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招聘对象: 社会人才




年龄要求: 不限

外语要求: 英语


工作地点: 湖南-长沙市


Leadership 领导力
Leadership of the SDT领导同步小组
Represent team in a professional manner to the customer and JCI management while demonstrating ownership of the program and its deliverables. Motivate the SDT to meet commitments and hold team accountable.
Ensure Appropriate Program Staffing确保项目的人员安排
Establishing assignments and workload. Verify that all team members have sufficient training and skill level for assigned tasks. Work with MD/GM and functional managers to ensure that proper staffing is maintained.
Maintain the SDT Morale and Esprit de Corps 维护团队士气
Facilitate the success of all team members. Resolve conflicts and differences between team members and departments. Clarify roles and responsibilities when necessary to ensure the smooth running of the team. Facilitate and encourage positive relations between departments and team members, and be the role model of that relationship. Provide performance review feedback for SDT members to functional leads. Central communication point for the SDT.
带领同步开发小组,鼓舞团队士气, 增强团队精神,帮助每位成员取得成功。调和团队成员与成员之间以及各部门之间的冲突和差异。明确各成员的角色和职责, 确保团队的运作顺畅。促进并鼓励团队成员之间以及各部门之间保持积极的良好的关系, 并以身作则,树立榜样。把团队成员的工作表现的反馈信息提供给部门领导。成为团队成员信息交流的核心。
Financial Roadmap and Financial Panel 财务路径图
Report program status to Leadership (internal and customer) for risk assessment. Maintain and follow up on financial open issues, internal and external to meet financial hurdle rates. Drives SDT to meet financial commitment through closure of open issues and design to target.
向公司领导层和客户领导层汇报项目状况,进行风险评估。管理并汇报财务路径图,实现公司的财务承诺。维护跟踪公司内外的财务开口问题,实现财务的最低预期汇报率。鼓励同步开发小组通过解决开口问题和根据目标设定计划, 完成财务承诺。

Simultaneous Development Team Management 同步开发小组管理
Simultaneous Development Team (SDT) Management同步开发小组管理
Create and manage relevant program documentation including Customer and Supplier Statements of Work, Open Issues List, Timeline, Parts Matrix, Monthly Project Report and Gate Workbook at minimum.
创建并管理相关的项目文件资料, 至少包括客户工作指导书、供应商工作指导书、开口问题清单、项目时间进度、零件矩阵、月度项目报告和门报告。
Understand, Champion and Use Company Systems 理解,支持和运用公司体系
SDT subject matter expert on the Product Launch System (PLUS). Follow the industry best practices including Program Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) to ensure world class program management. Utilize available Program Management tools such as risk management, lessons learned, and earned value, etc. to successfully launch program
理解, 支持, 使用江森的系统,成为SDT团队中产品启动系统的专项专家 。学习行业里的最佳范例,如项目管理知识体系, 保证世界一流的项目管理。利用可用项目管理工具,如风险管理,经验教训,挣值分析等,成功投产项目。

Facilitate Quality Program Events 推动质量项目
Program events include Drawing Release, Prototype Build, Customer Deliveries, Verification Sign-Offs, Process Sign Off, Product Part Approval Process, Run at Rate, Start of Production, etc. Audits DV and PV testing results and ensures timing of implementation of corrective action as necessary. Manages the Change Management meeting so that changes are implemented in a timely fashion.
协调项目的重要活动。项目事件包括图纸发布,样件制造,客户产品交付,验证签发, 过程签发, 产品部件审批程序,节拍生产和量产等。审核DV和PV的测试结果,确保必要的纠正措施在要求的时间内完成。组织管理变更会议, 保证变更措施能及时执行。

Monitor and Control Program 监控项目
Monitor and control the execution of work by attending design reviews to verify accuracy of parts matrix and delivery schedule, visit customer locations and assembly plants, review budget status reports, maintain project timeline, personally visit supplier manufacturing locations to conduct Supplier Readiness Reviews (SRR), participate in prototype and internal production builds for Launch Readiness Reviews (LRR). Schedule, facilitate and attend SDT meetings to ensure compliance to the SDT Standard.

