adaptive approach during the development /delivery of audit technology solutions to meet the timely needs of GlobalCredit Risk Audit and add the most value职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet thefollowing requirements:?????Bachelor degree in informationsystems, accounting, mathematics, quantitative, numerical science or relatedfield or equivalent experienceExperience with BusinessIntelligence / analytical, visualization tools, ETL and programming (such asPython, R, SAS, SQL, QlikView, Tableau)Strong analytical, decisionmaking, interpersonal, time management and problem solving skillsExperience in designing andimplementing advanced data analytics solutions adopting data sciencetechniquesEnthusiastic, collaborative andcustomer orientedResourceful and results drivenExternal or internal audit orcredit risk experience will be helpful, but not essentialExperience with bank systemsand programming (e.g. RPG/400) would be a plusFluent in written and spokenEnglishYou’ll achieve morewhen you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where allemployees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providinga workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible workingand opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be usedin accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Project Manager 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Senior Project Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CL6S)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:The role of this job is to manage RBWM projects, especially on those large scale project, like Jade proposition setup, Greater Bay development, New Wealth Platform streamlining and etc.Principal Responsibilities- Manage and deliver China RBWM projects or programs from end to end perspective and of varying complexity/size- Leading, managing and motivating the project team to deliver the required results from business benefit- Be the service owner on critical service delivered to business and ensure the service availability- Supporting business initiatives without compromising standards of internal control such that operational risk is not increased beyond acceptable parameters. Ensuring business and IT management understand and accept any inherent risks- Be the partnership of Wealth Management business to understand their business aspiration, target and provide innovative solutionThis is an exciting opportunity to join a rapidly expanding, high performing team that focuses on delivering exceptional project and program management services to the HSBC China Retail Banking Business职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:* Over 15 years working experience in banking system development, retail banking business/system is essential* At least 7 years working experience in a team leader role* Excellent track record of working on large complex project/program, whilst also working/leading virtual teams across multiple geographies and time zones* Past working experience in a relevant role, i.e. as an IT Project Manager, as an IT resourcing manager. Must also possess strong management skills to progress, motivate, coach and guide our most valued resources while ensuring a strong corporate ethic and accountability to senior management* Past working experience on vendor management is essential* Role relevant qualifications, i.e.PMP, PMI, Prince II is desirable but not essential* Digital, AI, Cloud experience is desirable but not essential* Self-awareness with confidence to work independently and take responsibility for own development* Excellent written and spoken communication skillsan ability to communicate with impact, ensuring complex information is articulated in a meaningful way to wide and varied audiences* Solid knowledge on architecture design including both enterprise and solution* Knowledge on Infrastructure/Database/Server is essential* Knowledge on IBM AS400 platform and RPG/CLP coding language will be advantage* Good command of spoken & written both in English & Chinese Mandarin You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/TZ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force S.. 武汉市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 湖北-武汉市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Mobile Sales Force Sales Coach Manager Retail Banking and Wealth Management Wuhan HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CLDR)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:Credit card is a strategic priority for HBCN and the role of city level Mobile Sales Force Sales Coach is a key management role that supports the achievement of the MSF objectives.The manager needs to work with the country sales coach, city managers, sales managers and Learning & Development team to implement city level training and coaching programs and develop relevant local programs to develop and continuously enhance the Mobile Sales Force (MSF) capability, performance productivity as well as observance of sales quality and Global Standard.The manager also needs to assist in developing MSF teams to be able to provide outstanding customer experience to our target customers. One of MSF Sales Coach's focuses is on supporting the development of on-boarding and continual development of new MSF team leaders and MSFs and improving the sales/service quality and productivity of MSFs.So by working closely with MSF City managers and team leaders, the manager will develop and execute coaching for local MSFs with primary focuses on client engagement skills and sales activities planning, execution and process optimisation including utilisation of sales tools and tablet.In addition, the manager needs to develop and execute plan to instill HSBC values and behaviour in MSF and foster a working environment with positive sales and service mindset.In some cases, the manager also needs to work with city sales coach to develop programs to up-skill sales managers.Additionally, the manager needs to be involved in reviewing the effectiveness of MSF compensation and incentive schemes to ensure the scheme’s relevancy in supporting achievement of overall MSF objectives. In addition, the Coach will be responsible in developing Recognition programs with City managers and team leaders to optimise team performance.Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:? Bachelor Degree or above? Strong leadership skills and influencing skill? Above 6 years working experience in Banking, preferably in Credit Card.? Strong coaching and influencing skills? Sufficient knowledge and expertise in area of coaching responsiblilty including people development, channel development, sales process and client referral skills? Previous experience and proven record as MSF Sales Manager, or Credit card Sales Coach within HSBC or equivalent in other leading financial institutions? Sufficient knowledge of global anti money laundering standards? Knowledge of relevant regulatory governance in local market? Knowledge of local and Group compliance regulations (the latter to be attained if new to HSBC)? Proven ability to multi-tasking in a fast paced work environment and prioritize work assignmentsYou’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/NH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Manager Credit Servi.