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法孚国际贸易(上海)有限公司-最新招聘信息 已有 119592 人关注


公司规模: 1000人以上

公司性质: 外商独资

所属行业: 机电、机械制造、模具、汽车、汽配、船舶、厨具等

所在地区: 上海-浦东新区

公司地图: 上海市浦东南路379号金穗大厦9楼C-G室  法孚国际贸易(上海)有限公司




Introduction of Fives Engineering 关于法孚

As an industrial engineering Group, Fives designs and supplies process equipment, production lines and turnkey plants for the world’s largest industrial groups in the aluminium, steel, glass, automotive& logistics, cement, energy and sugar sectors. This multi-sector expertise gives the Group a complete version of industry.

法孚集团遍布全球6个大洲的30多个国家,拥有约5700多名员工,具有专业的技术和执行国际大规模项目的能力,借此闻名。凭借先进的技术和丰富的经验, 法孚一直都在规定期限内执行项目并完美地达到预期的目标。
Located in over thirty countries and with nearly 5700 employees on six continents, the Group is known for its technological expertise and competence in executing large-scale international projects. The Group’s know-how and solid field experience allow it to manage projects as a whole while respecting deadlines and fulfilling performance commitments.

The effectiveness of its R&D programs enables Fives to design forward-thinking industrial solutions that anticipate clients’ needs in terms of profitability, safety and compliance with environmental standards.

This strategy is backed by a human resources policy that is focused on the individual, encourages initiative-taking and technical excellence.

1. PROFILE 集团简介

公司历史Company History
From one industrial revolution to another, Fives, driving force since 1812.

Commencing in 1812, the history of the company was punctuated by outstanding achievements: the first steam locomotives and railway installations, the Alexandre III bridge, metal frames for Gare d’Orsay and lifts in the Eiffel Tower for the Universal Exhibition in 1889 in Paris. From the 1960’s through to the 1980’s, the company consolidated and developed its most promising activities through a series of mergers and acquisitions in the fields of minerals, food processing, compressors, port handling equipment, aluminium and steel. Between 1987 and 1996 the group underwent important transformations by gradually refocusing on a few key sectors and shedding its manufacturing activities. In 1997, the automotive division was set up and developed followed by several acquisitions in the field.

21世纪的Fives公司Fives in the 21st century

Following a take-over bid and subsequent squeeze out in 2001, the group left the stock market and, in the first half of 2001, it parted company with Paribas of which it had been one of the main industrial assets for nearly twenty years. Since 2006, Charterhouse General Partners (VIII) Ltd, backed by Barclays Private Equity, has been the major shareholder in the Group. As a result, the Group stepped up its refocusing strategy and policy of growth through acquisitions (including Metrap, Rapidcharge, Landis, Setaram Engineering and Sandvik Sorting Systems). At the same time, the Group was re-organised into divisions covering the metal (aluminium and steel), automotive and logistics, cement, energy and sugar sectors, while promoting cross-company actions of common interest. In particular, it strengthened its international network by opening representative offices and setting up subsidiaries in strategic areas of the world. In 2007 the firm confirms its international identity and stature by choosing Fives as its trade name. Since then, Fives continues to affirm its position as a key player in sustainable industrial development under this title.

Locations in China

Fives Engineering (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Fives Stein (Shanghai) Industrial Furnace Co. Ltd.
Pillard (Tianjin) International Trading CO.Ltd.
Fives Cryo Suzhou Co., Ltd.

Introduction of Fives Engineering 关于法孚工程
With solidly established bases in Europe, America and Asia, Fives is now a global industrial engineering group well-known for its capacity for innovation and technological expertise. Focused on high value added business, Fives designs, manufactures and sells capital equipment mainly for the automotive, steel, aluminum, cement and glass industries as well as for the sugar and energy sectors.
The Chinese market remaining the most fertile market for companies in the Fives Group, Fives Engineering has succeeded in becoming an indispensable partner of most Group companies as supplier of the local portion of contracts in China.


现因国内外项目拓展和集团发展的需要,诚邀有才之士加盟,我们提供全面的薪资福利政策及多样化的培训发展, 有意者请将个人资料、中英文个人简历发电子邮件或邮寄至本公司人力资源部
公司地址:上海市浦东南路379号金穗大厦9楼C-G室 邮编:200120


职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
销售经理 苏州市 本科及以上 5-15 年 不限   3 20000-25000 月薪 2020-08-06   展开
钎焊工程师 苏州市 本科及以上 3年以上 不限   1 面议 2020-08-06   展开
冷箱设计工程师 苏州市 大专及以上 5年以上 不限   2 面议 2020-08-06   展开
项目工程师 苏州市 本科及以上 3-5 年 不限   2 8000-10000 月薪 2020-08-06   展开