Launch Metrics and Manufacturing Support启动矩阵 和生产支持
Manufacturing Plant and Launch Manager Support 制造和启动经理支持
Support Manufacturing Team (Launch Manager and the Plant Launch Team) by participating in pre-volume production builds, team meetings, plant based customer reviews, and critical production preparations activities. Ensure appropriate program team members are supporting launch efforts.
支持制造小组(项目经理和工厂投产小组)。例如参与量产前生产制造, 小组会议, 组织客户现场回顾,关键/重大生产准备活动。确保有最适合的的团队成员去支持项目投产。
Maintain Parts Matrix维护零部件矩阵表
Ensure drawing schedule and parts matrix (APX) is managed to support prototype builds and delivery. Drive the appropriate cadence for engineering program meetings to support deliverables completion, on time.
确保图纸发放计划和零部件矩阵表能支持样件的制造和交付。 定期召开工程项目会议确保交付按时完成。
Cross Functional Work Flow跨部门的工作流程图
Ensure cross-functional workflow and harmony of simultaneous development between Product Design and Manufacturing. For example: Design for Assembly and Manufacturing (DFAM), Potential Ergonomics Issues List (PEIL), and Advanced Quality which includes JD Powers, Warranty Reduction, PPM Reduction, and purchasing.
确保跨部门的工作流程运作顺畅,产品设计和制造的同步开发和谐。例如为制造和装配提供的设计(DFMA),潜在人机工程学问题清单(PEIL),以及前期质量,包括JD Power, 售后退返的减少,PPM的减少,和采购。
Achieve Launch Metrics 0-0-100-100-30 实现启动矩阵0-0-100-100-30
Manage team to meet 0 recordable injuries, 0 rejected parts per million, 100% delivery on time, 100% of the Capital Appropriation Requests, 30 days after launch.
在投产 SOP之后的30天之内,带领团队实现0安全事故,0缺陷,100%按时交货,100%满足资本拨款申请的财务目标。

Program Timing 项目时间
Program Planning in all Regards 项目计划
Scope includes establishing and maintaining timeline, facilitating the Timing Workshop, contract review, maintaining and updating Customer Statement of Work (SOW), Financial review, Supplier Statement of Work (SSOW), review and obtain approval of specifications and product requirements of all types. Schedule the standard recurring meetings for the SDT.
从各方面进行项目规划,包括建立和管理项目时间进度, 召开时间进度研讨会; 进行合同回顾,维护和更新客户工作指导书; 财务回顾,供应商工作指导书, 回顾各产品类型的规格规范及产品要求,并获得批准。计划召开组织同步开发小组例会。
Maintain Overall Program Timing 总体维护项目时间
Utilize Timeline to clearly communicate program timing to meet internal and customer dates. Make practical use of program baseline and track progress against the baseline.
利用时间进度表清楚的传达项目时间,满足公司内部和客户对时间的要求。有效利用项目基准, 并根据基准对项目进行跟踪。

Internal and External Customer内部和外部客户
Customer Satisfaction客户满意度
Manage Customer Relationship to ensure successful program execution and full customer satisfaction. Foster effective customer relationship to maintain JCI and personal credibility. Recognized by customer as key contact. Manage team to insure prompt response to customer inquiries.

       美国江森自控集团创立于1885年,集团在纽约证交所上市(股票代码:JCI),是汽车技术与市场领先的厂商, 在中国汽车座椅市场占有率排名第一。
       2012年,鉴于公司在人力资源关系管理方面的卓越表现,江森自控从450家入围企业中脱颖而出,与另外31家公司一同成功被CFR 协会评选为“中国杰出雇主”之一。
       公司一直致力于汽车座椅、顶饰系统、门板、仪表板以及内饰电子产品的研发与生产,并成为该领域的顶级供应商。 通过我们的产品、技术和先进的制造能力,为我们的客户提供车辆差异化支持!我们生产的座椅和内饰可降低总体汽车重量并使用天然、可再生材料进行生产,由此与客户一起,使现在和未来的汽车更加节能兼具可持续性。
       Changsha GACC-Johnson Controls Interiors Systems Co., Ltd (CGJC) is a Sino-America joint venture invested by Johnson Controls (China) Investment Co., Ltd., a world Fortune 500 enterprise as the shareholder and Guangzhou Automobile Group Component Co., Ltd as the share participant.
       Found in 1885, American Johnson Controls Group (NYSE:JCI) is a global leader in vehicle technology and market, whose seating system enjoys the largest market share in China.
       In 2012,thanks to its outstanding performances on the management of human resources, Johnson Control(China) was elected among 450 finals by CFR as one of the favorable employers in China,along with 31 other companies.
       The company has been devoted to the development and manufacture of automotive seating, overhead system, door and instrument panels, and interior electronics, and has become the world leading supplier in this field. Through our products, technologies and advanced manufacturing capabilities, we provide our customers with differentiated support on vehicles. Our seating and interior are manufactured with natural and renewable materials, which can reduce the overall vehicle weight. Thus, the company, together with the customers, makes the present, as well as the future vehicles more energy-efficient and sustainable.
       We expect you, those passionate, dream-holding and fore-sighting people, to join us!
       Realize your value and dream together with us!
       And make contributions to the low-carbon and environmentally-friendly green environment!