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Manager Credit Services HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CGFC)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:-Support Credit Services Manager to manage the corporate loan team's daily operation-Ensure smooth, efficient and compliant corporate loan operations. Provide effective solutions to customers' operational needs and maintain overall control mechanism to ensure internal and external compliance.-Initiate / implement of team level projects / initiatives-Perform resource management within the team and handling the exceptional cases / dispute职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state), preferably in finance, economics, legal-Above 5 years solid working experience in credit services related area, preferably with solid working experience as a team leader in credit services area-Familiar with credit related processes including security checking, loan operation, etc. as well as credit related internal and external systems (i.e. HUB, PBOC CIS, SAFE UPRR, etc.)-Self-motivated individual with problem solving skillsand able to work with good level of independency-Excellent interpersonal, communication, analytical and creative problem solving skills-Self-motivated and able to work under pressure-Proficient written and spoken communication skills in English You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCHC/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
HML Arranger Branch 佛山市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
HML Arranger Foshan Branch HSBC China(Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CI3K)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?1. Contribute to the improvement of HML sales quality, streamlined HML process and cost effectiveness of HML business.2. Contribute to foster a communication and interaction platform between HML related departments (CCR/CDT OPS) and frontline sales.3. Support daily HML team management.4. Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring.5. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:1. Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state).?2. At least 1 years experience in credit related functions3. Result-driven, self-motivated and able to work under pressure 4. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills5. Good spoken and written EnglishYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HL/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Officer Credit Control Service.. 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Officer Credit Control Services-Underwriting Services Card HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000B6C8)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:??To support the unsecured retail products on boarding process, including verification and undewriting -1) Verify the customer provided information on the application form2) Handles the manual underwriting process according the credit policy3) Summary the key findings during daily operation to spot out the risk items4) Support managers for team management.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?1) > 3 years related working expereince in Retail Credit is required2) Minimum bacholer degree in related major3) Understand the local bank process of credit card or unsecured loan handlingYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/VLIN/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Mobile Sales Force P.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Mobile Sales Force Planning Manager HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CF14)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:-Interpret data, analyze results using statistical techniques and provide ongoing reports-Develop and implement databases, data collection systems, data analytics and other strategies that optimize statistical efficiency and quality-Acquire data from primary or secondary data sources and maintain databases/data systems-Identify, analyze, and interpret trends or patterns in complex data sets-Work with management to prioritize business and information needs-Locate and define new process improvement opportunities-Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?-3 years or above of financial services industry related work experience is preferred-Strong proficiency with SAS coding and other digital analytics platforms: Qlikview/Qliksense, administration and analysis-Detailed understanding of, and practical experience of using different data tools to transform and analyze different data sets-Experience of discovering and sharing analytical insight with stakeholders with various levels of analytical expertise and at all levels of seniority-Strong proficiency with spreadsheets You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/JZ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Cards and Loans, RBWM HBCN () .. 苏州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 江苏-苏州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Cards and Loans, RBWM HBCN (Suzhou) Sales Representative, Mobile Sales HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CHP4)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可)2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /LW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Officer Security Credit Operat.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Officer Security Credit Shanghai Operations HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CBO1)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:To ensure qualified daily output within the service scope of Collateral Management Team accordingly to internal guidelines and external rules and regulationsTo ensure smooth workflow and provision of quality services to meet customer's needs for maximizing efficiency and effectiveness.To perform daily operations with respect to security documents handling under Gold Design of Program CARM.To maintain and ensure due observance of all levels of HSBC internal control standards and compliance policies, and maintain awareness of compliance / operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring.To assist line manager to provide guidance and training to team members, especially for those inexperienced staff.To support line manager to handle MI, Returns, Ad-hoc tasks and Project related works.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- No less than 2 years working experiences on security perfection or collateral management- Solid knowledge on facility and security documentation- Be familiar with all levels of HSBC internal control standards and compliance policies, deviated regulatory requirements among different local authorities, corporate lending related procedures, guidelines, processes and systems- Good Service mindset, interpersonal skills, communication skills and PC skills- Strong problem solving capability- Careful, diligent, insensitive to overtime work- Good command of English, logical thinking, analytical skills and time management skills- Communication with CMB from line / CMB customer experience is plusYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/MW/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Mobile Sales Force Business De.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Mobile Sales Force Business Development Officer Retail Banking and Wealth Management Shanghai HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CI9W)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:?- To support MSF city manager and city Business Development (BD) manager for cost/budget application, activity arrangement and local filing fulfilments to ensure compliance and regulatory- To connect with channels and organize events in the city to to establish city-level channel/distribution development plan and manage city-level co-op/alliances programs to support delivery of business goals for the city.- Assist BD manager of the payment tracingPlan, manage, and support others' external communications- Work with BD manager to prospect business opportunities and develop potential corporations for group application/roadshow to acquire new card customers- Performing other job-related duties as required- To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ??? Bachelor Degree or above? 1-3 years' working experience in Banking, preferably with Credit Card mobile sales frontline experience? Excellent interpersonal and communication skills? Customer focus with a strong focus on quality of service? Good English preferred and excellent Mandarin skillsYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /NH/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller Branch 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Teller Shenzhen Branch HSBC China(Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000C8XG)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will:-? To perform accurate and efficient counter transactions and to offer a high standard of courteous and professional service to customers To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop counter services To have a strong service sense and skills to back up releated role for account document processacquisition developing To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service To be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior. To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:- Bachelor degree or above Good understanding of banking rules and regulations Strong sense of responsibility Good communication and interpersonal skill Willing to develop to sales role Good written and spoken English, Madarin is preferred Good computer skillYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /HL/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Head of Cards&Loans RBWM 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Head of Cards&Loans Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000BTXF)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:-Be responsible for driving product strategy for cards and loans, and an overall framework for implementation-Be responsible for developing and launching new products at pace, in order to compete well in key segments and with newproduct functionality-Oversee profit Performance/RORWA/CER delivery of cards and loans to ensure overall AOP is delivered intervening as required to ensure AOP targets are met-Review all product portfolios and make approprate strategic recommendations on future investment and growth, manage satisfactory control in the product areas-Adhere to the Global standard product range for cards and loans, to improve cost efficiency and allow the leveraging of Group scale-Be responsible for establishing and maintaining the Product CoE for asset based products and ensuring alignment with Group Propositions-Be responsible for owning product prioritization within a Global order book and sponsor change programmes to deliver that vision-Own the right outcomes with key functions to deliver across the broad set of KPIs - marketing distribution including digital, service delivery, change delivery, risk, finance and analytics-Work with key functions (eg Risk) as a subject matter expert to ensure policies and approach is optimised at the country level, providing thoughtful challenge in the context of HSBC China's goals and objectives-Be compliant with regulatory procedures, management and implementation of key audit recommendations. Ensure regulatory compliance and satisfactory operational risk performance, working with group audit and countries/regions as appropriate-Establish management procedures to ensure adherence to Group policies and manage operational risk-Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:-Bachelor's degree or above-Significant knowledge of Credit Card and Loan businesses across China-Substantial experience of market leading Credit Card and Loan capability-Proven experience of delivering strategies in large retail financial services organizations, particularly growth oriented strategies-Experience of working closely with risk function-Experience in dealing/negotiating with large commercial external stakeholders in China, e.g., Unionpay, Mastercard and Visa etc.-Significant experience of designing and launching new products in China market-Experience of data analytics and their application in CRM, risk and revenue management-Retail Banking experience, familiarity with Large Bank environment. Excellent customer relationships-Strong people leadership, team work, gathering information and analyzing, judgment and decision making, communication competencies-Fluent Mandarin and EnglishYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/OC/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Banking Operations 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Banking Operations Guangzhou HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CHA1)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition.. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1) Perform banking operations services duties per agreed Service Level Agreement2) Conduct well-controlling exercises to meet both internal & external policies and regulation requirements3) Deliver high quality of non-migration banking operations services4) Keep good filing for all customer documents & internal records5) Adhere to various requirements from internal control departments & external regulators & provide proactive support during inspections if required6) Regulatory returns and internal reports preparation7) Maintain good service quality to multiple business teams for smooth collaborations8) Relief other positions if necessary.职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?1. Bachelor degree, working experience in banking operations is preferable2. Good communication skills and fluent written and spoken English and Mandarin3. Proactive attitude and able to work under pressure and have a ability to solve the problem with efficiency4. Meticulous to details. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/JC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Payment Service Oper.. 广州市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Payment Service Guangzhou Operations HSBC China (Pearl River Delta) -(职位编号:0000CESU)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: - To ensure the quality output on the accuracy and efficiency on the customer requests- To conduct relevant regulatory reporting as per external regulations- To deliver satisfactory customer services to internal and external customers- To cooperate with business partner to provide best solution 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?1. Solid knowledge of BoP & Return Reporting2. Team worker3. Patient and details driven4. Sensitive of risk. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/SX/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Senior Marketing Manager-Propo.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT) HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will: Develop marketing strategies to ensure that key business propositions and initiatives are promoted and communicated (including both above the line communication as well as below the line) to the target audience in the most effective and efficient manner (including both digital / online as well as non-digital /offline) Lead team to develop marketing programmes and initiatives for specific segments to support growth and profitability of the HBCN RBWM business. Contribute to establish HSBC as the leading and preferred bank in China Coach the team to implement segment initiatives which contribute to sustaining & growing brand preference and brand health scores with customer recommendations Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring.Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor above degree More than 10 years of broad based business experience, ideally within a large blue chip Financial Services brand Strong planning, analytical, communications, decision-making, lateral thinking, influencing, interpersonal and project management skills and ability to communicate and collaborate with multiple teams in multiple locations Ability to work in a team-oriented environment and effectively influence and communicate across various business lines at senior levels within the organization. Professional level mandarin and English oral and written skill that support efficient communication and cross function/location influence. Proven ability to work on multi-function projects demonstrating excellent relationship building skills Experience of project management driving for greater value through the smart application of resource Proven ability to be a self-starter with energy and drive in a challenging and dynamic environment Ability to think innovatively, shaping and communicating new concepts Work independently, both at a strategical and tactical levelYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Greeter 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海-静安区 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: -To greet customers at the first point of contact as soon as the customers approach the branch. To provide excellent service to customers through introducing appropriate bank. -To provide assistance in queue management and branch merchandizing display. Meanwhile, the job holder should maintain HSBC internal control standards as well as Group Compliance Policy and operational risk control to minimize the likelihood of it occurring. -To greet and welcome all walk-in customers as soon as the customers enter the branch in order to enhance the moment of truth to the customers and upgrade the Bank’s overall service profile. -To proactively identity sales opportunities, cross-sell bank products and services most beneficial to customers, and refer to relevant staff to complete the sales when appropriate -To handle customers’ requests and enquiries. To relate customers’ queries and complaints to relevant branch staff or other internal departments for proper handling. -To assist the queue management and maintain a high quality service and sales environment in the customer area of the branch. -To perform other branch operational duties such as account opening maintenance as assigned after banking hours. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: -Bachelor degree or above.(recognized by the state) -Good command of English. -Working experience in service/sales industries preferred. -Strong interpersonal and communication skills. You’ll achieve more at HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Officer Security Credit Shangh.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 07 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 07 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To ensure qualified daily output within the service scope of Collateral Management Team accordingly to internal guidelines and external rules and regulations; To ensure smooth workflow and provision of quality services to meet customer's needs for maximizing efficiency and effectiveness. To perform daily operations with respect to security documents handling under Gold Design of Program CARM. To maintain and ensure due observance of all levels of HSBC internal control standards and compliance policies, and maintain awareness of compliance / operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring. To assist line manager to provide guidance and training to team members, especially for those inexperienced staff. To support line manager to handle MI, Returns, Ad-hoc tasks and Project related works. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: - No less than 2 years working experiences on security perfection or collateral management; - Solid knowledge on facility and security documentation; - Be familiar with all levels of HSBC internal control standards and compliance policies, deviated regulatory requirements among different local authorities, corporate lending related procedures, guidelines, processes and systems; - Good Service mindset, interpersonal skills, communication skills and PC skills; - Strong problem solving capability; - Careful, diligent, insensitive to overtime work; - Good command of English, logical thinking, analytical skills and time management skills; - Communication with CMB from line / CMB customer experience is plus; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Manager Biddable Media HSBC Ch.. 上海 硕士及以上 5-7 年 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 5-7 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海-闵行区 学历要求: 硕士及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT) HSBC Marketing exists to drive top-line revenue growth for our Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, brand strength, customer insights and creative passion to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: The role of the Global Marketing Function is "To drive top-line revenue growth for the Global Businesses by leveraging clearly identified marketplace opportunities, the brand's strength and customer insights to yield sustainable long-term growth for the budgets and resources deployed and help position the firm to become the world's leading international bank." The function seeks to: -Drive sustainable revenue growth in our target markets -Identify marketplace opportunities and unlock customer insights to generate competitive advantage -Fully leverage the brand's strength and reputation, as the Group's most precious intangible asset Deliver a professional, effective and responsive Marketing function at optimal cost Digital is one of the growth priorities for Retail Banking and Wealth Management, an essential component of the Retail Banking and Wealth Management strategy. HSBC is investing massively in Retail Banking and Wealth Management to accelerate digital and streamlining activity globally and Hong Kong is among the six largest markets that we are investing in. This significant investment will drive the transformation of our operations and sales and distribution network, making it easier for our customers to do business with us, and for us to serve their needs more efficiently and effectively. Digital provides a huge range of potential interaction points with our customers and prospects C both on our own platforms, including email, push and SMS, but also more broadly on the internet using paid and 'earned' media to support 'always-on' Digital Acquisition. By seamlessly managing all these interaction points and using data to deliver the most relevant content and messaging to our customers and prospects at the right times, the impact to our customers and our business will be enormous. A major focus of this role will be on developing data driven customer insights to be applied in new digital techniques, whilst working closely with other cross functional teams to develop best practice e-commerce sales strategy. You will be responsible for managing biddable media (search & programamtic) activities throughout the funnel, but with a focus on driving the highest quality of traffic through to HSBC owned channels for conversion by our DaaC (Digital as a Channel) team. Supporting the management of agency partners, tracking KPIs, and post-campaign analysis and reporting. Additionally, you will work closely with numerous stakeholders and champion the customer focused objectives, while ultimately achieving annual new digital customer revenue targets. As HSBC is a complex matrix organization, a large portion of this role's responsibility will include working with colleagues across Customer Value Management (CVM), Marketing, Digital functions, Risk, Compliance and other departments in order to create compelling customer communication while ensuring alignment across local and global functions. As the Manager Biddable Media HSBC China the role holder is responsible for: Develop biddable media acquisition plans and local budgets to support global and local campaigns and activities Oversee the local deployment, execution, activation and effectiveness of search & programmatic campaigns, platforms and assets developed and created by the Cards Marketing team Ensure that local Marketing activities deliver against the agreed KPIs set for acquisition and return on Marketing investment Provide direction to agencies, brand partners, and team members to deliver to business goals. Share search & programmatic best practice across China Assign budgets across key activities to deliver Return on Investment Build strong relationships with key agency and strategic partners to ensure they understand group and business strategy as well as the Marketing strategy and plan Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets He or she should cultivate an environment that supports diversity and reflects the HSBC values Individual will build a culture of continuous improvement in customer experience and functionality deployment Support the continuing development or transformation of the Digital Acquisition operating model to ensure the business operates increasingly effectively and efficiently and is able to deliver HSBC's strategic goals Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: The job holder will need to have 5-10 years of experience working in a paid media environment client side or agency in China specializing in search and programamtic media Should have strong communication skills and ability to manage senior stakeholders Should have experience and understanding of Cards or Payments businesses with keen understanding if the digital environment in China. They will need to be familiar with the Digital Acquisition process and will have worked within a Digital Acquisition environment The job holder should have experience in developing strong team culture and managing high performing individuals They will be highly creative and challenging to the status quo. They will be enthusiastic, willing to champion the unpopular if right for business strategy; and persuade and motivate individuals in other business areas to support Digital Acquisition plans Educated to Post graduate/MBA level High level of personal integrity and values in line with business core values You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/AS/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Merchant Project Imp.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Assistant Merchant Project Implementation Manager Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC China -(职位编号:0000C8JX)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: - Implement merchant programs and card scheme promotions to public launch by following HSBC guidance- Manage overall merchant promotion monitoring report with promotion effectiveness analysis- Marketing collaterals management for merchant promotion and card benefits- Ensure all the promotions are correctly represented on all HSBC digital and BTL communication channels- Conduct quality check over merchant promotion- Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: - Bachelor degree or above- Proven spoken and written English- Strong project management skill, analytical skill and computer knowledge (i.e. Microsoft Office, Excel, Word and PPT)- Demonstrated ability to interact, communicate and negotiate effectively at all levels and across functions.- 2-5 years working experience in Credit Card or consulting industry would be an advantage You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/NH/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Vice President Credit Control .. 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1. Supervising a sub team of the national personal credit assessment and approval center to ensure efficient evaluation process of RBWM HML across the HBCN branch network and effective control of credit risk; 2. Contributing to the development and implementation of the regulation requirement and personal credit control policy and guideline of HBCN. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: The role holder will ideally have knowledge and experience in the following areas: Have solid credit experience in underwriting for retail lending products Demonstrated business knowledge Demonstrated ability to lead operations Ideally to have back office experience Experience of managing within a complex matrix environment Understanding of RBWM Risk, its policies and governance mechanisms Broad knowledge of the external environment - regulatory, political, competitor and market You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCVLI/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Assistant Banking Operations S.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: Mainly handle account opening, account service related processes, including but not limited to: 1. Perform banking operations services duties per agreed Service Level Agreement 2. Conduct well-controlling exercises to meet both internal & external policies and regulation 3. Deliver high quality of non-migration banking operations services 4. Keep good filing of all customer documents and internal records 5. Adhere to various requirements from internal control departments & external regulators & provide proactive support during inspections if required 6. Regulatory returns and internal reports preparation 7. Maintain good service quality to multiple business teams of smooth collaborations 8. Relief other positions if necessary Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above, 1-2 years working experience in banking operations is preferable 2. Good communication skills and fluent written and spoken English and Mandarin 3. Proactive attitude and able to work under pressure and have a ability to solve problem with efficiency 4. Meticulous to details. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. MW/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Asstistant Manager Trade Middl.. 上海 不限 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Global Trade and Receivables Finance (GTRF)HSBC Global Trade and Receivables Finance is committed to helping companies of all sizes from every part of the world grow their business across borders. Offering a comprehensive range of forward-thinking supply chain and traditional trade solutions, the business has been repeatedly recognized by the industry’s most prominent publications and associations with numerous awards for its strength in combining innovation and service excellence with end-to-end customer solutions.. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:Assistant Manager Trade Middle Office Guarantee Operation GTRF SHHAssist to manage the operation team and ensure smooth and efficient daily operations, effective solutions to customers’ operational needs and maintain adequate controlling systems to ensure internal and external complianceReview and discuss the operating guide, workflow and procedure Raise issues and opportunities to drive the organization for excellent Provide training and assist staff to develop within organization Identify motivation factors to ensure staff satisfaction Implement risk management policies and controls in the relevant processesTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:?Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state);At least 5+ years working experience in related areasStrong sense of responsibility and can work under pressure;Good communication and interpersonal skill, detail-oriented;Good written and spoken English;Good problem solving, analytical and people management skills Good team player and leader who is able to drive changes proactivelyYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCHC/CJ/*Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
MSF Card Sales Rep 北京 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京-昌平区 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
DescriptionRetail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道; 2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 QualificationsTo be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: 1、大专或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑; 3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战; 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /ELI/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Teller, Branch 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Teller, Shanghai Branch HSBC China -(职位编号:0000CHU8)Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To perform accurate and efficient counter transactions and to offer a high standard of courteous and professional service to customersTo establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop counter servicesTo have a strong sales sense and skills to cross-sell and proactively refer potential customers to Personal Relationship Officer (PRO) / Personal Relationship Manager (PRM) to support sales and promotion strategies. To be able to introduce independently promoted products to valuable customersTo report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer serviceBe familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ? Bachelor degree or above(recognized by the state)Solid knowledge on Retail Banking and Wealth Management operations and productsGood understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guidelineStrong sense of responsibilityGood communication and interpersonal skillGood written and spoken EnglishGood sales sense and selling skillsNice personality You’ll achieve more at HSBC. HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. /SY/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Processor Account Servicing & .. 厦门市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 福建-厦门市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST) HSBC Operations, Services and Technology is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. HOST combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To perform accurate and efficient counter service duties and to offer a high standard of courteous service to customers. To report customer feedback and collect market intelligence in order to seek continuous improvement in customer service. To establish and keep good relationship with valuable customers by providing one-stop customer services. Be familiar with local rules and regulation and internal guidelines and always keep alert for any suspicious Money Laundry activity and do report to superior. Close liaison with colleagues from other lines of business, business segments, products and services. To SWAT support other OPS team if necessary. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) Good understanding of local rules and regulations and internal guidelines Strong sense of responsibility Good communication skills Good written and spoken English and Mandarin Be able to work under pressure You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCAXS/SX/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
客户服务主任(固定通宵班) 佛山市 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1、服务于汇丰(中国)客户服务热线,致力于向客户提供全球性的卓越服务。 2、通过电话、电子等客服渠道向汇丰银行客户提供精准及令人满意的客户服务。努力了解客户的财务需求并提供恰当的银行产品或解决方案。 3、通过与客户/潜在客户的交流建立稳固良好的客户关系基础,针对客户的需求发现潜在销售机会积极主动为其提供分行面谈预约等商谈机会。 4、需要具备高度责任感,针对客户提出的问题要积极主动的采取措施帮助解决。遇到问题时需及时向上级汇报,在经理指引下学习与其他部门合作通力解决困难。 5、在汇丰一贯坚持的合规原则下完成各项工作内容,达成考核指标。 6、为金融市场的有序透明运作而努力,平等对待每一位客户。 岗位要求: 1、 大专及以上学历 2、 能适应通宵班工作 3、 能够在高压,快节奏的环境中工作 4、 普通话良好,有英文基础优先 5、 出色的沟通技巧,始终保持礼貌与友好 -
Teller Shenyang branch HSBC Ch.. 沈阳市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 辽宁-沈阳市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: To provide high quality service to customers To communicate effectively to meet various customer needs To assist in regulatory reports and returns To support counter administrative work. Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the state) One year or above working experience is preferred Experience in customer facing function is preferred Result-driven and able to work under pressure Highly responsibility in working in charge Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skills Customer-centric service mindset Good spoken and written English is a plus. You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. IC/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
Marketing Manager - Investment.. 上海 本科及以上 8-9 年 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 8-9 年 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Marketing (MKT) HSBCMarketingexiststodrivetop-linerevenuegrowthforourGlobalBusinessesbyleveragingclearlyidentifiedmarketplaceopportunities,brandstrength,customerinsightsandcreativepassiontoyieldsustainablelong-termgrowthforthebudgetsandresourcesdeployed.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:????Identifythelatestconsumerinsightsandindustrytrendsbasedonexternalresearchfindingsandinternaldataanalysis.Collaboratewithwealth/investmentteamtodevelopmarketingstrategiesbasedonconsumerinsightsandbusinessfocus.DefinecompellingoverarchingthemeforwealthmanagementmarketingcommunicationstodriveHSBC'sthroughleadershipinWEM.Developmarketingcampaignsandinitiativestosupportthebusinessgrowthinwealth/investmentOrganizewealthmanagementforumsininnovativewaytodemonstrateHSBC'scapabilityandtoprovideuniqueexperiencetocustomers.Manageandoverseecampaigndevelopmenttoensureeffectivecampaignmechanicswhichdeliversbusinesstargets.Drivetheefficiencyofmarketingcampaignstowellmanagethemarketingbudgetandtoenhancereturnoninvestment.Workcloselywithvendorsincludingadvertising,mediaandeventagenciesandensurethequalityofthework.Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: ?BachelorabovedegreeMorethan8yearsofworkingexperienceKnowledgeofwealthmanagement/investmentproductsStrongplanning,analytical,communications,decision-making,lateralthinking,influencing,interpersonalandprojectmanagementskillsProfessionallevelMandarinandEnglishoralandwrittenskill.Strongabilitytocommunicateandcollaboratewithmultipleteamsinmultiplelocations.StrategicthinkingandprovensuccessfulnegotiationandpartnershipexperienceProvenabilitytobeaself-starterwithenergyanddriveinachallenginganddynamicenvironmentAbilitytothinkandworkinnovatively,andcapabletoinfluencethekeystakeholderstodelivertheresultCanworkindependently,bothatastrategicallyandtacticallevelExperienceofprojectmanagementdrivingforgreatervaluethroughthesmartapplicationofresourceYou’ll achieve more when you join HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBCiscommittedtobuildingaculturewhereallemployeesarevalued,respectedandopinionscount.Wetakeprideinprovidingaworkplacethatfosterscontinuousprofessionaldevelopment,flexibleworkingandopportunitiestogrowwithinandinclusiveanddiverseenvironment.PersonaldataheldbytheBankrelatingtoemploymentapplicationswillbeusedinaccordancewithourPrivacyStatement,whichisavailableonourwebsite.HSBCAXS/AS/*IssuedbyHSBCBank(China)CompanyLimited -
Customer Development Represent.. 深圳市 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM)Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team.In this role, you will:To focus on customer acquisition and channel developmentTo hand over customer relationship properly to their relationship managers after closing salesTo conduct needs-based promotion activities through effective sales processes.To build up a professional image while deliver excellent service to customer.To promptly and effectively respond to customer enquiries, feedbacks and complaints.To prepare and submit sales progress reports on a regular basis.To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. 职位要求:To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements:University degree or above (recognized by the state)Strong interpersonal skills and effective presentation skillsWell-developed service and sales attitude with ability to work under pressurePresentable, outgoing and persuasiveGood spoken and written English is preferable.You’ll achieve more at HSBC.www.hsbc.com.cn/careersHSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment.Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website. HSBCVLI/EHIssued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 (Mob.. 北京 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 北京 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
信用卡业务支持助理 (MSF Branc.. 佛山市 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、在分支行营业网点提供信用卡相关业务的服务2、在业务工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交信用卡进件等相关报告。 岗位要求:1、本科或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业工作经验者优先考虑;3、性格开朗,有较强的责任感和团队合作精神4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力; -
信用卡及贷款业务拓展主任 (Mob.. 佛山市 大专及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 大专及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责:1、致力于开拓信用卡客户和开发有效的客户渠道;2、在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动;3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象;4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉;5、定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求:1、大专或以上学历(国家认可);2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业一线销售经验者优先考虑;3、性格乐观,能吃苦耐劳,开拓进取,勇於接受挑战;4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳;5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
Assistant Vice President Quali.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 1 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 1 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Description Retail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) Retail Banking and Wealth Management leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions. We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team. In this role, you will: 1) To support CCS Ops Support- Secured Team leader per Regional CCS structure requirement 2) Key roles and responsibilities include: - Monitor and manage CCS operational risk control and timely report identified issue - Prescreen all regulation information distributed from Regulatory Information CNQ and identify relevant regulation requirement - Ensure timely remediation of all Regulatory and Internal controls audits (GAA/CRRI/Health Checks, etc.) - Ensure CCS BCP, vendor management and other mandatory controls in place - Ongoing or ad-hoc process review to explore opportunity in operation process streamlining - Business oversight and quality check on credit operation processes within CCS and related vendor process Qualifications To be successful in the role, you should meet the following requirements: - Can work on project base and under pressure - Bachelor degree or above (recognized by the State). - Good skills in PC and relevant systems - Good communication and management skills - Good English speaking and writing skills You’ll achieve more when you join HSBC. www.hsbc.com.cn/careers HSBC is committed to building a culture where all employees are valued, respected and opinions count. We take pride in providing a workplace that fosters continuous professional development, flexible working and opportunities to grow within and inclusive and diverse environment. Personal data held by the Bank relating to employment applications will be used in accordance with our Privacy Statement, which is available on our website.HSBCVLI/JJ/* Issued by HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited -
信用卡业务支持助理 天津 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 天津 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1、在分支行营业网点提供信用卡相关业务的服务 2、在业务工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 3、传递卓越的服务给客户的同时建立专业的形象; 4、迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 5、定期准备和提交信用卡进件等相关报告。 岗位要求: 1、本科或以上学历(国家认可); 2、0-2年的工作经历,具有信用卡或金融行业工作经验者优先考虑; 3、性格开朗,有较强的责任感和团队合作精神 4、良好的客户服务意识和销售态度,沟通能力佳; 5、具有优良的风险识别能力以及抗压能力;福利待遇 作为连年获得荣获***雇主奖的汇丰中国,除了给员工搭建良好的培训体系和专业发展平台,还提供行业领先的福利待遇和人文关怀。 悠长假期―除了优于行业水平的年休假,汇丰员工还享有琳琅满目的其它休假例如生日假、收养假、国际妇女节假、国际***节假、志愿者假等等。 安居乐业―丰富贴心的住房抵押贷款利息补贴,让汇丰员工早日实现安居梦。 未雨绸缪―极具人性化的企业年金计划,保障汇丰员工在未来拥有富足无忧的退休生活。 张弛有度―弹性工作时间,让汇丰员工省去了高峰出行的烦恼。 选你所想,享你所选―菜单式的弹性福利制度让汇丰员工真正实现了自己的福利自己做主,汇丰的直系亲属同样地也能享受如此优厚和个性化的弹性福利。 心灵港湾―汇丰所有员工和直系亲属都可以享受专业免费的心理咨询服务,摆脱困惑烦恼,拥有幸福快乐。 -
Future Trusted Advisor 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-01 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC ChinaLocation: Shanghai/Beijing/Guangzhou/Shenzhen/Foshan/Zhuhai/ZhongshanDuration: 18 monthsRetail Banking and Wealth Management (RBWM) leverages HSBC’s global retail banking expertise and wealth management capabilities to deliver a broad range of world-class retail banking solutions to millions of customers. Driving for growth in key markets around the world, the business comprises areas such as retail banking, wealth management, insurance and asset management, with a focus on customer-centric propositions and innovative and efficient distribution channels that will differentiate our customer experience and deliver market leading retail banking and wealth management solutions.What to expect: Future Trusted Advisor RBWMGlobal Premier is HSBC’s wealth management and international banking proposition designed to provide personal support for the personal economy of our globally-minded affluent clients. A cornerstone of the proposition is the dedicated Premier Relationship Manager who is a highly skilled and experienced individual, playing the Trusted Advisor role to our clients. The primary accountability of this role is to connect the clients to opportunities, to help clients fulfill their hopes and dreams and realise their ambitions.While undertaking the Future Trusted Advisor training, you will complete a structured fast track programme which is designed to prepare you for your roles as a Premier Relationship Manager and support HSBC's business growth strategy in China.Who can apply?We are looking for the candidate who meets the following requirements:-Newly graduate from the university or have less than 2 years working experience-Open-minded and willing to embrace sales challenges-Highly driven and self-motivated-Good interpersonal and communication skillsLearning, development and supportThe programme consists of several structured activities over a 18 month period that includes:-Robust Selection Process-Structured training and job rotation plan-Mentoring-Assessment upon completion of programme-Promotion or continued developmentYou are expected to demonstrate the below capabilities which are critical to the Premier Relationship Manager role by the end of the programme:1. Customer Focus2. Achieving Excellence3 Understanding Markets and Customers4. Strengthening Customer Relationships5. Finding and Developing Business6. Portfolio ManagementUpon successful completion of the programme, RBWM will provide you with a well-defined career path to accelerate your development through broad exposures.The position will be open all year round. Pleaseclick hereto submit your online application.Connect the world at HSBC.www.hsbc.com/careers -
Customer Development Represent.. 珠海市 本科及以上 不限 不限 5 6-8 月薪 2019-08-02 展开 -
招聘人数: 5 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-珠海市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 6-8 月薪 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1. 致力于开拓客户和渠道发展; 2. 在完成销售后恰当地把客户关系交接给客户经理; 3. 在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 4. 在传递卓越的服务给客户时建立专业的形象; 5. 迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 6. 定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求: 1. 本科或以上学历(国家认可); 2. 优秀的人际交往和有效的沟通技巧; 3. 能够在高压下工作,良好的服务和销售态度; 4. 得体, 外向和具有说服力的; 5. 有良好的英语口语和书写能力者优先考虑。 -
Customer Development Represent.. 深圳市 本科及以上 不限 不限 5 6-8 月薪 2019-08-02 展开 -
招聘人数: 5 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-深圳市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 6-8 月薪 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1. 致力于开拓客户和渠道发展; 2. 在完成销售后恰当地把客户关系交接给客户经理; 3. 在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 4. 在传递卓越的服务给客户时建立专业的形象; 5. 迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 6. 定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求: 1. 本科或以上学历(国家认可); 2. 优秀的人际交往和有效的沟通技巧; 3. 能够在高压下工作,良好的服务和销售态度; 4. 得体, 外向和具有说服力的; 5. 有良好的英语口语和书写能力者优先考虑。 -
Customer Development Represent.. 广州市 本科及以上 不限 不限 5 6-8 月薪 2019-08-02 展开 -
招聘人数: 5 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-广州市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 6-8 月薪 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1. 致力于开拓客户和渠道发展; 2. 在完成销售后恰当地把客户关系交接给客户经理; 3. 在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 4. 在传递卓越的服务给客户时建立专业的形象; 5. 迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 6. 定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求: 1. 本科或以上学历(国家认可); 2. 优秀的人际交往和有效的沟通技巧; 3. 能够在高压下工作,良好的服务和销售态度; 4. 得体, 外向和具有说服力的; 5. 有良好的英语口语和书写能力者优先考虑。 -
Customer Development Represent.. 佛山市 本科及以上 不限 不限 5 6-8 月薪 2019-08-02 展开 -
招聘人数: 5 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-佛山市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 6-8 月薪 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1. 致力于开拓客户和渠道发展; 2. 在完成销售后恰当地把客户关系交接给客户经理; 3. 在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 4. 在传递卓越的服务给客户时建立专业的形象; 5. 迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 6. 定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求: 1. 本科或以上学历(国家认可); 2. 优秀的人际交往和有效的沟通技巧; 3. 能够在高压下工作,良好的服务和销售态度; 4. 得体, 外向和具有说服力的; 5. 有良好的英语口语和书写能力者优先考虑。 -
Customer Development Represent.. 中山市 本科及以上 不限 不限 5 6-8 月薪 2019-08-02 展开 -
招聘人数: 5 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 广东-中山市 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 6-8 月薪 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
岗位职责: 1. 致力于开拓客户和渠道发展; 2. 在完成销售后恰当地把客户关系交接给客户经理; 3. 在拓展工作中开展基于客户需求的活动; 4. 在传递卓越的服务给客户时建立专业的形象; 5. 迅速和有效地回应客户的询问和投诉; 6. 定期准备和提交销售进展报告。 岗位要求: 1. 本科或以上学历(国家认可); 2. 优秀的人际交往和有效的沟通技巧; 3. 能够在高压下工作,良好的服务和销售态度; 4. 得体, 外向和具有说服力的; 5. 有良好的英语口语和书写能力者优先考虑。 -
Premier International Associat.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-06 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Job Duties: To directly manage a portfolio of EBS/HML/Dormant/Advance clients and build quality customer relationship via professional service and needs fulfillment over Contact Centre platform (Virtual Relationship Manager); - To support Premier International Manager in delivering up-to-standard business requirement, customer satisfaction and quality control; - To grow NNM (net new money) of customers via main focus in liabilities, Foreign Exchange and Wealth Management product -To deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. Job Requirement: ? Bachelor degree holder ? Above 1 year working experience in Banking, Good communication and selling skills ,Contact Center experience (including Inbound and Outbound) is a plus ? Good understanding of Retail Banking & Wealth Management products / services ? Good spoken & written English and Mandarin ? Well organized and detail oriented ? Hard working and efficient working attitude工作职责: 通过呼叫中心平台(虚拟关系经理),通过专业的服务和需求满足,直接管理EBS/HML/休眠/高级客户组合,建立优质的客户关系;-协助高级国际经理提供符合标准的业务要求、客户满意度和质量控制;-通过专注于负债、外汇和财富管理产品,增加客户的NNM(净新增资金)-为客户提供公平的结果,并确保自己的行为维持金融市场的有序和透明运作。 工作要求: ?学士学位1年以上银行工作经验,良好的沟通和销售技巧,有呼叫中心工作经验(包括入站和出站)优先?熟悉零售银行及理财产品/服务良好的英语和普通话听说读写能力组织良好,注重细节?工作努力,工作态度高效 -
International Banking Center (.. 上海 本科及以上 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-06 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 本科及以上 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
Job Duties: Responsible for the smooth transfer of account/relationship from other/to Group Offices Monitoring the Inbound/Outbound cross border referral process and ensure service levels Handling cross-border enquiries via phone or internet / email Collecting feedback from branches and overseas IBCs to improve cross-border service Controlling the quality of HSBC International Personal Banking (HIPB) MI Supporting IBC Manager on relevant cross-border projects Maintain HSBC internal control standards, implement and observe Group Compliance Policy and maintain awareness of operational risk and minimize the likelihood of it occurring. Deliver fair outcomes for our customers and ensure own conduct maintains the orderly and transparent operation of financial markets. Job Requirement: ? Bachelor degree holder ? Good communication skills ? Good awareness for responsibility and understanding for Retail Banking & Wealth Management products / services ? Good spoken & written English and Mandarin ? Well organized and detail oriented ? Nice personality 工作职责: 负责客户/关系从其他部门/到集团办公室的顺利转移监察入境/出境边境转介程序,并确保服务水平透过电话或互联网/电邮处理跨境查询收集分支机构和海外IBCs的反馈意见,改善跨境服务控制汇丰国际个人银行(HIPB) MI的质量协助IBC经理完成相关跨境项目维护汇丰银行内部控制标准,执行和遵守集团合规政策,保持对运营风险的意识,并将其发生的可能性降到最低。为客户提供公平的结果,并确保自己的行为保持金融市场的有序和透明运行。 工作要求: 学士学位良好的沟通技巧对零售银行和理财产品/服务有良好的责任感和理解良好的英语和普通话听说读写能力组织良好,注重细节性格外向 -
Banking Inbound(热线客服) 上海 不限 不限 不限 若干 面议 2019-08-06 展开 -
招聘人数: 若干 有 效 期: 长期有效 我要投简历 招聘对象: 社会人才 工作经验: 不限 专业要求: 工作地点: 上海 学历要求: 不限 外语要求: 不限 薪资待遇: 面议 年龄要求: 不限 是否提供食宿: 职位描述
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职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期 -